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About Those "mediocre" B-class Shooters


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Point of fact:

USPSA has had classifications for many years. IPSC just recently started a voluntary classification system. IN USPSA almost all club matches run a classifer stage and almost all larger venues are either a classifier by them selves (assuming enough GMs shoot) or include a classifier.

USPSA has a very deep database of scores and shooters to draw on to base a shooter's classification on. IPSC may someday have a similarly deep database assuming that enough people buy in to the voluntary aspect of the IPSC system. For the IPSC system to truly have meaning, it will need to be mandatory and will need to have enough top shooters shoot the classifers.

My initial observation was wonderment at why they didn't just adopt our system and our stage designs. They could have had immediate results. Instead they developed an entirely new set of designs. One factor of course being the regions that cannot use the Metric target but that must use the Classic. Their system has two of every design using both target designs so all regions can utilize the system. However I am not sure that this is 100% valid. There are differences between the available target areas and this will result in different classification scores likely being arrived at even by the same shooters on the same days.

Anyway, IF IPSC does pursue the classification system and IF enough IPSC shooters buy in, it may someday become a true world class classification system. We can hope.


Edited by Jim Norman
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I am a B class shooter in Limited and Open for now. I just shot an A class classifier yesterday that I hope will bump me up. I have been practicing quite a bit and I can feel the difference now. From my experience the biggest separation from B to the upper classes is moving efficiently from one shooting position to another. I can pull the trigger fast and shoot accurately but I have wasted movement when shooting stages. I worked to improve on speedy movements to shooting position during our club match yesterday and threw one mike on every stage. I started feeling more comfortable as the day went on and my shooting was starting to catch up with my faster moving. I could see the difference in my classifier score from all the practice that I have been doing. I saw my sights more clearly when calling my shots. Once I get my A card I will be gunning for the M card next year. Fingers crossed.

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Bigbad....soooo what are you waiting for? Your only limiting yourself. I've shot with you for years now. You know you can make A class, I know you can make A class, everyone else knows you can make A class, so relax, trust and believe in yourself and shut up and do it. Your way over due for it.


And I have to get off of my lazy "donkey" and get going as well. :)

The believing in yourself thing is rather difficult to do at times. Especially when there are more excuses (in my case) as to why you shouldn't than why you should. So I figure I will just shut the hell up now and shoot. Build that new gun.....get highly interested again....... and actually get back into something resembling "in shape". (Yes, I know, round is a shape, but hey, who we kiddin here?)

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My initial observation was wonderment at why they didn't just adopt our system and our stage designs. They could have had immediate results. Instead they developed an entirely new set of designs. One factor of course being the regions that cannot use the Metric target but that must use the Classic. Their system has two of every design using both target designs so all regions can utilize the system. However I am not sure that this is 100% valid. There are differences between the available target areas and this will result in different classification scores likely being arrived at even by the same shooters on the same days.

Actually IPSC did adopt most of the US stage designs and maybe even the HHFs. Compare their book versus say the '99 USPSA classifier book-- many of the stages are straight from the US book.

One day I set up an USPSA+IPSC classifier match using classifiers from both systems.. which were of course, exactly the same stages, and sent in the scores to both places. Percentages one to the other didn't differ a lot, though they did a little. IPSC gets classifier scores up and recalculated within a week of submittal, which is very nice.

Currently my IPSC class is actually a lot closer to my true ability in matches versus the top guys than my % in the USPSA system, mostly because it includes a lot of matches. They always use major match scores and also tend to throw more than one classifier into their big matches as well (when was the last Area or Nationals with 2 or more classifiers in it?), which helps with sandbagging, as does being able to go down in class as well as up-- that way you don't get 'stuck' somewhere by accident or age.

It's still not as popular as the US system as maybe 50% of the shooters at the EHC had classifications, but those with 'em seemed to fall about where they should in the scores.

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I'm glad I read this thread, it's given me hope and a nice little pat on the back. Just made B this summer. :)

+1 I just made B Limited this month (with a Production legal Glock 35) and this thread had both encouraged me about the accomplishment and encouraged me to practice harder.

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you can make A class, so relax, trust and believe in yourself.

Paul hit it on the nose. To make it out of B class, you now must learn to believe.

Edited by chp5
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i believe..............

i believe that i need to work harder to get out of B and be more consistent

Ronny say it isnt so, your not leaving TEAM ALPHA MIKE NOSHOOT. I just bought your replica team jersey, and was hoping youd sign it this weekend at Central Jersey. Please reconsider all us B shooters are depending on your money at the bigger matches. REMEMBER # of entries per class/division determine overall payout. Thanks for your contributions this year Ronny, my family appreciates it. H :cheers:

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i believe..............

i believe that i need to work harder to get out of B and be more consistent

Ronny say it isnt so, your not leaving TEAM ALPHA MIKE NOSHOOT. I just bought your replica team jersey, and was hoping youd sign it this weekend at Central Jersey. Please reconsider all us B shooters are depending on your money at the bigger matches. REMEMBER # of entries per class/division determine overall payout. Thanks for your contributions this year Ronny, my family appreciates it. H :cheers:

Damn somebody please get me a white paster!! :lol::lol:

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I guess after all these months you haven't realized yet that I shoot uspsa not for fame, fortune ,and high B at a local/area/big match. For I do not need these things. I shoot for the love of it, for pride, and honor.(and to bust your balls)

Plus as a founding member, I can't leave TEAM ALPHA MIKE NO-SHOOT. You however make elect to cancel your membership once you go pro.

Edited by ronhonda
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I coulda taken that stance back in May when I made B class, or done exactly what Ive done since then. Work hard, dry fire when I can, stay focused on moving ahead another class. Sometimes when you focus on where your at you forget where your going, and by the time you get there your already half way to your next destination. So with that Im not about to let you downtroddin the respectiful and plentiful B class shooters. We all have a mission, and its to make A, and after A its M, and so on and so on!!! Its your patriotic duty to move ahead, thats what our country is based on, democracy, capitolism, and the freedom of choice (domestic beer or Import). Im not about to stand here and let you put America down. I put it to you Ronny, are you going to let the communists take over, or are you going to be an American and pay your last dollar for that training class, move up to A, and make the American people proud. Hey I almost peed myself writing this, wait until Sunday I think I will win that bet on torquing you up. So bring your meds, and of course MY cash, BABY NEEDS A NEW PAIR OF SHOES. And oh yeah sorry about the thread drift everyone. H


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you forgot to mention that you said your prayers every night and that you took your vitamins. vital components to any training regimen.

Also is funny on or off right now?

I just started my work day funny is on until i hit the first house of the day, then theyll decide wether or not funny is left on for the rest of the day. H


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Hey, you two! Get a room or move to A-class but stop derailing my thread!


Hey Nemo, sorry about the thread drift Ronny and I have been doing that all over the forum, our banter has gotten alittle outa hand. As posted on most of Ronnys other thread postings. Sorry, itll stop now, I know how some threads that get closed really should be kept open. I certainly dont want to have that happen hear. So thank you for your advisment, and Ronny See you on Sunday (Reminder bring your Meds). Funny is on for now. H :cheers::surprise::blink::mellow:

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You guys are going down this sunday. Consider my spanking you guys all over central jersey as punishment for hijacking everybody's threads over the past couple days. You two should feel shame.



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You guys are going down this sunday. Consider my spanking you guys all over central jersey as punishment for hijacking everybody's threads over the past couple days. You two should feel shame.



Tony respectfully, the only spanking your gonna be doing is on the guy pulling our rikshaw. OH and ah your playing with us in limited on Sunday. BABY NEEDS A NEW PAIR OF SHOES. My daughter thanks you for your contribution. :blink::cheers:

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