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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Occasionally I get the impression from a post in these forums the poster has never heard of Brian, hasn't a clue this forum is associated with the Brianenos.com store and never heard of "Practical Shooting, beyond fundamentals."

The question that doesn't fit anywhere is; am I just reading too much into nothing or have people found there way here in the dark?

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Well, I would suppose that it's been a while since Brian has been real active in open competition and a lot of folks have come in after that. So, yes, I think many have come here without knowing of Brian. And only later learn of "beyond fundamentals" through the forum.

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Wow, this thread is making me realize my age. I first saw Brian at the 1984 Nationals. He was constantly with some other young bearded guy, that was constantly playing with a Bali-Song. :D I then saw him at the Masters for a number of years, and was there to congratulate him when he won that match.

So, I do know who our esteemed host is, and have no need to inquire "Brain, Who???"

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If you google him, there is also an actor with the same name...does our host moonlight in front of the cameras?

Hmmm.... :lol:

From Google:

Brian Enos (HSDC Main Company Dancer/Choreographer) began his dance training at age 14 and has studied with the Houston Ballet Academy, Maria Vegh, ... rising choreographic star Brian Enos. will create a new work for Houston Ballet


Back on topic....I honestly didn't know who Brian was before I found this site via Google. Before I decided to jump in with both feet my only real exposure to the action shooting sports were clips of matches on shows like Shooting USA. Only names I was really aware of were guys like Doug K and Jerry M. Of course then this site opened my eyes up to a brave new world. ;)

Edited by j2fast
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The only forum I was a member before here was the 1911 forum. In some post, someone posted a link to this forum. I had no idea who Brian, or anyone else was, with the exception of Matt Burkett who used to post there.

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Brian Enos (HSDC Main Company Dancer/Choreographer) began his dance training at age 14 and has studied with the Houston Ballet Academy, Maria Vegh, ... rising choreographic star Brian Enos. will create a new work for Houston Ballet

Paging Sharyn, break out the Photoshop... Need a shot of Brian performing Swan Lake :D

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Not that Brian is the same vintage but there are a lot, especially among younger shooters ,who don't know of Jeff Cooper either.

I remember mentioning Cooper to a M class Limited guy, he looked at me and said, Who?

This is America, the land of the present moment and "what can you do for me today?". If someone is not actively marketing themself, they get forgotten and swamped in all the noise of the day.

Only after someone has been around a bit and begins to study the sport that they run into those who came before.

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I think I started shooting matches at about the exact time that Brian quit shooting. Still I knew who he and Rob were from all the shooting mags I had devoured over the years. At one of my first Tuesday Night Steel matches I was hauling my gear off to go to the next stage when I heard the R.O. call out "Rob Leatham is the shooter, Brian Enos is on deck." I told my buddy we should stay and watch these guys and he just kinda' blinked at me and said "why?" After the buzzer went off he got it.


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When I came into the game it was Leatham, Barnhart and Jarrett. My first Nationals (Limited 2001) I stood and watched them fight out the last stage in the pouring rain...they only had about 5 points separating them going into that stage.

I wish I would have seen Brain competing...he seems so relaxed when he shoots (focused relaxation?), from what I've gathered.

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Brian always seemed more focused and very smooth as a result. Robbie, has a rare ability to be joking right up to the Load and Make Ready, then toss a switch, and kick lots of butts. That was the reference to Robbie playing with a Bali-Song while waiting to shoot. Brian focusing....Robbie playing.... It was a pleasure watching them both.

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As a relatively young and impressionable shooter, it was really cool to be at my first Area match ever and see a jacked up custom Safariland-painted 4x4 Suburban with Arizona plates drive up and Brian and Rob and who knows else all pile out. I don't think I knew enough to watch them shoot :(

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THere are some of us here. who have 1.. been around FOREVER! or two. where i fit in, a historian, i love knowing everything I can about how everything happenedin the creation of the sport, how each thing effected what it is now, I feel this will better help me server other USPSA shooters in the future.

Most folks find this site not by looking at top shooters websites, but by googling something else, going from a hot link on other sites like mine, jakes, or any other shooter out there with a web site.

I truely wish i coiuld have watched brian compete, and shot with him. maybe some day he'll get the itch again :) we can only hope.

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Most folks find this site not by looking at top shooters websites, but by googling something else, going from a hot link on other sites...

Yup, that would be me.

Winter of 2005, I bought a 1911 -- had always wanted one, and had an excuse when a friend's dad gave him a pistol, and we learned about a nearby public range.

I'd shot from time to time in my teens, 20's and 30's, but just very casually, and can't say I even really knew what IPSC was, beyond some vague recollection of a sport involving the ubiquitous cardboard target. As far as any individuals, nope -- zero names were familiar back then; not Brian, not Rob, no one.

In reading about 1911's, and wanting to reload, there was a reference to this site on..I think www.1911forum.com, and -- ah ha!

I wish I'd known about all this (practical shooting) a while ago, but..so it goes. Probably didn't have the $ or time back the, either.

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Another name from the past [for me] and still going strong now [it would appear].

Dan Sierpina. Back when I ventured out of VT [late 80's] to MA to shoot due to the very limited amount of IPSC matchers in VT at the time, a lot of the nicest guns I saw had been built by Dan Sierpina.

We never met but I always admired his work and now 16 years later here he is..... :)

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I guess that is because I was not young at the 84 Natls.. :P

Ahhhh....but, we were younger then. The funny thing is, I seem to remember seeing that Brian recently had his 50th birthday. I guess he wasn't as young as I thought. The other of that duo of old, I don't think will ever grow up though.

Zoom Zoom...

I did get out of that business though. I also took a 10 year vacation from the game, not shooting, just IPSC. There doesn't seem to be as many whiners as there were when I stopped. Either that, of I'm trying not to hear them. Maybe the degrading of my hearing has some good points after all.

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