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Ft Benning 3-gun Match Info

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Are there any emergency contact numbers at the range for family members back home? IF something were to happen, hopefully not, back home for anyone there how would they get contacted in a timely manner if on the range? Other than not getting vital info till they returned to their hotel rooms or turn their cell phones back on after finishing for the day. Just curious, but others may need this info as a comfort to those left at home.


Are we there yet? :ph34r:




Not for update or questions. Most cell phones work on our range, Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile for sure.

2 More Days and a WAKE-UP!!!!!!! :blink::)

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Thanks for the fast reply Hamp! ;) Just thought it was a good idea to have a number for this. I know I always turn my cell off on the range and leave it in my car. Can't wait till Friday!!!! Saturday and Sunday should be good too! :P

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I think I'll mosey on over & hold kurt by the nose & kick him in the ass at this match. shotgun lesson's start on sat. kurt.


Hope I get to watch some of you BIGDOGS shoot this weekend!! Might actually learn a thing or 2! :ph34r:

C'Ya there Benny! ;)

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Hi Guys

I can't take it anymore, I'm falling apart. The anticipation is just to much. Is there going tobe a 50 cal there to shoot?????????????? PLEASE :D I can't seam to stop looking for updates and get my gear in gear. WAIT I still have to load bullets. :blink: I better go.

See ya Ronnie

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Benny, I hope you bring VERY deep pockets for learning not only about shotgunning, but for spelling, punctuation, and grammer as well.

The first lesson shall be the large key labeled "shift" and has an arrow that points up on most computer key boards. This "key" will allow you to make BIG LETTERS as you call them in Texas, or what is known to most of us as "capital letters".

By the way I hope you enjoy the iron sight shooting lesson you will receive when it comes to rifle shooting. You know!

Are side bets allowed at the side matches? I got a few on.....ME vs. Benny ( note big letters Benny!) KURT

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Hi All

Just want to take a minute to thank my boys for all the effort they have put into this match. As I thought about it today I decided to post it BEFORE the match, so it doesn't get lost in all the grief posts later :P SFC Harless, SSG Johnson, SSG Michel, SSG Wilson, SGT Tomasie and I where the whole crew! Those guys turned a plain old EMPTY range into a world class venue in about 6 weeks, the effort was amazing and no amount of praise does them justice. So when you see them in the future, regardless of the outcome of this match tell them good job. They are some of Americas finest!


We are running ANOTHER SIDE MATCH.


Who will be the king of the long sword!!!


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Y'all were some of America's finest way before this match. Many thanks to all of you for your service to our country.

God bless you.

...and thanks for putting on the match too!

Benny, here's a gimmie for you. Remind Kurt it's "grammar", in letters big or small!

anyone want to make the easy money in the side matches, bet against me...

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I'm bringing extra for both shotgun and rifle. I'm not a threat, but I can get lucky sometimes. I'M GOING TO SHOOT SOMETHING, A LOT AND HOPEFLY FAST(ER). Have a safe trip and if you see that Kurt guy on the road, run over him for beating us on the Area 6 side match. <_<


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A huge THANKS to Hamp and ALL his crew! Great job guys! Had a great time, lots of fun and got to meet alot of great people. Stages were super !!! Hamp, ditch the PALMS!!!! The weather was way better than expected. 1 little critique, targets should have been switched out more often, saw lots with huge ragged holes which were hard to paste up. AK stage and AT-4 were a blast, but sorry Travis, your Bradley Fighting Vehicle was a stretch to imagine! :P Was great to get back to Benning, if just for a weekend! :ph34r: Now its time to start practicing for NEXT year... Got dates yet??? Once more, GREAT JOB GUYS!!!! Thanks alot for the super fun match!!!

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hamp--this was a great match. it would be a mistake if you don't have this match next year. a 3-gun match like this is not that common on the east coast. thank's again for having the match an all the work you an your guys put into it.

roger cash

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Congratulations to you and your team. This was the finest multi-gun match I’ve attended in a while. Great stages and great venue. Thanks for doing it. I sincerely hope you will do it again. It would be a tragedy to let a few glitches get you down. We always seem to focus on the things that go wrong. You did a whole hell of a lot more right than wrong. Focus on that. Pat yourself on the back. Relax and know that you bought a lot of goodwill toward the U S Army Marksmanship Unit.


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Great great match. Even with the few issues you had, the match was a success. I can't believe how much work the AMU team and shooters put in to making the stages and range so nice. Hamp - wait a week and let things calm down. You'll see how much people really appreciate your efforts that made the match happen. I can't wait for next years match. You could probably sell the 2006 match in less than a month. :)


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You are THE MAN!!! It was a great match. I hope your still not beating yourself up, there is no need. I had a ball as I'm sure everyone else did. I'd like to be the first to sign up for next year as I know you wont let us down and will continue to host what I'm sure will become a must attend event.

I had a great bunch of sqaudies and made many new firends, not the least of which was Still Praying (Ronnie.) One of the finest shooters and gentelman that you would ever hope to meet. It was an honour brother!

I would also like to thank Max and Travis for an excellent class that will give me much to practice. I would highly recomend taking a class from these guys. Thank you both.

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I wholeheartedly agree with what has been written above. Good stages, fun props (AT4 with subcaliber insert, full auto AKs), fantastic venue, and excellent ROs (as well as a host of privates running around taking AT4s, picking up brass, painting steel etc).

For those out there in internet land who don't know what is going on. There was a failure of the primary scoring system, the secondary scoring system and the back up to that. So we don't know what the results at this point (we are all tied for first!). We should know unofficial scoring tomorrow with final final results on Thursday. So stay tuned.

I would like to thank the AMU for their service to the nation and their generous hospitality. You guys keep it up. You have our support. I'm glad to see the AMU branch out from highpower (not that there is anything wrong with highpower), bullseye. and pistol shjooting and enter the world of three gun. You guys have some really good shooters and a LOT of potential.

Now, BigHamp, GIVE ME 50!!!!!!!


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Ditto on the positive comments already made. The match was great!!! All the small problems that this match had are part of a learning curve and growing pains that all new matches and many established matches normally go thru. SFC Hampton and the rest of the AMU and support personnel did an outstanding job. The stages were straight forward but challenging without going overboard. I didn't meet or talk to a shooter who wasn't pleased with the match. The only way you'll make any shooters disappointed with this match is if you don't have it again next year.

Also having the match right around the corner from my old stomping grounds at the RTB was fantastic. It sure did bring back alot of memories. Coming to Ft. Benning was kind of like coming home after all these years. I just wish all this stuff was there when I was there way back when.

Also SFC Hampton's actions of taking sole responsibility for any problems and praising his people is in keeping with the highest standards of the NCO Corps. "HOOAH"

I'll be back for next years match.

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Got back home and wanting to figure out where the app is for next year. Hamp, that thing will not take a month to fiil up, you will probably start your waiting list the first week.

That was defienitely the best dressed match I have seen. The whole range was spotless and well laid out. You guys put out a lot of blood sweat and tears and believe me, the shooter realized how hard you worked. Thank you very much.

The stages were great but the staff was outstanding. I have never been to a match where all, that right I said *(ALL)* the staff were first class gentlemen. They all made us feel like we were something special. That's somethig you don't get to often.

About the glitches, can you say (first time). For the first time putting on a match and basically starting from scratch I feel you did a fantastic job.

If there is anything as shooters that we can do to encourage or convice the Army to put this match on again, please do not hesitate to let us know. I know many will do what we can to help.

Again, Thank You so very much for a great match.

I hope all goes well and smooth from here.


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