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Ghost Dog rental car


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Hmmmm, I haven't heard this one yet.  Oh Brian, please do tell!  Don't feel too bad.  I rolled a rental one time.  To make things more interesting, I had a friend rent it for me and it was on his credit card.  But that's another story...


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Thanks mike and Eric.

I gotta meet a friend at 4 peaks soon, but I'll try to nutshell the "rental car story."

It was VERY late on a typical Second Chance evening. Meaning, everyone still functioning was blown out of their skull. It was a year, obviously, when I flew in and rented a car (with a credit card). (That will have meaning later.) Well, at some point I thought it'd be fun to give "rides." I started by flying down the entrance road at probably 50mph, and then suddenly whipping the car into the drainage ditch (running parallel to the road and probably four feet deep) and then bringing it out the other side. After five or six times of that, and you thought you just couldn't have any more fun. Well, a local, who should remain anonymous, pointed out a hill (right between all the campers), where, if you got up enough speed, you could catch some serious air. This went on until it of course became boring, and then the anonymous local and I were off for a new challenge. It came in the form of a deer cruising across the fields, way out in the headlights. We were in hot pursuit, when suddenly the car came to an instantaneous stop as the front wheels dropped completely into a ditch (that was obscured by the four-feet tall grass). (I can't remember how we got the car out.) Now of course I didn't mention that the bottom front end of the car (air conditioning condenser, front spoiler, etc.) was either destroyed or gone when I turned in the car. And, in a moment of stupidity, I paid cash for the car because I happened to win a boatload of cash that year. A week later, a deep feeling of sadness came over me when the car company told me that my credit card wouldn't cover the damage ($1500) because I didn't actually use the card to pay for the car. I remember telling the guy that if he wanted to get some cash from me, he'd better "work with me." He did, and sent some forms that allowed me to photocopy the word "cash" right out of the payment section. And if that's not enough, I didn't even have one of the necessary forms to send the credit card company, so I just didn't send it. They paid in full. Wow, what a great company. :) (I can't remember who it was.)


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Excellent story Brian!   When I was a kid growing along the Mississippi River, we called that sport "Levee Leapin".  

     In the tenth grade a buddy and I were skippin skool and went out to the levee for a little R&R. There was a couple of obviously-not-married  folks out there third rate romancin' buck-naked in the back seat of a big ole '68 Buick.

    The car was parked "just right" on top of a small rise about 6 feet high.  Fortunately, I dared my buddy first,  so he had to make the jump!   He hit the trail comming straight at the Buick from the side.  The middle aged dude bailed out wearing nothing but his socks just as my buddy sailed his 185 Suzuki over the hood!  I was stopped watching and fell off my bike laughing.  We thought it would be fun to play wild injuns for a while and circled the car whooping like mad.   When that dude got dressed he was mad enough to kill us!   So we made a run for the county road.   Stoopid move!  That Buick was catching us fast!   So we detoured down a little dirt two track where the county dumped cement and asphalt chunks.  The Buick never made it out and we never went back...........

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I was temporarily stationed in Ft. Ord, California with Marksmanship Training Unit #5.  I had an old buddy who had recently gotten out of the service and was living just north in Santa Rosa.  I gave him a call and he mentioned that he was getting married soon and was having his bachelor party that night.  "Come on up man!" he said.  I wanted to rent a car but wasn't old enough (you had to be 25 to get a rental.)  So, an older friend of mine said he'd allow me to put it on his card as long as I purchased the full-coverage insurance.  "Oh, I'll be careful" I told him.  But he insisted that I get insurance.  So I did.

After a brief tour of San Francisco (OK, I got lost) I made it to Santa Rosa.  I was to meet him at a bar where he was celebrating his final fling of single life.  I showed up, met his friends, and we hung out for an hour or so until we decided to move the party to his place.  At this point, I'm still very sober so I volunteer to drive one of his very drunk friends to the house.  We all take off and I'm trying to follow Todd who's driving very fast down these dark and winding roads.  He takes this one curve to the right which I'm totally not ready for.  Next thing I know I'm driving on the wrong side of the road.  A second later I'm driving on the opposite shoulder of the road.  I'm trying to get things under control but it's really too late.  The car has spun around so that the passenger side is now sliding over the edge of the roadway.  As soon as the right wheels of the car hit the bottom of the slope it happens.  Can you spell R-O-L-L O-V-E-R?

Actually, it was not a Hollywood style of roll where car parts fly everywhere.  In fact, it rolled over slow enough that I had enough time to say, "Oh God, please don't let it roll, Oh God, please don't let it roll, Oh God, please don't let it roll"  Yup, three times I said it.  Much to my disappointment the car still rolled.  It came to rest on the roof, ala belly-up.  I think the funniest part of the event was Todd's drunk friend who was with me.  He wasn't wearing a seat belt but that didn't seem to be an issue.  Again, it was a gentle roll-over.  But, he was now "stuck" to the ceiling of the car trying to figure out what had happened.  Oh, did I mention he had an open bottle of beer in his hand?  Remember, gravity is still in effect so he's just laying there with this full bottle of beer pouring out into his face - ka-bloop, ka-bloop, ka-bloop...

I was suspended by my seat belt.  In addition, the doors were jammed shut.  The hardest part for me was pushing the release on my seat belt.  It's only a six inch drop but it still hurts.  It didn't take long for the rest of the convoy to  show up and help us out.  The car really wasn't that bad as we rolled it back over and drove it back to the house.  The next day I dropped it off at the rental car company.  As I'm waiting in line to talk to someone about the accident one of the car shags walks up to the counter laughing and says to the manager, "Damn, you oughta see number 27!"  Yup, #27 was my car.  She wasn't too happy but hey, it was an accident.  And thanks to my friend, I had full coverage on the car.  Whew!

(Edited by myorke at 1:45 pm on Dec. 18, 2001)

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The first time I rented a car was in Hawaii. I rented it with a motorcycle-only driver's license and I bought insurance. On my last day there it was broken into with a rock through the window. I'd be seriously pissed off if I had to pay for that on top of my property loss.

Hey did anybody else take their rental car under the bridge construction at Barry this year? We missed the detour the first day, got on the normal road, found it closed, and we didn't want to turn around. We took the path used by the construction crew. Mud, rocks, creek crossing, and a hill climb. We're lucky this was before it started raining.

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We went under the bridge at Barry too, but it wasn't a rental.  Quite an adventure though nonetheless.  We used it again a day or two later (still before the rain), when we ran down to Wendy's for lunch because the line was ridiculous at PASA and we didn't have much time.  That would have been a long drive without that short cut under the bridge.  We get there and are eating lunch, and who should walk in and join us but our president and fellow shooter, Michael Voigt.  Good times...

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  • 3 months later...

Back in my paintball days, we used to do quite a bit of rental bashing.  Those Pontiac Grand Am's make pretty good off-road vehicles and are exceptionally great "drifters" when the trunk os loaded down with lots of gear.

We were in Vegas for at tournament and we parked the car near a field (big mistake) with the windows rolled down (bigger mistake).  After the day was over, we came back to the car to find it covered with paintballs inside and out as well as a thick coating of dust on the interior.  It was so nasty, the valets at the hotel told us to park it our self.  Thank god for that damage waiver.

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  • 6 months later...

For some reason it took me this long to get around to reading this outstanding thread... Jeez, this was/is hilarious stuff!! (You realize this is terrific short-story material!!)

We were just little urban idiots who might've liked to romp our motors in pursuit of rural deer (and rollover competitions), but we just contented ourselves with things like seeing how many stop signs we could run... at night... drunk as hell... before either getting caught or, well, encountering a relatively solid object. I'm lucky to be alive.

Then there were the motorcycle episodes......

PS--I don't think any of us were into GunZen or any kind of Zen during that time.

(Edited by SiG Lady at 10:14 am on Oct. 16, 2002)

(Edited by SiG Lady at 10:16 am on Oct. 16, 2002)

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  • 1 year later...

Good ones guys!

Okay, quick! What is the fastest car on the road? A rental car! I do have my share of personal war stories, but, I ain't going to share them in public. (not sure if the time has ran out on the legal end of things yet)

JohnnyO and Lance Karafellas (sp?)

1990 Nationals JohnnyO rents a brand new bright red dodge sports car.

It wasn't any of the above by the time it was returned except red. You know on the left side of the road going in to the Pasa range there is that parking lot? Kind of little rolly grassy area? Well if you get your car going fast enough it will actually come to a complete stop on the bumper on the next rolly area. We had to pull grass out of the top of the license plate frame. He was limited to 500 miles at the time and it worked out well becuase the entire dash would shut off until you hit a curb or sometime hard. JohnnyO had to drive around for damn near 20 minutes hitting everything he could to get it turned back on so they could check the gas and mileage at the rental counter. Tim Bacus had driven his own car out there and decided that it was its last trip. There wasn't a single light in Quincy that he didn't hit our car at! John got a brake check on him at one point ripped into reverse and thought, "Lets hit him!" Great idea until he realized that the crappy little car that Tim was driving had a trailer hitch on it. Now you have two cars reversing up the main drag in Quincy all the way around the corner to the movie theater. Tim couldn't get to us that time so he just hit the car in the parking lot after we got out.

We were over in Hannibal doing brake checks in the middle of town which was not considered humorous by the natives. Of course they had the traffic lights on the side of the road (main street) not where they were immediately visible. Both vehicles seemed to realize the light was red at the same time and proceeded to lock up the brakes. HARD. Well in the intersection, this little old lady and her hubby (who must have been heading to church) has this absolutely amazing look on her face. If you can picture the Doppler effect only with a terrified look that would be what happened. Well no one hit the old lady's car which sure seemed to make everyone happier so we hop out on the freeway and head back to Quincy. Both vehicles are now brake checking Ross Dean and his crew since they decided to join the party. Well they wussed out really quick when they got sideways since both cars pretty much stopped dead on the freeway in front of them. Then we all got topped by Lance who at 85+ miles an hour looks over, smiles large, pulls the handbrake, places both hands back on the wheel and then proceeds to go in the ditch with grass and dirt going everywhere. We thought he was toast so we pulled off the road. He pulls out of the ditch and there is grass on the roof, in the windows, everywhere and his car is making this amazing whapping noise. That was from the 6" flat spot on the rear tire that cause about a 90 yard skid mark on the freeway.

Since I was too young to rent the vehicle the only thing I got to do was get drunk at the range (they used to bring a beer truck up after the match) and beat the hell out of the roof before I passed out. Kind of pissed (dark for those from Australia) after I shot like a dork.

BTW that was all on one trip. :-)

Now the sad part is that all of my rental car muck ups and everyone else I know have been surpassed by Michael Bane. If I remember correctly he has actually completely LOST two rental cars. Only returning the sets of keys. I guess it kind of goes like this at the counter.

Mike: Here are the keys to the car.

Counter: Great, whats the mileage?

Mike: No idea.

Counter: Okay, is it full of gas?

Mike: No idea.

Counter: Okay, where is it?

Mike: No idea. Remember that rental agreement with all the bonus insurance?

Counter: Yeah.?.?.?

Mike: BYE


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Alright, I’m in with “one” of my rental car stories.

1986, three of us flying back to SF from Dallas after working an IBM product intro event for a week. I’m driving the rental car and get the task of dropping it and taking the shuttle back to the terminal. Friends say they will wait in bar. I dump them at checkin and head off to find that there is a huge line going out to the street at the National lot, so I head back to the terminal with thought’s of missing a couple rounds at the bar to that line running through my brain, NFW! I pull it up outside the terminal, get out the passenger side with engine running, take a quick check to make sure I am not being scrutinized, lock and close the door, then slip into the terminal to join my friends at the bar. My buddies said, “that was quick” I said “You know it! Who’s buying?”

BTW, never heard a thing about it later. Those were the days when rental car companies really wanted your business. Don’t get me started with rental truck escapades on the road doing corporate tours. Oh OK, ask me how we got a 28’ bobtail truck through the tunnel in Zion National park in Utah at 2am. We were a lot too tall for the tunnel, at first!



Edited by George
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Curiously I do not have a rental car story.

Unless you count the time I was in Boulder, CO for a work-related conference. I was a little excited and I pulled the sliding door off of a Dodge minivan. Sideways. I was stronger then.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My lonely little rental car story....One of the few times I flew into Quincy with a group of shooters, we all pitched in and rented a car. One of the guys was having problems with his gun. He had spent the better part of a night fixing it. Of course he wanted to get to the function fire range early. He was in a panic thinking he wouldn't get to test his gun before the first stage. So here we are in a ford taurus rental doing about 120 mph on the freeway towards the range.

And guess who we see coming the other direction?? Illinois hiway patrol....I'm certain the poor guy got whiplash turning his head trying to catch a plate number. He couldn't u-turn over the median. He had to go to the next exit and come back after us. We decided we could probably make it to the range before he did so we actually went faster! You can't out run a motorola but we figured the chances of another hiway patrolman being close were slim.

So we're in the parking lot at PASA all of three minutes (just long enough to pop the trunk and act busy) when the cop rolls in. Of course parked next to us on the range are the 200 OTHER Ford Taurus' that all the other shooters rented....Can't tell one from another can you???? That patrolman did not look happy!

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Well, well, well, Carina..... I remember that morning like it was only yesterday. Yep, I was fresh out of the academy and took a brutal hazing from the senior officers over that little incident. Probably cost me a promotion! For the record, I clocked you folks at 124mph. :angry:

I've been looking for you guys for a couple of years now. It feels good to finally solve this one. Do yourself a favor, you don't have to take the fall for this alone, come clean, who was the driver?


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this thread has the funniest stuff i've ever read!

back in the mid-to-late 80's, 3 of us shot the steel challenge in piru. we rented a motorhome from a retiree i knew. went to the shooters meeting in town the night b4 the match. we were camping at lake piru, so on the way back to piru, buddy decides he has to function fire his plaxco comp gun to ensure the steel loads work. there are lots of orange groves on that road. it's probably 2100 or so, so we're cruising along about 60 mph and one buddy opens the door while the other finishes off a mag into the orange trees. thing worked fine (till the match, of course).

anyway, we finish the match, drive home and clean the motorhome and return it. no problems. a few weeks later i run into the retiree who gives me a little baggie with 4 empty 45 cases in it. guess we missed those...

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