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Sunday, at a match, someone mentioned seeing an early episode of Miami Vice where it actually looked like a shooter knew what they were doing. I remember seeing it in reruns recently, and thought that whoever it was looked like an IPSC shooter. Can anyone remember who this was? IIRC he was playing an assassin, and I think it was the first season. What made it stand out was two or three officers had guns drawn on him, and he made a perfect speed draw followed by double taps. Just curious.

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The shooter was Jim Zubiena, he shot with the group who started IPSC at Big Bear, Cooper included...won a few trophies along the way too..he and his wife Linda were good shooters..and the episode you are talking about is where he does a Mozambique on a policeman from concealment in about 1.5 sec...

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Actually, I don't think it was a policeman but a CCW civilian. I saw the episode recently when watching the DVD's. Jim was playing the role of an assassin and was killing someone inside a Limo with a 12 gauge. The CCW guy got on him with his carry piece, he looked away for a second, just enough time for Jim to draw from surrender and fire a perfect Mozambique. He then goes about unloading the 45 and running off.

I um.. had to re-run that scene several times.. and I think when I was watching it originally I called BS! Now I know better.. lol.


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I believe you are mistaken...IIRC, he is walking outside and the cop gets the drop on him...pistol drawn...Jim is wearing surgical gloves and a sport coat..the cop turns his head, Jim does the Mozambique lays the High Power on the guys chest and takes off the gloves and walks off..

someone who has this on tape help us out here... :P:D:)

I believe this scene was in season one in the episode called Calderon's Demise...

Edited by tightloop
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I managed to record that segment. It is the 4th segment of the first season titled "Calderone's Return". Zubina plays a hit man from Argentina. His is the chauffer for a couple guys he is supposed to wack. He parks the car and pulls out a nasty shotgun from the passenger side of the limo and blows the guys in back away. After this happens, he is confronted by a cop (or civilian) with big hair, a little revolver, and a yellow sweater. The cop looks away from him and into the car. Jim then does a killer surrender draw from the waistband of his outfit and delivers two aimed shots at the cop.

We have talked about this before: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...261&hl=bren

It is going to run on Sleuth TV again on 16 Oct.


Later, Pal

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Found this link. I also own the entire series on dvd.

Again; it is the real chauffer that walks up and gets shot.

Thanks! I guess I never realized that the guy in sweater was the real driver. I guess it doesn't matter all that much since his part was not long-lived! That draw was just amazing. He was in perfect position the whole time with only the stuff that needed to be moving moving.

See ya pal...

EDIT: Speaking of SWPL champs and Miami Vice, go listen to the Taran Butler podcast on Burketts website. Taran does his "review" of the remake of Miami Vice. One of the funniest things that I have ever heard!

Edited by ChuckS
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I'm not a shotgunner - it looks like he had his offside hand on top of the receiver to keep it down in recoil. Real technique, or was that Hollywood (the muzzle blast was off screen, so I ccouldn't tell)?

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When someone said Hi-Power it threw me as I thought it was a 45.. I watched the video but couldn't tell so I left it as it was. That was an incredible draw and fire.. It appears that he used his left hand to clear his shirt and then used both hands to bring it up to position. That shotgun looked like a Franchi Spas or LAW shotgun.. and the flame and fire when he shot into the glass, though impressive looking was kind of hokie.


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If you watch the special features on the disc you will see that Cruise trained with a former SAS operative and he trained with live ammo using a H&K.

Mann does this with all his actors, he puts them those serious training and live fire drills. His thinking is that the actor will be more believable if they can really do what you are seeing.

He explains this during interviews on the Special Edition of Heat. In the special features in Heat you see all the cops (Pacino's guys) training together and then you have Deniro's crew training, they trained seperately and with different trainers. In the clip you see Deniro taking poppers out with double taps at 10-20 yards, and the other actors doing AR work. Val Kilmer talks about the speed reload he does during the shoot out scene. It is pretty interesting to watch.

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