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Caught A Picture With The Hammer Down


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I went to the GA state IDPA match this weekend and my dad came along to get some photos. He was using one of those antiquated film cameras. Go figure, as a landscape photog he is married to the idea of film (inside joke between him and me but I couldnt resist).

Anyway, he took alot of pictures of me and a few of Sevigny. I was going though them today and noticed one of me where the hammer is down on my gun. I didnt have any misfires so I know it must have been a lucky catch with the picture so I figured I would share. I think the pics are a little grainy b/c 1600 iso film.

I swear I did not use photoshop or anything else to get this photo.



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Unless your guide rod always sticks out, looks like he caught you right after ignition... Using ISO 1600 is going to keep that shutter speed high, and that's what it takes to get action stopping shots like this ;)

Congratulate your dad on a good catch!

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Really neat picture. Some day, someone will actually catch a bullet leaving the barrel. Say what you will, I don't think it will be on a digital camera. Shutter speeds (I know, no shutter) are just too slow. But fast film and a high shutter speed will get it... someday :)



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Really neat picture. Some day, someone will actually catch a bullet leaving the barrel. Say what you will, I don't think it will be on a digital camera. Shutter speeds (I know, no shutter) are just too slow. But fast film and a high shutter speed will get it... someday :)



There already is such a picture. It is on hosercam.com click on about me and scroll 3/4 down the page.

Thanks guys.

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Shooting WWB 115gr FMJs. I just am not sure about catching the bullet just as it leaves the barrel. Although the gun is still locked up and has barely started to recoil.

I am a Cubs fan. However, I have had the Sox hat since 4th grade when I was a Frank Thomas fan. It is kind of a lucky hat more than anything. It is so ragged and has holes everywhere I just can not bring myself to retire it.

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Really neat picture. Some day, someone will actually catch a bullet leaving the barrel. Say what you will, I don't think it will be on a digital camera. Shutter speeds (I know, no shutter) are just too slow. But fast film and a high shutter speed will get it... someday :)



My wife has captured a few where you can see the streak of the bullet. We have a Canon XT Rebel 8M digital.

Here's my friend/co-worker Brett Simon at Summer Blast 2006.


Another friend/co-worker Luis Gines at the Blackwater paper/steel match last weekend.


No bullet or streak but my favorite of me that she's got of me so far.


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Really neat picture. Some day, someone will actually catch a bullet leaving the barrel. Say what you will, I don't think it will be on a digital camera. Shutter speeds (I know, no shutter) are just too slow. But fast film and a high shutter speed will get it... someday :)



There already is such a picture. It is on hosercam.com click on about me and scroll 3/4 down the page.

Thanks guys.

I don't know what camera Mr. Soloman used, but I'm impressed with the picture on Nolan's site. In the back of my mind as I wrote my comment above, I was thinking of the Edgarton photos of frozen bullets in flight and the possibility of a focused picture of a bullet with a digital camera.

My problem is, I'm not a photographer but an amatuer :lol:


edited because I can't spell

Edited by dajarrel
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Here's my friend at Summer Blast 06. Notice the bullet just leaving the end of the barrel. I think was an image taken off the video we shot but I can't be sure of that

Edited by Glk21C
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I think that my friend caught a bullet in the air on this pic of me yesterday. Look ahead of the first piece of brass that left the gun.


Too small ---- most likely some crap on the sensor.....

I'll agree to disagree with you

And I'll agree to disagree with you as well --- that's a casing....

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Without a heinously fast shutter speed (a-la Solomon) or heinously quick flash (a-la Edgerton), bullets in flight look like long streaks, no matter what. A bullet at 1000 fps taken with a 1/1000 shutter speed (as fast or faster than almost all consumer-level cameras can do) will be a foot long streak since it moved a foot during the exposure. Ray Solomon has a pro-level camera with a super-fast shutter (1/16,000) to catch them visible as bullets in flight, and they're still a little streaky. An in-focus background is a dead giveaway on any 'possible-bullet' pictures that it wasn't taken at 1/16,000 shutter speed.

FWIW, bullets can be seen in flight.. sort of .. I have some video of bullets in flight I took a while back around sunset... pretty cool. 125GR HAPs at 1325 FPS with the sun right behind me, about 10 yards to the berm. First at full speed, then at half speed. Look between the rack and barricade.


Someday I'm going to get the same lighting conditions on the plate rack.

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