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Match Strategy -- When Do You Look At Scores?

boo radley

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I'm curious how and when y'all look at the scores (assuming a "major" type match, in which score-sheets are reasonably current).

If you're starting on a Sunday, for example, with two days of prior shooters already finished, do you look at their scores prior to starting? In the middle of the match? Or only when you've finished.

I'm still feeling my way around this issue...One thing I've noticed that if I look at a particular time for a stage, it can "stick" in one's mind, and become limiting. IOW, if I'm shooting well, and look at the board, and think "Ok, the best B (or whatever) shooter shot it in 23 seconds...all I have to do is stay close to that," I never seem to break 23 seconds, even if I might be able to otherwise.

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I only look at the posted scores to see that my scoresheets match with what is printed there. I check them each day and during the 1 hour period after the match. Typos happen so I check for that. Otherwise, standings don't matter until AFTER the match is over.

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Look at them for reference on a particular issue only before-hand. ie: Did the top shooters take that disapearing target or leave it ?

But generally I dont look until the end.

Shoot at the best of YOUR abilities, not someone elses.

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I just look at them whenever....just have to train yourself to look objectively at them and not let them have an effect on your game.

I agree with Jake.

I look at them as soon as they are available but only as a point of reference.

I still shoot my game at my pace as well as I can.

The only real value it has is that I can compare my score on a given stage and know if it was great, average or in the toilet.

For example if GM's are shooting a field course in 19 seconds and I shoot it clean in 25, I know I am around 75% which is a respectable run for a B class shooter.

My scores are as good as I can make them.

The "wailing wall" only tells me whether I am a future contender or maybe I should take up golf. ;)


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The only practical use for interim results IMHO is to verify your data and to check the situation on the occasional stage where decisions on gaming an engagement may be helped with data on existing runtimes versus the points available. Once you know what the points per second a top run is getting on a stage, it becoems easy to see what something is worth in time/versus points to you in your planning.

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Interesting -- the answers are a bit different than I expected! Everyone seems to either completely ignore the scores, or use them only in a very objective manner....

I can see the wisdom in that, but are there not situations in which you might change the way you shoot based on your competitors, assuming you're trying to win your class/division, high-overall, or whatever, depending on skill level? Or, use the feedback from your standings for a positive effect on your psyche?

From my *very* limited personal experience, I can think of two examples, in which looking at interim scores helped and hurt.

First "big" match -- was very excited, and had been practicing, dry-firing like a demon, etc., only to throw a bunch of mikes on the first and second stages. I felt crushed and sick with myself...with nothing to lose, I wandered over to the leaderboard and saw while my stage performance had been wretched, it surprisingly wasn't *that* wretched, and others had been struggling, too. I cheered up a bit, relaxed, and ended with a great match.

Second example - same deal, a shaky start. Walked over, while waiting for another squad to finish, and saw my scores would be terrible, already, with many more squads to go. Got so pissed, I forced *everything* from that point on, which resulted in many C hits, and the inevitable true "crash-and-burn" stage. Probably better to have not looked. :)

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I used to look at them every chance I got...It encouraged me to do my best and I knew what I had to beat...I know the wisdom on the forum is to not TRY, but I have always done better that way...so I always looked...

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I don't look until I'm done shooting the match.

For me second guessing my game plan hardly ever pays off.

'Course, I'm not in contention for HOA, so I don't need to turn up or turn down my game as circumstances might require.

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+1 on the shoot to to YOUR best. I look at the scores if they are posting during the day if we have a break. You can usually tell if you tank one when you finish it. However if you did good on a stage you can gain some confidence about your perception of your ability. I use them as a tool to see my weakness. At the Area 6 I noticed that I was not doing too well on the fast close shooting....so I needed to speed up and worry less on the points and more on the time. On the technical longer shooting stages I was just fine as is. Just my .02

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When I was new to this game 12 years ago and going to my first major match (FIPT, anybody remember that match), I was told by a vetern shooter to not look at the scores until I had fired my last shot. Then, that was good advice b/c you dont want to think you're really hosing and see yourself half way down the page or lower and then try to make up the time cause you'll only crash and burn.

After getting dozens of major matches under your belt, I think you can look at the stages with honesty and for info only. If you can't do that, you're probably not the caliber of shooter or at the skill level to be at the top anyway. All you can do is what you can, push beyond that and risk crashing. Shoot your game, not everyone else's.

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