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Only BJ's family could be prouder of him than myself.  He will be one of the up and coming superstars of the sport.  But, in Dave's defense, BJ never faced the Production World Champion.  Dave's gun went down in the first round, and he was booted before the finals.  BJ did beat Tom Stidam, then two others for the Shoot-0ff title.  Good job BJ!  Keep it up!  Maybe I'll be taking lessons from you soon.....I could use 'em!


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Thanks, Flex.  For some reason, when I try the link from Frank's website, I get the L10 scores.  The link you provided got me there.  I guess the virus that infected my pistol this weekend got into my PC.  It was a fun match - I think better stages than previous years.  Thanks again.


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I just put in the stats for the Florida Open into the TopGuns.info computer program.  Eric Grauffel really buried everyone.  The computer says that with that kind of performance he would have beaten Todd Jarrett by 6% at last years open nationals.  I thought that limited shooters had a harder time getting a good percentage because of Leathams performance at the limited nationals last year but if Grauffel shoots at the Open this year, he could really screw up the curve for eveyone.  He's that good.  

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Yep, he is that good, almost depressing.  I mean danm, I suck.  Out of 10 stages guess how many I shot within my class...?  BIG FAT ZERO.  No excuses, just need to work harder I suppose.  But watching Eric, Saul, Max, and others was very impressive.  I also learned a lot watching how they broke down some of the stages.  I would type more, but I'd better go practice.........

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Looks like MTrout40 was in the groove most of the day too.  Can't imagine he'll have that lowly 'M' next to his open classification for long!!!

Great showing by the BE. com crowd.  

Considering that yesterday I shoveled 5 inches of snow off my deck I'd say your weather was pretty good!!!

...By the way,  did VP make it with the donuts???

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Did ya'll see that Jack A$$ reload to an empty mag during the open shoot off? What a loser!! I sure wouldn't want to be that guy!

Oh yeah, it was me.  

Lesson #1: Don't put empty mags in your #1 pouch, or any pouch for that matter.

It was a great match, if you didn't make it this year it is a must schedule for next year. Come to sunny Florida and shoot in Feb. Although it wasn't very sunny this year it's still nice to shoot in shorts in the winter.

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Give BJ my congrats. I remember ROing the kid when we had to put steps up at the area 8 two years ago so the kid could shoot through the window. I guess I'm getting old.


Statistics are nice to play with but I wouldn't bet the farm on them actually playing out in the real world. There is a lot more to consider than just the final percentages. EG is a hell of a shooter but you throw TJ, JJ, TGO, Burner, and the rest of the big dogs in and it is a crap shoot. A lot of the talent has been spread to different divisions. The only true way is to have a championship for each division. That way you have them all fighting for points.

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I watched you very closely during that shoot off.

Your draw was lighting unleashed, you smoked that first popper instantly and your reload was world-class fast.

And I think you made major match shoot-off history too.

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Quote: from Chriss Grube


Statistics are nice to play with but I wouldn't bet the farm on them actually playing out in the real world.

It's already played out in the real world - http://www.worldshootxiii.co.za/results/finalmatch.txt

I'm definitely rooting for Jarret, Leatham, Barnhart, Racaza and Michel at this years Open Nationals.  But if Grauffel shoots at it... the smart money is on him.

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I disagree. TGO, Phil and MV weren't shooting open. They take a stage here and there and we all know dang well that TGO is gonna rock some incredible times off. It changes the whole way it plays out. I've looked at the stats you put up. There are some guys ahead of me on your list that I have crushed in big matches. The only true stats are the ones posted on the wall at the end of the day.

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" The only true stats are the ones posted on the wall at the end of the day."

And uh... that would still make Eric Grauffel the best open class shooter in the world by a good margin since he's won the last two world shoots.

Though TGO, Phil and MV are amazing shooters they were shooting Limited(standard) for a reason - they're better limited shooters than open shooters.   They were not going to do any better against Grauffel than did our open shooters in the world shoot.

Sorry, it's not a crap shoot.  Grauffel is on another level from everyone else(and man do I hate to admit it).  The smart money is still on him.

Just think of the topguns.info stats as a point spread or an over/under with a margin of error of +/- 2% for open/limited and +/- 5-10% for production/lim10.  I never said that the matches didn't have to be shot.

(Edited by Dowter at 3:47 pm on Feb. 12, 2003)

(Edited by Dowter at 5:12 pm on Feb. 12, 2003)

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Thanks Mickster.

You guys have been talking about Eric. I had the misfortune/fortune of shooting with Eric, Matt, Max, Chris, Saul, and the boys. It was great to watch them and shoot with them. I haven't compared all the times,  Eric is obviously fast but on many stages Chris or Saul seemed faster. The thing that amazed me the most was Eric's accuracy. He would flat out fly through a stage and be down 3 or 4 points.

The other thing all these guys do well and I realized I need to work on is shooting on the move. This match happened to be pretty wide open and the ability to shoot acurately while moving fast was the difference.

They left me with plenty to think about and work on.

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Boy did I get a list of stuff to work on from that match.... I had way too many D's and several mystery-mikes that I'm not happy with.

The only bright spot was winning my class in the shootoffs. Good thing I didn't have to go against the kid. The couple 'bye's helped too . Now if I could only get paid five bucks a shot on a regular basis, I wouldn't need a real job.

(picked up a cert for one of Matt's DVD's on the prize table, so I'll be getting the new one in to review soon)

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the mere fact that EG *is* at such a different level from everyone (!) else is part of the reason (not a consequence...) why we see a lot of talent spread across divisions. To the best of my knowledge, he has not been beaten in *any* IPSC match since 1998. Noone else can claim that...


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The Florida Open was my first opportunity to see Eric G. shoot live, as opposed to video.  What struck me immediately was his smoothness.  IMO, there are great shooters who are smooth, and on the other hand, great shooters who are fast in more of a lightning quick, robotic movement type fashion.  Eric takes smooth to a new level.  Make no mistake, it's obvious he's fast, but his smoothness makes you think a couple or three seconds more should be on the timer than what ends up there when he finishes the course of fire.

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I was telling Flex last week that I belive Eric G. rules because he trains on turtle targets.

If we all shoot turtles, he's used to it, NO adjustment. If we all shoot silhouettes, he has a MUCH easier target than we do.

Obviously that's not all of it, but it's gotta be a factor.


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