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USPSA Multi-gun Nationals

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Hey... how cool is that to only shoot 9 slugs? Stages look like fun!!

Cheryl :)

Midway drop shipped me 100 reduced calorie slugs to share with someone who cannot shoot as of now so the first ninety slugs are on me if ya needs'em?!!!!?!??!?

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Not taking anything away from it, RM3G results look like an excel spreadsheet; I'm guessing they're not using the USPSA scoring program. Results for them are therefore probably just a sorting exercise. The nationals has to use the USPSA scoring program, and again, getting a concise 1-2 page awards script after everything has been entered is still a manual cut/paste exercise. Now, if anyone has a programmatic way to take a match .db file and get something like what's attached here, we'd all sure like to see it.


Brad Griffin from TN did that for the recent TN section match -- he used the club text file, converted to Excel & sorted in Excel. Used macros to give him division & class & category winners. He's moverfive on this forum if you want to get details from him.

I have been using the Webtext file for years, but my version is manual. Still fairly fast when I have 300 plus at Summer Blast.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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Now, now, don't cloud the issue with facts. Which is why I won't mention that the San Angelo Doctor of Stats had the final results five minutes after the last shot was fired, four Texas State 3-Gun matches in a row.

I guess the Nationals staff is held to a higher standard, so the sort of timeline the three 3Gun MDs have mentioned here are not applicable.

Hopefully the results will be posted on the website by the time I get back to base.


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"Maybe they are holding it to a higher standard because it is the Nationals"

I find that a rather amusing statement after the last minute changes in schedule, both for shooting and for awards, the lack of stage posting, the lack of shooter notification, the lack of squading untill the last second. The lack of any kind of comunication, and the lack of ranges on the stages that were finally posted. If that is a higher standard, I am glad I shoot the "substandard matches"

On a BIG plus...we now have a real multi-gun match with 6 multi-gun stages! Hurah and huzzah!! instead of a tournament with 3 little multi-gun stages thrown in.

I also can't thank Cheara Stone of USSA enough for helping out with squading matters as well as James Broom.

P.S. I can't think of a room at the Holiday Inn that is as big as the "target shed" at USSA but then again I have only been there twice. KURTM

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I'm so excited about going that I can't stop thinking about being there and shooting.

I think this is the best Nationals Match cuz there's NO Waiting List!

What could be better than going to handgun nationals...rifle and shotgun too. :D

I intend to have a great time!

cya there

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I'm so excited about going that I can't stop thinking about being there and shooting.

I think this is the best Nationals Match cuz there's NO Waiting List!

What could be better than going to handgun nationals...rifle and shotgun too. :D

I intend to have a great time!

cya there

That's a great attitude and the one I'm bringing too. This will be my first Nationals of any type and I consider myself blessed to be able to make it - everything just seemed to come together this year where it never has in the past.

I think we all need to give Phil and the guys at USSA the benefit of the doubt and pull together to make this match run as smoothly as we can. Everyone, I'm sure, is doing their level best to make this a success.

Edited by Fullauto_Shooter
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I'm so excited about going that I can't stop thinking about being there and shooting.

I think this is the best Nationals Match cuz there's NO Waiting List!

What could be better than going to handgun nationals...rifle and shotgun too. :D

I intend to have a great time!

cya there

That's a great attitude and the one I'm bringing too. This will be my first Nationals of any type and I consider myself blessed to be able to make it - everything just seemed to come together this year where it never has in the past.

I think we all need to give Phil and the guys at USSA the benefit of the doubt and pull together to make this match run as smoothly as we can. Everyone, I'm sure, is doing their level best to make this a success.

That makes it two great attitudes. OK, I will make it three. This is OUR National Event. Let us enjoy the kinship that is practical shooting and judge the match and USSA's efforts as a whole at its conclusion. Until then my attitude is that this maybe the best USPSA 3 gun event ever.


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Oh when it comes right down to it.....it's trigger time. I go to shoot the friggin targets as fast as I can (got an hour glass). Have a blast talkin with my fellow 3 gunner friends (both of them!!), and let the rest of the crap float to the bottom. I think they call that part whale $#it???

Looking forward to going and havin a great time......I guess you'd call that a positive attitude.

After all....it IS the Nationals!!!

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These stages look fast & furious.....Can't wait to get there & out of town for a while :cheers: !!!

I have just one question...not a gripe - I got a mass e-mail from Phil on 9-13-07 asking if the shooting preferences for the group would be to shoot 2 FULL days with some down time between stages or 2 HALF days with stages back to back......I then got another e-mail stating that they had decided to go with the FULL day format, but the squad matrix on the USSA web site still reflects HALF day format.......

Just wondering if anyone knows for sure ?????

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I agree it is OUR nationals, and it does look more like a true multi-gun match. On the whole USPSA 3 gun has made a lot of positive improvements over the past couple of years( I think thanks to Mike Voigt leadership), and logistic problems aside I believe this match is going to be a continuation of the improvements.

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Okay, while I'm not the "Official" spokesman for USSA or the Nationals, I will convey some of what I do know.

The longest shots for rifle will be 275 to 300 yards. At this point, that's all we got distance wise. When Phase II is completed, we will be able to extend that substantially farther. Until then, 300 is it.

The number of Multi-gun stages has been increased......AT THE REQUEST OF SHOOTERS!! So, for all of the competitors complaining about scheduling, shooting formats, and posting of stages, some things were changed at the last minute in response to YOUR requests. Naturally, this caused some delays in providing match information in the timeline that people are accustomed to seeing. You asked for it and you got it, now please give us the additional time it takes to make sure it's right before we put it out there to you.

Additionally, may I remind all of you who feel things are not progressing as fast as you'd like, USSA just held 2 National Level matches less than two weeks ago. We are holding our 3rd National Level match next week. Anyone who has participated in the match administration for any major match can tell you the amount of work it requires. Now consider the level of work needed for 3 matches in a three week timeframe and all of this is in addition to our normal day-to-day business operations and this is the first 3-Gun/Multigun match our staff has undertaken. Show me any other club or location that has undertaken this monumental task. USSA is attempting to support USPSA like no other club of company ever has, please allow for some growing pains. We are still not even fully operational and we've accepted this challenge. Things will only get better.

Does USSA bear some responsibility for accepting this challenge? Yes, and we will rise to that challenge. By most accounts the Lim/Prod. Nationals and the World Shoot qualifier matches were outstanding. Expect nothing less for the Multi-gun Nationals.

As to the apparently lower match turn-out, I can only surmise that having the other matches in such close proximity to the Multi-gun Nationals is having some affect on the ability of competitors to attend the match. For those that had a choice and made the decision to not attend, you will miss an outstanding match. I hope to see you at future matches.

Finally, as Troy has already stated. If you do not like that way things are being handled, you have two choices. Call the USPSA President and make him aware of your concerns, or step away from your keyboard, step up, and volunteer some of your time to make the match better. Others are doing it, maybe it's time for you to take a turn.


Edited by Bear1142
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The COF's are posted at http://www.usshootingacademy.com/ussamultigun.html

6 Multigun stages, 6 single weapon stages

Here is the break down:


There's something very familiar about some of these stages.

At least I got a little practice in on some of them a few weeks ago. But then again I was shooting a wheelgun. :D

Edited by Keith
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Not taking anything away from it, RM3G results look like an excel spreadsheet; I'm guessing they're not using the USPSA scoring program. Results for them are therefore probably just a sorting exercise. The nationals has to use the USPSA scoring program, and again, getting a concise 1-2 page awards script after everything has been entered is still a manual cut/paste exercise. Now, if anyone has a programmatic way to take a match .db file and get something like what's attached here, we'd all sure like to see it.


Brad Griffin from TN did that for the recent TN section match -- he used the club text file, converted to Excel & sorted in Excel. Used macros to give him division & class & category winners. He's moverfive on this forum if you want to get details from him.

I have been using the Webtext file for years, but my version is manual. Still fairly fast when I have 300 plus at Summer Blast.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

Yeah, actually I found that webfile.txt is easier to deal with than the generated .html files, from which I was previously cutting and pasting into excel. Still wish we had this built into the scoring system; maybe someday. I think the winter project for ezws is going to be san angelo support for multigun scoring.

Oh, and Alex? Congratulations to "The Doctor" on being able to get multigun finals out in 5 minutes after last shot. Must have a hell of a fast printer there with you, cause mine (HP LJ1020) takes 5 to 10 minutes to print out the considerable stack of paper that becomes the 1hr bitch & gripe stage results. The issue is NOT getting the scoresheets entered; we can all do that. The issue is producing the awards list for the MD, and that's a manual (or maybe now semi-manual) exercise between ezws and your preferred spreadsheet program.

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Welcome back Bear1142. We have missed you! I would like to thank the USSA staff for listening to the shooters and making changes on our behalf! as noted above. I think the friction here is that USSA is putting the match on FOR USPSA. Many peolpe look at this as a USPSA venture. Hence the "step above" statement I found so amusing. Perhapse 3 in 3 weeks was a bit much, but you can't fault USSA for working through it. KURTM

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