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Classic Moments From The '06 Nationals Experience


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There were so many.....and I was only there for a day and a half!! :D

One of the first that comes to mind was when a whole bunch of us went out to dinner on Friday night to this nice joint called "The Abbey." Or maybe it was "Abby's," who the hell knows. Anyway, we sorta forgot it was Friday night and didn't plan on the place being so packed with people (looked like mostly Quincy locals, you can kinda tell....), and we needed a table for about 18-20. Anyway, we're hanging around in there waiting, spilling over from the bar area into the main dining area of the restaurant. The waitresses can barely get past us. Finally, we decide it's time to start looking for another place to eat.

We're about ready to leave, and Burkholder or somebody says, "So Mike, where's Sam??" I look around and don't see him anywhere. Now he's a tough 8th-grade halfback these days, not a little kid anymore, so I wasn't really worried. But still I thought it was a little strange that he wasn't standing there bugging me for food. I looked around, there's a bunch of Iowa limited shooters (but honorary wheelgunners by night, of course) standing down at the end of the room talking to Dan and Bonnie, but no Sam. Finally, Phil looks over my shoulder and starts laughing. I turn around and there's Sam sitting at the bar next to Cliff Walsh, and damned if the two of them aren't engaged in some pretty friendly conversation with two 35-year-old women seated next to them at the bar.

Now I understand that Cliff's a young single guy, and single guys have their own special needs. And when a single guy sees two moderately over-ripe but obviously available chicks sitting at the bar, what does he need? A running buddy, of course--another young single dude to hang with him and help talk up the ladies..... The amazing part is the ladies actually seemed to be buying it. As we were leaving I was actually concerned the one was going to give Sam (age 13) her phone number.

(Which would not have looked good on my "Father of the Year" application.)

Only in Quincy.

Edited by Carmoney
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Divine Intervention.

On the last stage of the match (Stage 9, Room with a View) the buzzer went off and my gun wouldn't fire.

What was worse, I couldn't clear it.

I checked the safety, tried to rack the slide but it was locked up tight.

By now I have burned four or five seconds and I'm having visions of zeroing the stage

Just when I think things can't get any worse the RO says STOP,... Unload and Show Clear!!!!

I dropped the magazine and the slide came free.

I clear the gun and holster it and asked the RO why he stopped me.

He pointed down range where a gust of wind had blown one of the targets onto the ground.

"We have a stage malfunction. You get a re-shoot."

Somebody up there likes me. :rolleyes:


Edited by tlshores
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Man Tony, talk about your emotional roller-coaster! Your gun's hopelessly locked up, then you hear the most dreaded word in all of IPSC ("stop"), then a moment later you realize everything has been magically saved! :)

Glad it worked out that way for you.

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I'll post a thread about my own gun freeze on stage 3, but my best has to be proving (accidentally) that I can load to a 21 rounder TWICE in one stage. :wacko:

Yeah, I know. :unsure:

I normally download a mag by one, juuust before the LAMR so I know just how many...oh, you get the idea.

This time we needed all we could get so I was going to use my two 21 rounders, downloaded to 20.

The RO says "Make Ready" which means put yo junk in the back of the golf cart. I plop down my gun and two FULL mags, and take a seat. I am so hung up in my plan that I don't remember to pop one out and now I will have to load a rock hard 21 rounder into the gun TWICE in one stage.

Yes, my mind went "OH $HIT!!!" just after the beep went off, but in spite of a slow time, the stage went ok, and throughout the NATS my 21 rounders worked flawlessly.

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mags staged perfectly in golf cart.. my fat ass in golf cart means everything slides to one corner.. that wasn't fun at all!!!

Hahaha. lots of funny stuff. keep the storeis coming. i've heard of some real goofy stuff. so put it out there guys.

I hear the secret service had a "suit" in the awards cerimony ;)

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I hear the secret service had a "suit" in the awards cerimony ;)

Yeah, I saw him. He was obviously on presidential protection detail. Who knew the official dress code permitted an underarmor turtleneck to extend up past the dress shirt collar! ;)

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I thought the "secret service agent" was a special presenter for the "who's got the duck?" award. The yellow duck in the revolver super squad was classic. I doubt it would have worked in every squad. I know things got a little tense in my squad once or twice due to personality conflicts so "the duck" might not have been as big a hit...but it looked like a lot of fun.

"The Jerry" dance and the whole Murse (man-purse) debate on Stage 14 was one for the ages ;) . I've never seen so many MacGyver's in one squad. Who knew you could make so many Murse-devices out of what you carry in a range bag. My only regret was that I thought I was taping the entire incident and didn't realize until the end that I had hit the record button twice and missed the whole damned thing :angry: . I was so bummed :(

At some point I'll get all the video downloaded and try to figure out how to post them on here some place. I have a lot of the revolver super squad (mostly draws and first target arrays).

I'm sure I was one of those quoted on tape as telling the RO "what, I'm missing a moonie!" while they try to start the next shooter. :P

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The yellow duck in the revolver super squad was classic. I doubt it would have worked in every squad

For those just tuning in, the bright yellow duck was a "traveling trophy" hatched from the evil mind of northwest revo wiz Tom Kettells. The shooter who screwed up the stage the worst (in terms of penalties or lousy hits) had to suffer the indignity of carrying the damn stuffed duck around until some other chump earned it on the next stage.

I got to carry the duck after Stage 11, where I dropped a shot off that nice slow windmill. Fortunately, I managed to have a really nice run on Stage 12 (walking the beam), and I was sorta reluctant to hand it off. See, I figured maybe the duck was my good luck charm. ("Lucky duck"???) :)

Yeah, you gotta have pretty thick skin to shoot with this bunch of crazy bastards! But it was all in good fun, and it helped keep the mood light.

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mags staged perfectly in golf cart.. my fat ass in golf cart means everything slides to one corner.. that wasn't fun at all!!!

Hahaha. lots of funny stuff. keep the storeis coming. i've heard of some real goofy stuff. so put it out there guys.

I hear the secret service had a "suit" in the awards cerimony ;)

well, at least you didn't rent that golf cart! :lol:


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I think I have everyone beat for this year.

Since this was my first Nationals, and my first year as a Factory Sponsored shooter for Team Bunny Fart, I was given a generous supply ammo.

Since I may not have shot it all up for this match, I will be able to sell some of my overstock at a reduced load I mean price.

My sponsorship may be in jeapordy though, since security cameras did catch me at every shop in Quincy buying all the factory ammo I could get my hands on.

Thanks to all of the Super guys (and Gal) in Squad 19. I have never had more fun, or learned so much.

I have a lot of video. I just signed up for YouTube.com. I will post the videos to there so everyone can enjoy them, and download them for training purposes.

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I do have fond memories of the two stages I was allowed to shoot with the revolver super squad. :( Oh well. There is a first time for everything. I just wish I hadn't had my first DQ ever at nationals. :rolleyes:

At least they didn't make carry that damn duck around. ;)

Edited by Keith
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I do have fond memories of the two stages I was allowed to shoot with the revolver super squad. :( Oh well. There is a first time for everything. I just wish I hadn't had my first DQ ever at nationals. :rolleyes:

At least they didn't make carry that damn duck around. ;)

Keith you showed a lot of class hanging out and helping, tape and paint.

Most guys would left and felt sorry for themselves.

It was a pleasure shooting with!


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I do have fond memories of the two stages I was allowed to shoot with the revolver super squad. :( Oh well. There is a first time for everything. I just wish I hadn't had my first DQ ever at nationals. :rolleyes:

At least they didn't make carry that damn duck around. ;)


I know how much it sucks to DQ at a big match. Look at it this way, your DQ Karma meter is pegged after such a big hit.

I'll give you a lot of credit, too, you took it like a man. No bitching or fussing or trying to talk your way out of it. You knew what happened and owned up to it. There's a lot to be said for that.

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Keith was pretty cool when it happened. The RM was called the RO explained what happened, the RM says you broke the 180 by engaging this target passed this cone and Keith says," ABSOLUTELY"

He hung out and worked with us on every stage.

It was great to see you again, Keith.

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Keith was pretty cool when it happened. The RM was called the RO explained what happened, the RM says you broke the 180 by engaging this target passed this cone and Keith says," ABSOLUTELY"

He hung out and worked with us on every stage.

It was great to see you again, Keith.

That's right "Classy" Moments From The '06 Nationals Experience. B)

That reminds me, didn't Steve Jensen get something like a 10 or 20 second discount on a stage that he caught and corrected on the official standings? It could have been a stage win for him if I've got it straight.

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I do have fond memories of the two stages I was allowed to shoot with the revolver super squad. :( Oh well. There is a first time for everything. I just wish I hadn't had my first DQ ever at nationals. :rolleyes:

At least they didn't make carry that damn duck around. ;)

Keith you showed a lot of class hanging out and helping, tape and paint.

Most guys would left and felt sorry for themselves.

It was a pleasure shooting with!


+1 on that! Quite a lot of the revolver guys mentioned the class act after the incident. It says a lot about a guy that stays to help out and have fun with the rest of the crew for the remaining two days. Big Kudos to Keith. Glad to meet you.

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Is somebody gonna post the video of Cliff's run on stage 14 or not? :lol:

Coming this Fall to a Forum near you......"Stage 14 Adventure".....starring Cliff Walsh.

This film has been rated FH....( F'n Hilarious ).

I have that run on video......and its funny ass hell.... :lol::lol::lol:

Ill need some help getting it on here....

Edited by D.carden
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Keith was pretty cool when it happened. The RM was called the RO explained what happened, the RM says you broke the 180 by engaging this target passed this cone and Keith says," ABSOLUTELY"

He hung out and worked with us on every stage.

It was great to see you again, Keith.

That's right "Classy" Moments From The '06 Nationals Experience. B)

That reminds me, didn't Steve Jensen get something like a 10 or 20 second discount on a stage that he caught and corrected on the official standings? It could have been a stage win for him if I've got it straight.

It was 20 seconds - I shot a couple of good stages but I don't think I can shoot as fast as Mike in my dreams. Don't think I could sleep if I didn't have them change that. Anyway, where is the video of Cliff on 14 That was was the high point of the match. Congrats on GM Cliff.

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Is somebody gonna post the video of Cliff's run on stage 14 or not? :lol:

Coming this Fall to a Forum near you......"Stage 14 Adventure".....starring Cliff Walsh.

This film has been rated FH....( F'n Hilarious ).

I have that run on video......and its fuuny ass hell.... :lol::lol::lol:

Ill need some help getting it on here....

Sorry I missed that one - we went to lunch <_< but I have Hopalong, Pat, and Jerry. I ALSO HAVE THE END OF THE JERRY DANCE!! :lol: Just a couple of seconds of it but you can get the jist (as well as some of the debate on the Murse function/construction).

I have a lot of other footage of Stages 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, some of 14, 15, 16, 17. Mostly the revo super squad draw and first target arrays then some other bits and pieces of the rest of the stage as the shooter would appear again.

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