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Many thanks for all the updates! It looks like some awesome contests shaping up down on the equator. Tyc is obviously one hell of a shooter- Dave has been so dominant in Production lately that it feels strange to see him trailing after two days of shooting. But if anyone can rise to the challenge, Dave will do it.

And what a match in Standard! Go Phil!

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I saw Phil S. when he was leaving the range today. He wasn't very happy because he is shooting borrowed ammo and his gun is not working like he is used to. He told me he dropped 40 points this morning - not good.

I am having a great time. I still can't properly dscribe how cool it is seeing and shooting with people from so many nationalities. I hav gotten to my confused mode where I forget who I talk to in Spanish and who in English.

Nemo - Wish you were here! We'd be having a great time. Like Patrick said, this is by far the most difficult match I have ever shot. Today was not my day - tagged a no-shoot and had 3 misses on stage 23 (the one with the tunnel)!!!!!! I lost count of my rounds and ended up rushing shots on thes targets that are on a rail. I finally got into the grove on our last 3 stages today, though none of my runs were blazing. Still, I am having a great time. I have enjoyed shooting with Eric Warren. Also, I was walking on th range and har my name called. I turned around and see a guy walking towards me whom I have never seen before. He said, "You are Jack from the BE forums." I said "Yes." I was trying to fogure out if I was supposed to know who he was. He then introduces himself as Vince Pinto. So, since I have been here I have met, Eric, Patrick, and Vince.

I bought 5 of the USPSA shirts that Joe Procopio arranged for the WS. I already have worked out trades for 4 of the 5.

On another note - South Carolina's Jerry Brown has been shooting very well for his first international match.

Well, I start shooting at 7:00 so I need to get a shower and some sleep. I'll update more later.


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6:38 and he's signing off? Jeez, I'm still at work, it's 10PM, and I have to moonclip ammo, clean the gun, etc, etc.

However, the Armscor ammo all goes bang, it hits to the sights, and it loads just fine. I'm not as fast as I'd like, but I'm rarely hitting the wrong stuff.

No Hero Runs for me.

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Greetings from Ecuador!

Phil here (using Julie's computer). I realized after posting that I was logged on as her!

What an interesting week so far!

Apparently, small rifle primers are much harder than small pistol ones! Needless to say, the first two stages today didn't go as I had planned. But, thanks to Rob loaning me an extended firing pin, I think everything is going to work out. I just need to get used to this new ammo.

I think the Standard race is still pretty close. Everyone is struggling a bit there. That's about all I know, at the moment. Good luck to everyone searching for ammo. At this point, many of us are just looking to finish!

Thanks for all of the encouraging words.


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Hi everybody!!!

It has been a real interesting match so far! This much I can say... TOUGH! A lot of thought went into the course designs of these stages.

I am shooting with some GREAT ladies from South Africa, Zimbabwe and of course the US :) What a classy, fun and energetic group of women! The 2 guys on our squad have been very good sports with all the ladies around them too! We have had our fair share of struggles as a ladies standard team so far with some gun troubles and such but we are staying positive and putting forth our best.

Thanks for all the support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


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I know that assorted technical, equipment and ammo problems are an inherant part of our sport. Still, I think it'll be a totally inexcusable screw up on the part of those responsible for getting teams' ammo to the WS if a narrow contest ends up being decided by points lost due to borrowed ammunition. I give Phil credit for even being able to talk about it without a whole lot of fierce words. --I guess the positive side of the coin is that the ammo crisis has obviously brought out the best in many of the competitors (as this sort of thing so often does), with so many reports of folks sharing bullets, gun parts and so forth.

Does anybody know how Blake Miguez is doing in the Standard match? He was shooting really well at the US Nats, and I noticed (if I read the early results right) that he isn't on the Standard super squad.

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Does anybody know how Blake Miguez is doing in the Standard match? He was shooting really well at the US Nats, and I noticed (if I read the early results right) that he isn't on the Standard super squad.

He shot the pre-match. you can download the results on a .zip format @ worldshootxiv.com

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I had a relatively clean day, one no-shoot, and no misses. I don't know what your problem with the double swingers is, Eric. Jerry and I are 100% on them.

Edited: (boy, I am tired. I shot clean today. The no-shoot I remembered was from yesterday.)

I shot the big elevated stage, 32 rounds with most of it on a platform, then down the ramp to poppers, paper and....double swingers. Two aplha, charlie Delta. Then I chrono'd. Did you know that Armscor 230 hardball delivers a 193PF out of a 6.5" 25-2? No wonder the popers I hit go down "right now."

The stage design is very similiar from group to group. If I see one more "9-shot stage with two windows", I'm gonna hurl. But they are cleverly set up so you might think you can open the throttle. When you do, you're toast.

Having fun, doing good, we'll see what the next day brings.

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I know that assorted technical, equipment and ammo problems are an inherant part of our sport. Still, I think it'll be a totally inexcusable screw up on the part of those responsible for getting teams' ammo to the WS if a narrow contest ends up being decided by points lost due to borrowed ammunition.

We all knew it was going to be hard to fly with ammo, and that was discussed in this forum and others.

And forgive me, but trying to send the container with no enough spendable time, it´s also irresponsibility.

My federation (the Argentine one) knowing this, sent 45,000 rounds by the end of june to Guayaquil.

All our shooters arrived there with nothing to care about. The ammo was waiting at Victor Ferrero´s.

It is just a matter of being organized.

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Any more news on how today's contests are shaping up? It's been great for those of us who couldn't make it down to Ecuador to get all the updates. I'm also wondering how Blake Miguez is doing...

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No idea how the top dogs are doing, but this dog is mondo tired.. Got in at 12, up again at 5. Shot a good day today, except for one long range mike I knew wasn´t there but hoped would be anyway. I´ve gotta stop that. Shot a lot of video but the PC here isn´t up to transcoding it, so that will have to wait. Uploading a few stills from today and yesterday in a few. Rode the special Venezuelan team bus home today.. that was entertaining.

I could have traded half a dozen US shirts by now. Too bad I only got two and want to keep one.

Check the revolver race. Yesterday it was far closer than everyone assumes.

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I was talking to the Ecuadorian team at the USPSA Nationals this year, and they said they had a really talented young revolver shooter down there... is he actually giving Jerry a challenge? That would be an even harder to believe than Dave or Eric getting upset! I guess anything's possible, but that would be kinda like a law of physics getting changed...

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Yes, Ricardo is doing well, but don't go shoveling dirt in Jerry's face yet. He isn't dead, he's been through this a few times. He knew exactly what the stage times and factors were today, and beat Ricardo on four of six, lost one and tied one.

So far in five days of shooting, we've had to do 74 reloads. that includes the stages where we start empty and have to load after the buzzer, but not extras anyone had to take due to mistakes. I figure we'll reload 100+ times before we're done.

Let's make sure those high-zoot Titanium cylinders are well-chamfered, eh?

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Any word on how the races in Standard and Production are shaping up? Saul's been doing a great job of keeping us up to date on the men's Open match on his Double Alpha site, but there has been a long silence on the rest of the match. Are Julie and Phil still leading in Standard? And what about the Sevigny-Tyc matchup? Any news would be great!

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