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I Hate Assumptions Made About Single Women Shooters

Trisha Lowry

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Ok guys, now is my time to vent but as a single woman on the range I either get the comments from the wives/girlfriends of the guys I shoot with or the automatic assumptions that I must be sleeping with the guys I shoot with..... :angry: I don't party with them....just shoot.

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The most difficult lesson for me to learn...

Don't worry what other people think. You can't change them, you can only change you. ;)

Hang in there, Trisha. I can't say it gets better, but you can learn to utilize it for your amusement. :D

edit: Ooops! You posted in the hate forum. Sorry for the unsolicited advice. I can totally relate to your situation and I hate it too. PM me if you want some good one liner comebacks... ;)

Edited by Sharyn
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I know how you must feel Trisha, but rest assured it goes both ways. Years ago I spent a month teaching a Winter Term Aikido course at Oberlin College. For years my wife, now ex-wife by the way, her friends and everyone with whom they could gossip just new I was sleeping with the women on campus. It wasn't true but I did not know about all the malicious rumoring until years later when it came up in conversation with another Aiki instructor. She of course had heard the rumors.

It gave me a whole new interpretation to the Hank Williams Jr. song, "I like to have women I've never had"

Just ignore 'em Trisha,

"ride, shoot straight and speak the truth"


Edited by AikiDale
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My girlfriend got some of that grief when she started shooting on her own too. (before we met)

The people who think and talk that way pretty much suck anyway, so it does not really matter a whole lot what they think. They sure love to gossip. You should have heard some of the carp that people said when my girl and I got together.

As a match director when a lady comes out to shoot I'm always mindful that some of the idjits on the range may do or say something completely stupid and I make sure that they are not squadded with her. A couple of the guys are just total maroons when it comes to having a lady on the range. I try to keep the "short bus squad" far away from the other folks. ;)

I hope this does not make you want to stop shooting. Keep plugging away, and enjoy yourself.


Edited by Ted Murphy
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My wife Linda and I have ran a small club for over 13 years, we see it too and, we call the "little Queen" syndrone. The lady gets used to being the "queen on the range and feals threatend by a new Lady. "Well"? "What" ? They lash out. One time Linda caut her self fealing the same thing. so now she jokes about being the "Little Queen" on the range.

I will always tell her when Marisa Hogan gives me a hug at one of the shoots if Linda is not their. Linda just calls us both Flerts. You would have to know Marisa. maybe Shred can describe her.


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And for some reason the fact that I ride a Harley seems to make it worse....Funny but most of the assumptions are made by OTHER WOMEN...which really drives me nuts :o Just haven't quite figured out that logic that since I ride a motorcycle I am going to want their husbands :P

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That kind of thing would drive me insane. I find it so annoying that some people are so insecure as to assume that everyone is out to get their mate. I cant even imagine how horrible that might feel.

Personally I would be so pissed that I would ask the RM to remove non-shooters from the range for interfearing with your game. And if the ARE shooters then non-sportsmanship should be brought up.

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I try to keep the "short bus squad" far away from the other folks.

Hey that's not right, I never made fun of your squad. :P

Back to the thread. I hate it when someone isn't treated respectfully at the range. I hope it doesn't get to you as the sport always loses when good people walk away.

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I find it so annoying that some people are so insecure as to assume that everyone is out to get their mate. I cant even imagine how horrible that might feel.

And here's the best part of that twisted line of thinking: What does that assumption (and the obvious underlying fear that the partner might leave) say about their level of confidence in their partner?

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Hate to hear that Trish. But don't let them get the best of you! You are welcome to come out to Wisconsin and shoot with us at Area 5! :D

Wisconsin....they would have that white stuff there right? BRRRRR You are talking to a true blue desert lizard! 100+ is good for riding and shooting

No the comments usually aren't on the range, they come from the guys whose wives get upset when they find out I am out there shooting on the same squad or same match. What burns me will be the guys that are my friends but the minute their significant other comes around I suddenly become a total stranger! :(

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That is total crap. I hate that you have to go through that. Oh and area 5 is in the summer. It should be hot and humid by then. I think that those girls are just jealous that they aren't out there shooting. I, thankfully, don't have to put up with that. Well I did encounter one thing that took me off gard a little. We had some of the guys over for Thanksgiving this year and they brought thier wives. I was having a good time. When I was talking with one of them and she found out that I was going to the RO course the next weekend along with her husband she said, " I am not sure I want him to go now" I was shocked and didn't know what to say, so I changed the subject. I just thought that it was funny that some one felt threatend by me. :P

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And for some reason the fact that I ride a Harley seems to make it worse....Funny but most of the assumptions are made by OTHER WOMEN...which really drives me nuts

Nothing some people hate more than self confidence and self reliance. Most the other gals are likely envious you are more in control of your life than they are.


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What burns me will be the guys that are my friends but the minute their significant other comes around I suddenly become a total stranger! :(

This happens for a couple of reasons.

1. This shooter flurts with you regularly and doesn't want his wife to find out.

2. He doesn't want to tick off his wife because she is the jelious type and he doesn't want to put up with her being mad for 10 years. If he ticks her off, he probably wont get any nooky for a couple of weeks. The man is scared of his wife.

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Sing it Sister!!!!! I could write a novel about the plethora of perturbing pap I have had to deal with. And for those nice guys who just can't believe that this stuff happens because they themselves (or there wives) would never do it, Trisha's experience is yet another anecdotal example. If you dare to date any shooters, watch out. It is the world's tiredest broken record. I thought I was safe from all the silliness years ago when I got married and had a kid. This last nationals, a competitor I'd met at one of the area matches approached me to warn me about some rumor. 'Course he did it when right before I was up first on a stage.... :angry: Thanks for the distraction! Not only was the rumor wildy outlandish but the other party supposedly involved wasn't even at the match in question at the same time I was. WTF?! Apparently, if you're outgoing, friendly, make occasional banter, it's just going to happen. It's unfortunate but true.

It is difficult but the only thing to do is ignore it. To whomever brings the rumor to your attention, ask them if they defended you against the rumor monger. Of course, none of us should participate in any type of rumor mongering either. Unless it's first hand knowledge, don't comment about it. And when someone starts rumoring to you, stop them and refuse to listen.

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The only women that are threatened by you are those that are not secure in their own relationship.

That is their problem. Don't let them turn it into your problem.

My wife doesn't worry about such things because she knows I love her.

The woman has never been born that could take me away from her.

I also rode a Harley for years with many women riders in our club.

I overheard a lot of comments about them and discovered that a lot of people assumed the women riders were gay.

Some were, some weren't.

So what?

Don't waste another minute worrying about what anyone else thinks.

The ones that are talking need to get a life.

You go girl.


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And for some reason the fact that I ride a Harley seems to make it worse....Funny but most of the assumptions are made by OTHER WOMEN...which really drives me nuts :o Just haven't quite figured out that logic that since I ride a motorcycle I am going to want their husbands :P

No Fair! You ride a bike and shoot?! My girl friend was already alerted to that VixZen Sig Lady, she was understandably curious about Rikarin knowing how attached I am to all things Japanese and more than a few eyebrows were raised when I squadded with Julie at an Area match, even though Rhino was there keeping score. They are always talking about us rabbits you know....Of course Carinab and Aikidogirl were on the watch list from the beginning. It leaves a guy with only one question: Who can have the most wives, Mormons or Muslims?


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Tony said,

"The woman has never been born that could take me away from her."

I am so glad that you said that. It sure is nice to hear that kind of love and devotion. See if every one had a relationship like that there wouldn't be any of this kind of BS!

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I try to keep the "short bus squad" far away from the other folks. ;)


Leave the Revo shooters out of this Ted ;) (Avitar going back)

I hate the fact that when a man tries to help a woman (when asked) others say he is looking for something. Small minds have little room for any rational thought.


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