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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

How did you find this site?

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"I invented this web site and forum right after I invented the internet"

-Al Gore

I actually don't even remember, I think someone told me about it at a match. It seems like I've been looking around on here forever and it's been less than a year.

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My wife ordered Brians book a few years ago for Christmas. She got a machine when she called, but within a few minutes Brian called her back, and took the order. We (My wife and I) both thought is was WICKED cool that the author of the book I wanted, was the one taking orders, and she still says how nice Brain was on the phone. (Side note: BE must be VERY patient, since my wife talks ALOT) After I re-read the book, I wanted to see what else BE had to offer, so I checked out the website.

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Hey, if BE has the patience and courtesy to answer MY frivolous e-mails, then he's a gracious gentleman indeed! And he even sent me a second "Book" when the first one was apparently lost... B) (but actually, we think, got jammed down in some postal machine--boy, was the first package trashed by the time I DID get it.)

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For me it was a multistage process:

Decided I was interested in shooting again.

Started looking around for the people and places I used to know. Found the TASC site (www.tasc-ipsc.org).

Followed all the links (yes, I can be obsessive).

Noticed the pointer to Brian's page and remembered his book since I found it one of the best written "training" manuals for arts not very related to IPSC.

Followed the link, found the Forums.

Read most of the posts in the forums over the last couple of days (remember that obsessive thing :wub:).

Happy that I did ... :D


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Cool to bring this thread back up,,,

As I was reading the posts I realized that today is my forum anniversary!!! Woo Hoo,,, Unfortunetly reading my old posts are like looking at a picture of myself drunk. Hmmm, probably should be some sort of life affecting realization there,,,Oh Well.


Welcome to all that have and will find the site!!!

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I found it searching Google for some "practical shooting" related forums (IPSC stuff). I found the old, old, old forums (the first ones). Lurked there for a while. Brian set up the "new" forums and I saw he sold a book. I joined the forum and won the book with my first post :) . I was the fifth member I believe (and haven't posted that much, compared to some of the "new guys" ;))

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I found this site because a friend was telling a joke at a local club match. After everyone quit laughing, I said "that's a good one, where did you hear that from", his reply was "Brian's website - in the humor section". I asked Brian ? He said, "Brian Enos, if you haven't heard of it, check it out, there's a lot of good shooting info on there too".

I did and I've been hooked ever since.

Absolutely!! the best I've seen!

Hat's off to ya BE....

To close with a phrase I saw on here somewhere... Vini, Vidi, Velcro (I came, I saw, I stuck around) ;)

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I was searching the web for firearms lubricants.

Got the slide glide page.

Checked out the forum, bought the book and the slide glide soon after.

This forum absolutely rocks !

I rarely go anywhere else , I can only hope my posts are up to the high standards of this site.

Travis F.

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I thought this was the "Victoria's Secret" online catalog, and by the time I found out it wasn't, it was too late!!!!!!!! :P:rolleyes:

No, actually my gunsmith here in St. Louis, Missouri (Otto Matyska d/b/a "OttoComp") used to shoot competitively, and told me to check out Brian's site................ he said Brian was a great shooter and a party animal to boot!!!

Best to everyone,

Jeffro (Jeff)

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Somebody left the door open...and I wandered in :unsure: found the site to be very informative and touched on several points of interest and I liked it so much I moved in :D

Don't have as much time to chase steel and paper anymore, but I still like to keep informed.

Great site, keep up the good work.

Oh, yeah, I found the site while searching for 1911 parts, I set the parameters a little broadly <_<

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