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USPSA election


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There are numerous candidates for president, it is a popular vote and to be elected you must have more than 50% of the votes. If this is not the case there will be a runoff between the top two candidates. Please take the time to review the posts on the USPSA Forums website.(Some candidates have changed thier position from what is printed in Front Sight). This is an important election and all members need to review each candidates position and gather information to help with your decision as to whom to vote for.

Remember this is our organization and we elect the person to run it. If the wrong directon is taken it is the fault of the membership. Exercise your right and VOTE!


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I don't know, call the office and have them mail the ballot to you.

That won't work, I am in a different city every week. :(

I get home on July 23rd, is that too late to send in my vote via mail?

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6.5 Election by Ballot:

The Executive Director shall create a list of eligible voters in accordance with Article 6.3 on the first business day of July in the year of the election. The Board of Directors shall cause ballots for each contested election, to be printed and delivered to a certified public accounting firm selected by the Executive Director at the direction of the Board by July 15th of each election year.

The ballots shall be serially numbered, contain the name of the incumbent, followed by the word "incumbent", followed by the name of any challenger(s). The ballot shall indicate a date by which the ballot must be returned to the accounting firm to be counted. The outgoing envelopes shall be marked with the USPSA logo and the words "USPSA Ballot" in red 18-point lettering.

A list of eligible voters in each Area shall be delivered to the accounting firm. The certified public accounting firm shall:

i.) mail ballots to all individual members on the list by August 1 by first class mail,

ii.) receive the ballots back by return mail, and

iii.) tabulate, certify and report the results to the President and Board of Directors by September 15th of each election year.


ps. while it does not state the date in the bylaws I thought the ballots have to be returned by Sept 1.

Edited by Alan Meek
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This may sound like a broken record, but it is true. This is an opportunity to steer your organization and be heard. If you are happy with the current president and think the future with him will only get better, vote to keep our current president. If you think someone else has a better vision for USPSA's future, vote them in.

Whenever someone complains about any current politician, I ask them if they voted. If not, stop whining.

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This may sound like a broken record, but it is true. This is an opportunity to steer your organization and be heard. If you are happy with the current president and think the future with him will only get better, vote to keep our current president. If you think someone else has a better vision for USPSA's future, vote them in.

Whenever someone complains about any current politician, I ask them if they voted. If not, stop whining.

Well said, I've seen a lot of complaining in the 3 years I've shot USPSA and now is our opportunity to create change if we want it.

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I am presently working in Europe, can I vote online? If not, can I call the USPSA office and vote!

No and no (see rules above).

Bylaws can be changed, however, there are certain basic principles that I do not expect will ever be altered - and one of these is to have an independently run election which currently means having an independent CPA firm mail ballots and collect the votes. Once USPSA sends the mailing list to the CPA firm, we have no further involvement until we receive the results. We pay several thousand dollars for this independence - I could implement on-line voting for virtually nothing, however, that would not meed the standard of verifiable independence.

I investigated using an independent election firm that allows for mail, phone or on-line voting, however, it never got to the point where I felt I could present a positive recommendation to the board. The company that offers this service this is reliable but greedy. The first time I contacted them, the commissioned salesman was unyielding on his requirement for a multi-year contract. They contacted me again a couple of years later, and told them I would present their information to the board if they could do it for a comparable cost. Based on my earlier conversation with them, it is my understanding the fee is about $1.00 per member - thousands more than our current cost. There were very engaged in the sales process, following up with me on a regular basis until my final email regarding pricing. I obtained the cost figures for an election (including mailing and CPA fees) from Dave Thomas, and emailed the election company telling them I was interested in presenting this to the USPSA board if they could do it for a similar cost, but that I would not give it my recommendation if their sales strategy was "it will cost a lot more, but it's worth it", and that I requested the courtesy of a reply in either case. I have not heard from them since.

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Curious.................Since the Enos forums are about shooting and not politics, why are these election postings not closed and referred to the USPSA forums???

If BE members were promoting one candidate over another then it would be politics and most likely closed with extreme rapidity. These posts are merely to encourage members to vote for ANY candidate, therefore it is not politics.

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Curious.................Since the Enos forums are about shooting and not politics, why are these election postings not closed and referred to the USPSA forums???

Look around a little more. There have been a number of recent threads closed with a link to USPSA.org for further information. In each case they were related to a specific topic/issue. The idea here is a general reminder encouraging people to vote. Since no particular issues or candidates are discussed it is more of a public service announcement and certainly not a political discussion.

But I think you already knew that....

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Yet another reason for everyone who is eligible to vote is cost. We have 4 people running for USPSA president. If there is a low percentage of the ballots returned, it is less likely that a run off will be avoided. if on one gets 50% of the vote, the Bylaws of USPSA require a run off. Sending ballots a second time is an expense that we would like to avoid. Please vote and encourage your friends to do so as well. You can find out just about every thing you ever wanted to know about any of the candidates by reading your Front Sight and by going to the USPSA forums.

Charles Bond

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Election ballots go out August 1 and until then we need to advertise that there is an election and get our members interested in voitng. There is a field of 4 running for President and we have all three races for area director contested making this the largest election year in recent USPSA history. At your July matches, talk about the election, encourage members to vote, and advise members to go on to the USPSA election forums on the USPSA site and read the postings of questions to the candidates and their replies.

Charles Bond

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My entire idea is to make sure that the members know the ballots are coming so they can actually plan on voting. The best plan for voting is to consider the information provided about the candidates and discuss it with your shooting buddes so when the ballot arrives, you can cast your vote and return it.

Charles Bond

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If the election of those who guide the USPSA is not about shooting........what is?

Vote your conscience - vote for your buddy - vote your "gut" -BUT - vote for somebody.....!

+2,It is nice to be a member of a shooting organization that allows the members to vote for their President and Area Directors.

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