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Nik Habicht

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In early November my doctor strongly recommended gastric bypass surgery. He suggested that I'd lose 100 lbs. in the first year ---- and that since I weighed in at 405, this was essential. I decided to put off the decision for twelve months, and to dedicate myself to changing the way I eat and (don't really) exercise. Long story short, after five months of changing what and how I eat, and three months after hitting the gym 3-4 times a week, I weigh in at 355. I've developed muscles in places I didn't know muscles existed. My clothes are falling off, when I loosen my belt.

I've decided that I'll reach the first goal (of a 100 lb. weight loss by November 07) easily. I've also decided that these new eating and exercise habits will continue for a lifetime. I feel better --- and I'm amazed how much easier the physical demands of my life have gotten, whether it involves washing a truck, or helping my stepson carry a 200 lb. airhandler upstairs....

Steve Anderson, in the dedication to Refinement and Repetition wrote a couple of sentences that have been resonating in my head for the last couple of years: "Of course he did. He decided he wanted to." [Emphasis mine.]

I'm only beginning to understand the immense power of that simple concept.....

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WAY TO GO!!!! KEEP IT UP!!! I'm so proud of you!!!! I'm a nurse who takes care of patients that have had the bypass sugery.....it doesn't always go well. SO I'm glad to see you making such positive changes in your life. We need to have a clapping hands icon!!


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Way to go Nik,

One thing that I have always focused on as I battle the weight issue, you didn't "loose" the weight.

Loosing something implies that you cared for it in the first place..

You BURNED it baby! Go-gone-get out of here! :D

Way to go - great work!

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Way to go! Just to make you feel warm and fuzzy... From that weight, guess how much weight loss it takes to show a measurable difference in long term morbidity and mortality?

Wait for it...

Almost there...

Ok... only 10 pounds. Keep it up and meet your goals so you can set new ones. You don't even know the good you are doing yourself. I hope this helps.


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Hey Nik. Welcome to the club amigo! I have dropped about 46 lbs since last October. Once you figure it out, it gets easier as you go. The key isn't following anybody's stupid diet. It's looking at the calorie charts and coming up with a meal plan that you can live with then doing it.

There's also some selfishness involved. I made the decision in November that my health and happiness were priority numero uno. Everything else was second or lower. It's actually a tougher decision than it sounds, but it's what did the trick for me.

Good Job!!!

Edited by EricW
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Great job man!

You cracked the ultra super top secret code for wetght loss:

Excerise + portion control= weight loss

calories out > calories in= weight loss

Muscle burns more calories

We don't use that 4 letter word D**T!

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Great Job Nik. Keep up the good work. Now you have to stop using that golf cart on match days. Walking back and forth will be good for you. :)

PS - I didn't know running for Area 8 director required such physical requirements. :D

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Good for you Nik.

I have no doubt you will reach your goals.

I think those words bouncing around in your head are at the heart of the matter.

We can achieve about anything if we just decide to do it.

Thanks for reminding me.


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WAY TO GO!!!! KEEP IT UP!!! I'm so proud of you!!!! I'm a nurse who takes care of patients that have had the bypass sugery.....it doesn't always go well. SO I'm glad to see you making such positive changes in your life. We need to have a clapping hands icon!!


Thanks! I've been an inpatient 4 times, as far as I'm concerned that's quite enough. A bunch of things I read about gastric bypass pretty much convinced me that it should be a last resort.

One thing that I have always focused on as I battle the weight issue, you didn't "loose" the weight.

Loosing something implies that you cared for it in the first place..

You BURNED it baby! Go-gone-get out of here! :D

That'll really helps the visualization!

Hey Nik. Welcome to the club amigo! I have dropped about 46 lbs since last October. Once you figure it out, it gets easier as you go. The key isn't following anybody's stupid diet. It's looking at the calorie charts and coming up with a meal plan that you can live with then doing it.

I'm with you. I've tried the diet approach on a number of previous occasions with no success. My current regimen was influenced by Atkins, and a book on understanding the glycemic index, but is really the result of People Magazine's annual article devoted to 6 people who lost burned half their body weight. Reading that article with close attention to detail revealed that it was pretty much a two year process for them, involved a daily caloric intake of 1300-1700 calories, and had them visiting the gym regularly --- 4-6 times a week. I also picked up some stuff from exercise magazines. Measuring cups, a food scale and regular visits to Calorie Counteralso contributed quite a bit.

Food basically involves starting with oatmeal within an hour of rising, eating a little something every three hours after that, and finishing with dinner of broiled salmon and a garden salad about three hours before going to bed. Add in lots of water, and 3-4 visits to the gym, alternating a 2 hour lifting routine one visit, with a 40 minute elliptical session the next, and stuff starts to change.

There's also some selfishness involved. I made the decision in November that my health and happiness were priority numero uno. Everything else was second or lower. It's actually a tougher decision than it sounds, but it's what did the trick for me. Good Job!!!

I had a similar happiness epiphany a couple of years ago --- the health part of the equation came later....

Those are the most powerful words I think I've ever seen written. (I don't know if I have ever told Steve that ???)

I can't remember, Steve and I might have touched on that during a conversation in Tulsa last year. But it bears repeating!

Great Job Nik. Keep up the good work. Now you have to stop using that golf cart on match days. Walking back and forth will be good for you. :)

Keep dreaming. Building stages is workout enough for that range --- and walking can't get my heart rate up like an elliptical can. But --- when my brother visited us last month, I was gratified to realize that I could keep up, when he dragged me out for a short walk: three miles!


I guess I'll have to start calling you the little guy???

Not likely ---- but I might be able to keep up with you on a production stage in a couple of years, if this keeps up.... :lol::lol:

I've kind of refined the first goal already --- while the idea is still to lose burn 100 lbs. by fall; there's no end weight goal. End weight will be dictated by the new goal of continuing to eat right, and to exercise regularly. I had a two week period recently where stuff came up, and I couldn't make the time for the gym --- something that would have frustrated me to no end in previous years. I was gratified to learn that I could accept the reality of my priorities, acknowledge the desire to go, and not be discouraged from eating right and returning to the gym when my schedule loosened up. It's all about integration, and keeping the plates spinning....

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Great Nik !!!!!!

What issue of People magazine is that if I may ask? If for anything else reading stuff like that gives us(me) another angle for goal setting and dedication.

May you have much success on the road of your new life.


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What issue of People magazine is that if I may ask? If for anything else reading stuff like that gives us(me) another angle for goal setting and dedication.


it's dated January 8, 2007. IIRC, I've seen several of these over the years --- I don't know if they usually hit that time of year, i.e. New Year's resolution time......

I keep it around for occasional reaffirmation.....

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