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Thoughts Behinds Signatures

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I often read posts (almost every day), I always read the signature-lines.

Can't escape that feeling that the signature-lines tell more about a person than their posts...

Comments please....


Edited by schmitz
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Henny brings up an interesting point. The signature lines can be a lot of things... serious, funny, or just an inside joke. Reading them is something like reading the (bumper) stickers we often put on our cars.

I graduated from Auburn University in 1998, you know I still have have an AU sticker and fraternity greek letters on my truck's back window. I even replaced them with new, brighter stickers about two years ago. Edit to add...am I living in the past on this one, too nostalgic perhaps?

My signature, I was just playing on a work related theme.

Edited by Middle Man
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The first line is also my avatar from the aikido group I'm in. I just think it so aptly describes IPSC - each encounter (stage) only offers you one chance.

The second line is from a Dan Millman book and is a reminder to pay attention to everything because if you aren't paying attention you can't learn...

And the last line...well, that is our esteemed host and his witty observation (pun intentional).

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Mine.... "Sights are a formality..." is a little running joke of mine... ;)

First line after that ... "The Matrix" - one of the child prodigies to Neo

Second line ... "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" - Qui Gon Jin to Anakin

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I consider myself an analytical person. Therefore, I'm an analytical shooter.

I, of course, do the things that feel right and work. But I have an unquenchable (I hope that's a word) thirst for knowing WHY it feels right and/or work.

I watched the movie Equilibrium and I considered that particular monologue by a character about the birth of the Gun Kata to be pretty accurate about reflecting my personality/style.

By the way, I'll also jump on the "quotes reflect peoples personalities" bandwagon. Even if you mean them as jokes or a little trivia, or like some people do (although I haven't seen this in this forum) post your gun collection. They still talk about your persona and personality.

Edited by Pierruiggi
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Without getting too political here...I'm from soutwestern Illinois/St. Louis metropolitan area. Chicagoans like to call us

"downstate". I'm just a little ticked about that term. I think it carries a negative conotation.

Chicago politicians want more gun laws. Daly/Blagovich are pushing for the State's own Assault Weapons Ban. Furthermore, the former governor, Ryan, should be standing trial shortly for all of his corruption activities.

I think Chicago should be separate from the rest of Illinois, kinda like D.C. is it's own entity.

They can just leave the rest of us "downstater's" alone!


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