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Shoot 'em up - SUCKED!


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figured to enjoy a quick 90 minute vacation into action land, and the title lead me to believe it might be action-y and tough guy.

This is THE single most ANTI-GUN, gun movie I've EVER seen.

Spoiler is, the slimy anti-gun senator (crusader) needs blood he's harvesting from some illegal baby farm. Ok, icky enough.

The Evil gun company (thinly veiled Para) pays the bad guy to kill all the mothers and babies so the anti-gun guy will die too.

So then they offer him his life in return for "preserving our rights" and yes, it was said with a sneer.

Turns out our hero sold the guns that killed his family.

No seriously, it was that bad. Don't give them a dime.

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figured to enjoy a quick 90 minute vacation into action land, and the title lead me to believe it might be action-y and tough guy.

This is THE single most ANTI-GUN, gun movie I've EVER seen.

Spoiler is, the slimy anti-gun senator (crusader) needs blood he's harvesting from some illegal baby farm. Ok, icky enough.

The Evil gun company (thinly veiled Para) pays the bad guy to kill all the mothers and babies so the anti-gun guy will die too.

So then they offer him his life in return for "preserving our rights" and yes, it was said with a sneer.

Turns out our hero sold the guns that killed his family.

No seriously, it was that bad. Don't give them a dime.

I hate when sh!t like this happens! :angry2:

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that had that reaction. Until the whole anti thing unfolded itself in the 3rd act, I was having fun with a movie of mindless violence and total cheese one liners - that was the whole impetus for seeing it. I felt like getting up and leaving once the true purpose of the movie became apparent. My wife, God bless her, doesn't think there was an anti-gun message in the movie at all....

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The film is too muddled to be an anti-gun treatise. Granted, it uses the language of gun politics to create a plot device that is summed up nicely above, but I find it hard to believe that anyone would come away from the movie persuaded that more gun control is necessary.

Besides, why are gun politics or the people who inhabit them above parody? Public discourse is fair game for satire, and satire, however crude, is what we have here. The ridiculous slogans or sound jabs that pass for debate on guns are given a good slap here. Everyone comes off sounding dumb, clumsy, and sanctimonious. Gee, haven't I just described American politics circa 2007?

FWIW, religion, especially my religion, took a good beating too with all the nun/whore business, which is simply absurd or some type of cheap psycho-analytical reasoning. It also occurred to me that feminism is surely dead in the water for no one to be lamenting the depiction of women in the film.

Exploitation does no one any favors except for the schlockmeisters that crank it out.

Seeing it is something to do why I eat my popcorn.

Edited by Trevor
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  • 2 weeks later...

I still won't admit to being DP's date to that movie. :unsure:

Geeze, take a guy do Fudruckers and he pays you back I guess......

Yes, I do agree, the movie sucked.

As Larry T. Cableguy would say, "What the hell is this? Russia? I was more frustrated than Janet Reno trying to get Melissa Ethridge concert tickets."

Anywho, sorry to out ya DP....

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