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Dawson Precision Basepads


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Just curious how many extra you are getting with the DP basepads in .40 caliber . Brownells lists that it extends capacity 3 rounds while another website says +5 . Which is it ?? Sorry for all the Newbie Questions but the search feature isnt revealing much on this .

Edited by paraman1
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The newly manufactured Glock .40 mags are more tapered at the feed lips. You will not get 20 rounds in these mags without major tweaking that I'm not willing to do right now. +1 followers don't help either.

I bought 6 new mags to go with the 3 that came with my G35. Using Dawson or Arrendondo extensions, none of them will hold 20 rounds and run 100%. Adding +1 followers did nothing at all. So I had 9 mags that held 19 rounds.

Going to the CDNN web site I ordered a bunch of new LEO mags (not 4th generation), used LEO mags, and used engraved LEO mags. I figured some of these would be old style mags without the taper. They were.

Using +1 followers gave me 4 mags that would hold 20 rounds and function 98% with minor ammo out of the 12 mags I bought from CDNN. These were very difficult to load. A few weeks later I cut 1/2 coil off the springs and got the reliability up to 100% with 128 PF ammo. Of course these are loaded/prepped carefully. My other 7 extended mags hold 19 rounds with no real prepping necessary.

Now that a few months have passed, all 11 extended mags are much easier (relatively speaking) to load, with the four 20 round mags continuing to perform perfectly. I could probably get 20 rounds in more mags now if I cut the springs, but my wife says four 20 rounders is enough. Personally I'm tired of screwing around with them, as minor ammo is unforgiving when using mags loaded really tight.

I've seen no difference between the Dawson and Arrendondo extensions except the Dawsons are easier to take apart and the Arrendondo don't need skateboard tape added to the bottom.

After learning quickly that the CDNN +2 freebie mag extensions were worth exactly what I paid for them, I put Glock +2s on the other 10 mags I have and use them for practice, barney purposes, or low round count classifiers.

The night before a match or practice, I load at least 13 mags for my wife and 12 21 round Para mags for me. No problems at all, and I've seen no damage to the feed lips. I'm lucky if my thumb works the next day, but obviously I don't like loading mags at matches or practice if I can avoid it :)

Hope this helps.

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I can get 5 in mine. I don't know whether they are 3rd or 4th gen mag bodies.

I trim the back, lower edge of the follower about 1/8th inch and I have a little room after 20. I can push it down about half the diameter of the round. It still doesn't reload as easily as when it has 19 in it but I can start a stage with 20+1 and reload with 19.

The mag bodies required some work inside. The bottom of most mags had a lip that was preventing the follower from sliding past when loaded with more than 18. The follower would stick. I have the extended springs, next I'll try removing half a coil.

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I didn't notice much of a difference when switching followers.

With a mag where I could force 20 rounds in, but being so tight it was iffy if it would seat in the gun, changing from #4 - #5 - #6 - #6+1 followers didn't help at all. I didn't trim the followers because I didn't want to take a chance on creating a problem.

All mags, regardless of age, would work just fine and be reloadable with 19 rounds.

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Do any of the basepads out there give you 20 with no haggle , no hassle ? Or am I going to be tweaking on anything I buy trying to get the magic 20 ? I would rather have a reliable 19 than a finicky 20 ?

I think it is more a matter of the mag style (several model variations) than it is the base pads.

My "pre ban" drop-free (square notch, tapered) would run 20 +1 with Dawson pads and NHO (Novak Hangunner Outlet) +1 follower.

I had an older, NDF (non drop free) mag that I stuck an Arrendondo pad on. Those NDF mags swell...and allow more room. With those and the NHO follower, I could start with 21 +1...but I never did. For one, I couldn't count on that mag to drop if I needed a reload. And, that setup just felt like it was killing the mag spring real fast. I never really trusted it. (Although, it did always worked for me in practice.)

When the ban ran out, I had felt like I had probably about used my old mags to death. So, I ordered some new hicaps, post ban. They came with the new body style. It had a notch of some sort...inside, up near the feedlips...that worked as a limiter (maybe to keep the follower from popping out?). With those, I lost a round.

About that time, I started shooting Production...so I never went any deeper into getting that round back.

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The only way I've found to get 20+1 these days is to buy older generation mags from CDNN or wherever else you can get them. Stick +1 followers in them, cut 1/2 coil off the spring and you should be good to go.

Be aware that every older mag I bought wouldn't hold 20 rounds, but I never tried them again once I decided to cut the spring. Judging from how easily ;) I can load 19 rounds in them, I'd say they would probably hold 20 rounds (now that they are broken in) just by cutting the spring. Trimming the bottom of the follower as described above will give you the same thing that +1 followers do IMHO.

I don't see any way to get 20 rounds in 4th generation mags unless you were to go crazy cutting the spring. Next Saturday night I'll be loading up mags for our Sunday practice. At that time I'm going to cut a 1/2 coil off of the rest of the old-style extended mags and see if they will all hold 20 rounds. I'll let my wife do the testing this time.

All my 4th generation mags have +2 Glock extensions and barely get used. Even with the +2 extensions the mags only hold 16 rounds. I think someone at Glock needs a really hard shaking for coming up with this 4th generation style.

Realize that older mags with cut springs and +1 followers that actually hold 20 rounds would not be something I'd want to reload to. My wife starts 20+1 and reloads to 19 round mags.

I'm just as greedy for that 20th round as the next person. I ended up buying 12 extra mags (over the 9 I started with) to get those 4 that work 100%. Luckily the LEO mags from CDNN are pretty cheap. Used/engraved mags are under $10 and the non-engraved mags are just a bit higher.

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I think someone at Glock needs a really hard shaking for coming up with this 4th generation style.


Realize that older mags...that actually hold 20 rounds would not be something I'd want to reload to. My wife starts 20+1 and reloads to 19 round mags.

+1 again. 40 rounds ought to cover most stages anyway. :)

FWIW, I always used to load my Limited mags down a round or two for max capacity (but, be consistent in how you do this). Then, if a stage called for it, I would top them off. There is no reason to stress the mags and springs by loading to 20+1 if you are likely to hit your reload after 16. And, there is no reason to have your reload mag be extra tight when you only need to shoot 14 rounds out of it. (Adjust accordingly to ability to get thru a stage without missing a bunch :) )

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