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...Speed-Freaks...Meth-Heads...whatever you want to call the methanphetamine junkies.

Thanks to all the meth cooks out there I couldn't buy 2 boxes of Sudafed (only 12 pills each, I know there are bigger boxes but these were on sale!) at the wally-world "self-checkout" (another rant later)! The machine told me I exceeded my Federal limit of the stuff and I had to wait for assistance. The nice lady told me I couldn't buy 2 boxes and started to make off with the other one when I asked to have it back and just paid cash on 2 transactions in order to get them both.

I really can't stand the store (or paying more than I need to for anything...sorry I'm Scottish! So guess which one wins!) and I'll be damned if I'm going to go in there every three days till this cold blows over.

So once again, thank you to the junkies for making a perfectly good product a PITA to get in any quantity that matters! :angry:

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Rent the movie Salton Sea with Val Kilmer sometime, it's a hoot in that respect :ph34r::P:D

Still, this is not a funny situation in reality fer' sure.

I was checking into the match hotel in Vegas for the 2001 US3G and asked that no maid service be sent to our room for the duration of my stay. I was then told that they had to have a maid enter the room once a day, whether I liked it or not, whether I was there or not. I said that was unacceptable because my wife and I had firearms and our pet with us and that I wanted to see the manager (all the rest of the shooters in line behind me were muttering "Me Too" as this went on).

I was then told by the manager that they had the policy in place because they had previously had people setup temporary meth labs, run them for 3-4 days and scoot leaving a trashed room behind. I assured her that with folks like us they would not have these issues in our rooms and so did the half dozen shooters who had by then crowded up behind us. Many PD badges were pulled and shown to her and she suddenly realized her security issues were less of a problem this weekend ;-)

The real rub that sealed the deal for me on ever staying in cheezeball hotels again was when we were packing and I had to reach under the bed to pull my cat out (yeah, I have a travelling cat, more about that some other time). I used my trusty maglite first and saw a crumpled plastic bag between me and the cat. I gingerly removed it and was rewarded with a used makeshift syringe kit and a small crumpled packet with visible residues of a brownish powdery substance, Yeeeessshhh!!. The manager got a present on the way out and we stayed at the JW Marriott luxury resort the following year ;-/



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The worst part is... the meth they cook up with psuedoephidrine is apparently the crap stuff... the ban isn't doing anything to stop the sophisticated cooks who are doing up the "good s**t"...

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Thanks 3qt! I've been poking around for a couple of months and this just burned me up so bad I had to join and post it to the "Hates".

Rent the movie Salton Sea with Val Kilmer sometime, it's a hoot in that respect :ph34r::P:D



Good call George! I love this movie...especially Vincent Donofrio without a nose :lol:

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Pooh Bear is by far the weirdest character in a film in a long time. The two scenes that really kill me are the Bob Hope specimen raid and the visit to the Bobby the dealer's apartment. Sheeesh!! But then of course, there is the Zapruder film remake at Pooh Bear's place ;-p

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Pooh Bear is by far the weirdest character in a film in a long time. The two scenes that really kill me are the Bob Hope specimen raid and the visit to the Bobby the dealer's apartment. Sheeesh!! But then of course, there is the Zapruder film remake at Pooh Bear's place ;-p

The pidgeon wearing Jackie o's hat is priceless!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Oh don't even get me started on the meth heads. See previous rant from last spring re: meth lab across the street. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

I have taken to doing a room inspection whenever I check into a motel; regardless of class. A few minutes spent with my Surefire exploring the nooks and crannies makes for a lower stress stay. Wife is convinced I am looking for hidden bugs and cameras. Whatever...

It has also meant changing rooms once when I found what appeared to be blood smeared down the wall behind the headboard. A quick call to the manager telling him my next call was the PD had me upgraded to a much nicer room in a heartbeat.

No drug stuff...yet.

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You are lucky you can still buy it without a huge hassle. Our moron of a governor (Oregon) got the stuff regulated here, and they require ID to purchase it and they log the purchases. Heil Kulongoski, frigin' moron, the meth cooks just have to cross the border in Portland to Washington and can buy as much as they want.

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Indiana jumped on the band wagon and now all of the colp medicine is kept behind the counter at the pharmacy and I believe that you have to sign for it. Isn't that the way our government has come to work. Punish the law abiding citizens because it's to hard to go after the one's breaking the law. :angry:

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