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Micah's Range Diary


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Dryfired around 75 minutes today, spending extra time working on just reloads. I find myself getting back into my old style of reloading, and have to snap back. It is certainloy difficult changing a technique, but I know that it will pay off in the long run.

The weather here is ass, and I am undecided as to whether or not I am going to spend the evening loading up rounds, or driving to the indoor range.... :mellow:

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Pick one, and do it well! ;)


And lo, I followed the masters advice. I tore down my 550, gave it a good scrub, and loaded the remaining 1500 primers that I had left while watching the Kill Bill flicks.

Good stuff, but now I'm outa Fed primers <_<

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You guy's all suck! LOL It would be awesome to have such a high skill level group to practice with! We have 1 Master and 2 A's and I am one of the suck ass A's! Good luck on the Master Card Micah!!!!!

Thanks for the kind words Mark. I am exceptionally blessed to have TWO master class shooters take me under their wing :D

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Dryfire went well...to clarify what the blanket statement of "dryfire" means, here is the answer...

From Steve's book, a basic dryfire session consists of drills 2,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,18,17,19 and 20.

All drills are done to par times, with the exeption of the Burkett reloads, which are par-less. At the end of each session, I end it with another complete run of the Burkett drill.

On some days, time permitting, I do additional "field course" training, setting un 1/4th sized targets with no-shoots around my tiny-assed house.

I have decided to build several boxes and keep them at work. Once the new year hits and I begin my physical training, during the graveyard hours I want to work on box-to-box movement. It's probably a waste of money, but I'm going to buy a G34 dummy gun to simulate running with the pistol in hand. It would seem virtually pointless to do any sort of sight picture drills with the dummy gun, as I don't use big blue plastic sights in competition.

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It would seem virtually pointless to do any sort of sight picture drills with the dummy gun, as I don't use big blue plastic sights in competition.

One thought - instead of a dummy gun, get a plastic drink bottle (Coke bottle, sports drink, whatever), take the label off, half fill it with water, and screw the cap on tight. Then, hold it upside down, so you can get something like a real grip on it. Use that for shoot on the move, box entry and exit, etc. It has two advantages over using a dummy gun for that purpose:

1 - you won' get the cops called on you if you are spied on :)

2 - the water in the bottle will exagerate how (un)smooth you are in your movements - that translates directly into movement in the sights on the target, but is amplified by the water movement in the bottle

I've noticed that if I try to keep the water level absolutely still, I end up not being agressive at all... what you're really looking for is how the water moves if you really bang your feet hard on the ground. A gentle (and I mean gentle) sloshing is ok - you can track that on the target. Huge standing waves and violent motions in the water equate to your sights pulling off the target, and that's what you want to avoid...

With an appropriate shaped bottle, you can practice setup into a position, including getting your grip, etc, and see when you hit the position if you could actually break at shot at that point... the work on getting there faster and smoother... blah blah blah :D

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Adding onto XRe's post......just get you a clear water gun and both problems are solved. :lol::lol: You could even get some cheap live fire done. I'll ship ya some ammo in a few days. Just look up. Hope you don't have to thaw the ammo before you can use it though. :D:lol:

Edited by IronEqualizer
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Having to work earlier than usual, I got up earlier than usual to sneak in a full dryfire session. Last night at work, I created certificates for the matches that I plan on attending in 2007 as a reminder of why I practice.


Creating boxes for box-to-box exersize and training is in the works, and I am eager to add on other additional components to my training schedual.

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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I overslept and didn't get a chance to fully wake up before my dryfire practice. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as it simulates shooting cold, or oversleep on the day of a big match. On my reloads, it seems that the more of the magwell I see, the smoother the reload is. This isn't a new concept, rather one that I am trying to repeat without thought.

Gearing up for kicking off my exercise and diet schedual (Beginning December 27th!) I have been thinking alot about what I can do while at work, especially on the dead hours of 12a-4a. I have come to the conclusion that ladder drills are the way to go for explosive speed, and box-to-box drills for a more field course application.

Remember in highschool when the top runningback would ALWAYS have a football in his hands? I do, and I ordered a Glock 34 "blue gun". Why? I feel that by doing box drills, or ladder sprints, having the gun in my hand will help translate it more to my shooting. I eventually want to do all of my drills wearing my shooting rig, and incorperate drawing and such. Also, with the blue gun, I can take it with me to the workout room and duckwalk with it on the treadmill.

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Micah, Manny Bragg taught me more about movement in 30 minutes than I would have figured out on my own in years. Seeing him for some training would go a LONG way toward that M-card. There isn't much video of Manny on the net, but he practices what he preaches, you can get a lot of info from watching him too.

Just a thought or two that might help.

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Urg...got up super early today to dryfire...my wife thought I was nucking futz. I am going to do more of these early morning dryfire sessions to get myself acclimated to shooting shortly after waking, in case the Econo-Lodge in LaCrosse forgets my wakeup call :D

Merry Christmas to all my BE friends and family!

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That wasn't the Econo Lodge's fault ............. It was the whiskey & beer talking! B)

You didnt even have an 'official' room that night ..... how could they call you and wake you up ??

....urg. That goes on my list of things never to do again.

Get hit in the cash & prizes during a sporting event

Piss off a large uncaged zoo animal

Sleep on the floor of a hotel room on a flat air mattress


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-Jogged 4 miles

Physical training has officially started for me. Out with the holiday food and in with the healthy crap.

Edit to add: Had the rest of the evening off, so I dryfired another hour.

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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That wasn't the Econo Lodge's fault ............. It was the whiskey & beer talking! B)

You didnt even have an 'official' room that night ..... how could they call you and wake you up ??

....urg. That goes on my list of things never to do again.

Get hit in the cash & prizes during a sporting event

Piss off a large uncaged zoo animal

Sleep on the floor of a hotel room on a flat air mattress


What are you guys talking about?

(As he reminisces about his luxury suite across the street. :wub:

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That wasn't the Econo Lodge's fault ............. It was the whiskey & beer talking! B)

You didnt even have an 'official' room that night ..... how could they call you and wake you up ??

....urg. That goes on my list of things never to do again.

Get hit in the cash & prizes during a sporting event

Piss off a large uncaged zoo animal

Sleep on the floor of a hotel room on a flat air mattress


What are you guys talking about?

(As he reminisces about his luxury suite across the street. :wub:

Pfff...you had a water slide, but WE had "The Railroad Room" :D

....okay, our hotel sucked <_<

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