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Pet Food Recall


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This food basically killed my weimaraner, bastards! She already had an allergy to corn and wheat and once she ate some of my friend's dog's food, which was on the list, in a matter of 2 days she got so bad that her ears swelled up to almost an inch thick and pus was coming out of them as well as constant itching to the point she broke open her skin that we had no choice other than to put her down. I knew something was up when all 3 of the vets we took her to had no idea on what was wrong with her and none of the medication they gave us did a thing for her.

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It's worth noting that Diamond was totally unaffected. Diamond makes all their own food, doesn't have a huge marketing budget, and sells food that is both fairly-priced and wholesome.

And boynty77, I am so sorry about your dog. If some corporate a-hole killed my dog, I'd be highly inclined to...well...we just won't go there.

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thanks guys, she was a great dog. The only good thing so far to come out of it is that we are adopting two rescue Weims.

I don't believe that is it that much cheaper to buy wheat from China, especially when you have to transport it overseas? I come from a long line of farmers, I am not one, but 3 generations prior were/are. All grain prices are up for this reason and that but I am hard pressed to believe that it is dramatically cheaper than buying it from your local farmer. My guess is that some purchasing agent at the dog food companies got a "great deal" on some slightly tainted, non FDA approved wheat and they figured oh well it is just for pet food, who gives a shit. I hope something pans out with this but I am sure it will be forgotten in a month.

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  • 1 month later...

It came out on the newswire a few days ago that adding melamine to feed products in China is a common practice. One article mentioned how feed companies will go to building demolition sites to harvest melamine from the wreckage.

Melamine artificially increases the amount of nitrogen in the feed, allowing them to make a product that seems high in protein for a lower cost.

And they say it's safe. Pathetic.

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The FDA has also stated that broiler chickens from 38 separate farms fed with tainted wheat gluten and melanine have already gone to market and been consumed by the public. Right now there are over 6,000 hogs suspected of eating the same melanine and wheat gluten tainted food, they have been quarantined and the meat will be withheld from the food supply. The chinese are doing this because it also appears to inflate the levels of protein found in the food, and china has no law in regards to what goes into animal feeds. Literally, some food for thought...the bad gluten and melanine is organic poison. I'm sorry for everyone that has lost a pet over this.

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We as a country export food as we have a surplus...Why the hell do we have to import chickens???

Sorry for everyone that's lost a pet. I couldn't imagine losing my two Doxies to such idiocy.

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It's all this Global Trade , one world type crap that's at the root of all this. We as a nation should only import the stuff that we cannot make ourselves. Other countries simply do not have the same regulatory protections that we have here. This is why they are cheap, this is why they are dangerous, this is why this is bad for our country.

Just had to rant... :angry:

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I heard on the news tonight. They found Rat poison in the cans that they tested!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Some people need a good whoopin!!!! :angry::angry:


Sorry you lost your friend and all the others too. :(

Edited by JThompson
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It's all this Global Trade , one world type crap that's at the root of all this. We as a nation should only import the stuff that we cannot make ourselves. Other countries simply do not have the same regulatory protections that we have here. This is why they are cheap, this is why they are dangerous, this is why this is bad for our country.

Just had to rant... :angry:


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and china has no law in regards to what goes into animal feeds. Literally, some food for thought...the bad gluten and melanine is organic poison. I'm sorry for everyone that has lost a pet over this.

Wasn't Mad Cow disease spread by unregulated animal feed - specifically, meat by products fed to cows?

Also, how is melanine harvested from demolition sites?

(and on this topic - why are our gasoline & lead prices so high again?)

I think some strategic independence is in order here in the US.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The latest figures I gleaned from the Wall Street Journal (May 25, 2007. p. A7) [in an article about the China trade defict and the value of the yuan]:

1,950 dead cats

2,200 dead dogs

I assume these figures apply to the United States as they came from the Federal Food and Drug Administration.

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