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2007 PRODUCTION NATIONALS - match underway


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Here's the place for up to the minute dishing about the DA SQUIRTGUN NATS.

Please don't talk about LIMITED here, there's another thread for that.

Who's winning, how do you like the stages, how is your squad, the weather etc etc?

See you there. :cheers:

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We were all questioned about our guns by shooting USA max is in the match. Angus wouldn't hook Max up with an illegal gun.... or would he ;)

It's 2 stages in bob has one (8) won for our squad and has a descent lead.. which is good..... but..... we have 16 more stages to shooot... i posted elsewhere about my arb....

The steel targets have bee n totally redesigned we'll see how they work i have yet to lay lead to any of them.

to any folks who i haven't met on here that are checking this stop by and say howdy!!! I'll be the big guy wearing the blue anderson shooting shirt. or a Tech Ware!

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The morning squads got wet today - steady rain for a few stages - I haven't heard much about the Production SS - since we're on the same rotation but rumor has it that Matt has taken over the lead today. Not sure how accurate that info is

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Not very. Vogel still has the lead on our squad, although Matt's putting up some great times. As far as Max's gun the safety didn't work. Not sure why it is an issue on a Production gun. They sent him to the gunsmith (Angus) and he had the part swapped out in about a minute. No worries at all. I don't think I've ever been more wet at a match than this morning. Some of the steel target bases were submerged. The steel does seem to be working great. I had one reshoot on a stage where the RO stopped me after my second hit in the calibration circle on the popper. The base had sunk way into the mud. Only steel I've seen not go down. Olhasso had one drop with about 1/8 of the bullet on the edge.

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I took the Double Impact course on 8/25 - Max had an SP-01 in his holster, said Angus was going to visit him the week before the Nat's to make sure all the bugs were out. Since I am CZ addict, and I was shooting my SP-01 at the course, I couldn't have been happier.

Jkushner1 - Devon, PA


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Well I think mink may have the lead after vogel had a mike on our last stage of the day. Bob and Max are all within 30 points. we don't know how Ben Stoger is really doing since he is so far off of our squad scheduling. but i do know he has one stage win. GO Ben!

I had one good stage today... to bad i shot 5 others but things will be better tomorrow i had way too much sleep and way too little to drink last night! The super squad is about half way through on points ( a little less actually) I'm having a great time with everyone Doug Keonig showed up this morning. along with tons of rain... but i don't think he brought it with him. Afternoon squads had a little mud but nice weather outside of that.

Wait till you all see the pics of the limited super squad's runs on the prone stage in the mud.

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Rumor has it that the "usual suspects" on the super squad are not having a good match. So 10 stages through it is up in the air on who will take Production.

I have heard it is metal mistakes that you wouldn't expect, losing targets mid stage, trying to drive down poppers with multiple shots but all steel is forward falling.

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Scores are up. Hard to tell how things work out, with Ben being on a different rotation from the others, but...

Would you look at that race on the Production SS??? 2 points separates the top three, with Bob Vogel in the, trailed by Matt and Dave, who are essentially tied 2 points back from Bob!!! Wow!!!

A lot of shooting left, but... That's cool stuff!!!

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My man T-Hawk can, by God, change a tire !!! B) (stage 12)

Stoeger throws in a spoiler. (stage 15)

Looks like Mink hit the NOX button today. Dave is solid. Vogel is ROCKING along. A virtual 3-way tie for the lead at the half-way point. Oh...then there is that Max guy back 15pts.

I wonder what's next ?

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