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Improving physical fitness


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One of my goals for this year was to enter into some kind of physical fitness program, to gain better endurance, speed, agility, and flexibility. I elected to work with a trainer one on one twice a week, and do some stuff on my own in prep to start doing CrossFit classes. It rapidly became apparent that my cardio capacity was practically nill (like, the warmup was killing me... :blink: ). So, in the off days, I've been hitting the street to try to improve my capacity for intensity....

A month ago, I couldn't jog a half mile straight at a slow pace (think 11-12 minute mile pace) without cutting down to a walk pace). I just got back from an 8:19 mile, over a minute better than my previous personal best.

If you place no limitations on yourself, set goals, and set out to achieve them, you can do anything you want. ;)

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Ride a bike, much easier on your body and you can gain aerobic endurance much faster than running.

Yeah, I hear ya, man. Running is just a short term fix and won't be a long term thing for me. I hate running, anyway :D If I had the free cash, I'd go find a used Concept 2 rower and be hitting that instead (to get some upper body in with the lower...)

I suggest combining all areas of fitness into a training program.

That's the idea behind a program like CrossFit, actually. I did some digging around before settling on something - I wanted something that would be comprehensive and well rounded, that wasn't the same old boring s**t day after day, and that suited my personality (I benefit from competitiveness and peer pressure for that kind of stuff). Seemed to be the best fit I could find, so, we'll see how it goes... ;)

I never got truly fit until I stopped caring about how I looked (not directed at anyone...just my own personal observation).

Luckily, looking better isn't on my goal list :lol: But, I'm sure it'll be a nice side effect :)

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Ride a bike, much easier on your body and you can gain aerobic endurance much faster than running.

Amen. From June to August I was putting ~125 miles a week on the bike. Then when I was holed up in a hotel without my wheels for a week I found out that I could run (never could before and never tried). I'm down 30 lbs since Mother's Day and still dropping :) .

Oh, and as for bikes, I highly recommend a Surly Cross-Check complete :; .

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Congrats on setting a personal fitness goal. Damn, as fast as you are now I hate to think how fast you'll be when you get your cardio at 100%.

I try to run 5 days a week whenever possible; 2 x short, fast runs (2-3 miles) and 3 x longer, slower runs (5-6 miles).

An 8 minute mile isn't bad at all for someone with limited running experience. The more you do it, the easier it'll get but just be aware that gains start getting exponentially harder as you approach the 7 minute and below mark.

Now that I'm back at home again, I'm really looking forward to the next ALSPPC match.

Take care,

Doug J

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Congrats on setting a personal fitness goal. Damn, as fast as you are now I hate to think how fast you'll be when you get your cardio at 100%.

That's the interesting thing, though - with the duration of probably 99% of our pistol events being less than 20-30 seconds, we don't actually hit the point where the aerobic metabolic pathway becomes a factor in our performance. We have a lot of rest in between performances, as well. So, improving my cardio capacity doesn't necessarily translate into an increase in speed through a course of fire... ;)

I'm primarily working on improving cardio to make it easier to get through the workouts I intend to do - to allow greater output of power. Some of the side effects end up being greater strength, stability, flexibility, speed, etc.... And getting faster and stronger (and lighter) is definitely a benefit (and better cardio capacity comes along with it, too) :)

The more you do it, the easier it'll get but just be aware that gains start getting exponentially harder as you approach the 7 minute and below mark.

I don't envision trying to be a running madman or anything, though it will be interesting to test my mile time occasionally, perhaps. But, yeah, I can already tell that the easy gains are going to plateau here at some point :)

Now that I'm back at home again, I'm really looking forward to the next ALSPPC match.

October 6th is the day ;) Going to be a fun one, I hope... ;)

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8 minute mile? Unhitch the trailer! I'm kidding. That's a great job. I agree that we probably don't need to build that level of cardio performance. However, what I have found that with a higher level of physical fitness, during our 20 seconds of "work" it's a non-factor. However, during the subsequent 1-2 hours of downtime, with proper hydration and nutrient intake, you constantly feel "ready" to perform. That, like cleaning/prepping your gun, gauging ammo, tuning/cleaning mags, etc. seems to help eliminate a major factor from the equation....physical and probably more mental fatigue.


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Good for you. I have been with crossfit for a couple of months. Really is da shiznit. Have you met Pukey the Clown?

Ah, yes... Pukey... Met him on my first 1-on-1 ;) Fun guy... I think I knew him in college, too.... :lol:

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8 minute mile? Unhitch the trailer! I'm kidding.

:lol: Man, don't diss a brother... I gots ta start somewhere!!! :D

That's a great job. I agree that we probably don't need to build that level of cardio performance. ... I have found that with a higher level of physical fitness, during our 20 seconds of "work" it's a non-factor. However, during the subsequent 1-2 hours of downtime, with proper hydration and nutrient intake, you constantly feel "ready" to perform.

Stamina. Totally. Being able to stand out in the 105 degree, 85-90% humidty weather all day long, running the box, or tape targets, haul ass for about a total of 1 minute, and still have juice left to focus mentally and physically at the end of the day - and to be able to come back and do it the next 4 or 5 days in a row (think World Shoot!)... That is an awesome reason. And... along with it, with greater levels of fitness comes greater capability for performance. It may not be as crucial as the basic shooting skills, and efficiency of movement - but I'll take any darn advantage I can, anyday (as long as its within the rules, of course ;) ).

Hyrdation and nutrition I have a handle on, at this point, and it makes a huge difference. Will to perform - I have that, too, and I'm gaining more all the time. I'm just making the engine bigger and giving it a bigger fuel tank ;) And maybe adding a supercharger and some NOS... :lol:

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