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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Maybe it is just me, or just the summer dog days getting to us, but the Forum has lost some of it's ZEST...not to mention some of the real characters who added that Zest....

Will there EVER be another thread to compare to the Toilet Paper thread...NIMO

Will there EVER be another poster who added that special something like Rhino did...NIMO

Will there EVER be another poster who gave clarity and interest to a normally very Dull topic like Rules like Vince Pinto...NIMO

Will we ever have another member who has ripped the door off a minivan...NIMO

Will we ever be able to mention the guys name who did Bowling fof Columbine without creating havoc in the ranks...NIMO

Will I ever be able to read the word tactical without thinking about Mall Ninjas...NIMO

Am I the only one who wonders if we will ever return to those thrilling days of yesteryear when a larger than life figure in purple spandex tights with a lightning bolt down each leg and wearing a feather boa will regale us with a thread about his pants letting go during a match and the "boys" left swinging in the wind...

Just makes me wonder if all the personalities have, like the song says "...like the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; they caught the last train for the coast...."

Just wondering.... :(:(:(

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Well, XRe, since you are coming up on the first anniversary of your forum membership, congratulations...and you are correct that the forum is what we make it, but the "lively" commentary is not acceptable anymore, and some of the forum members no longer post or post so infrequently that it is a real surprise to see them at all.

Just my .02 as I see it.... :wacko:

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Well, thanks :) But, it's still, like, 4 months out... :D

I understand what you're getting at - I've read back over a lot of the stuff that you're talking about, and you're right, a lot of the characters are MIA. Lamenting that is OK - my point is more that lamenting what's missing won't bring it back. That's not to say "Stop whining!" or anything :)

Just.... don't get closed minded to what comes up from here. It won't be the *same* - but it might be just as good... ;)

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Ditto, tightloop..... just in the 2 or 3 years I've been on here, things have changed .....

I've also noticed that what once would have been "lively" conversation a few years ago, now quickly turns into rants, and more of a negative tone thread. <_<

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I think some of it has to do with the fact that disagreements are now almost against the forum rules. This is not to complain about the forum rules, but some previous threads have brought some tightening of the rules and to the credit of the members of this forum people have been trying really hard not to go against the rules.

Also, keep in mind that this is the middle of the shooting season so a lot of us are out shooting :)

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I am glad everyone is out shooting, and shooting a lot...if I weren't building a new house and trying to get a new woman to live in with me, I would be shooting too..but more has changed than just the tone of the forum...

I totally understand the forum rules, and since it is BE's forum, we all try to show our respect for his rules...it is just that I really miss some of the old contensciousness that was here a while ago...not said in a mean spirited manner, just a strong person voicing their opinion; and there is nothing wrong with that even if it goes against the common belief....the Zest I mentioned...

I will personally close this thread now before it crosses one or several of those unseen guidelines, we mentioned..sorry if this upset anyone, just how I see it.. :ph34r:

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Tightloop, I've wanted to start a thread on this for months, but I'm glad that you got to it before me because it has more impact coming from the higher ranks :P .

The forum is totally different than it was when I first found it. I learned more good things about shooting in my first six months here than I would have in a lifetime on my own. For Pete's sake, I don't even use the Weaver stance anymore! I never thought I would have switched.

One theory would be that in the first two or three years nearly everything being talked about was new. So, every time a new guy or a bored guy asked a question you couldn't say "do a search, tons of info already here...".

I believe that if we have not talked about something in a few weeks or the topic is anything good pertaining to shooting, some of us should try to respond. If all we do is searches you wouldn't even need a forum.

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Tightloop & Vlad-

Both of you are spot on. One of the nice things about this forum is that we don't tend to degenerate into the name-calling that seems to prevail on some other boards. The downside of this is that we've been seeing way too many little x's on the left side of the screen when checking new posts. Keeping discussions from getting out of hand is one thing- keeping those discussions from getting started so the issue simply becomes moot is quite another.

And by the way- I miss Rhino. I never met the man, but sweet God he was good for a laugh.


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I believe that if we have not talked about something in a few weeks or the topic is anything good pertaining to shooting, some of us should try to respond. If all we do is searches you wouldn't even need a forum.

I couldn't agree more. While it is great to search a topic, and it helps from the same thing being discussed week after week, there sems to come a point where there isn't that much to talk about.

Anything REALLY new is covered within a few days of it happening, and then.......

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Just makes me wonder if all the personalities have, like the song says "...like the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; they caught the last train for the coast...."

It's unfortunate that some of the notable personalities have left. Some are still here, but some of the ones that always left me laughing my ass off have gone on to other places. It's sad that they got run off or felt that it was time to go. Coming up on two years here, the first one was a lot funnier. It's just not the same. And as it was stated, some of the better members are just not spending time participating. New guys still need answers and it's more fun with some spice in it.

This is just commentary. This place is great and no other forum even comes close. The spark just needs to get rekindled. ;)

BTW-If anyone here's from Vince, I moved over to the darkside and there weren't any f***in' cookies waiting for me. :P


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..."I moved over to the darkside and there weren't any f***in' cookies waiting for me." :P 
Never trust the Darkside completely. They may have nice guns but I think the 'cookies' line was a deep, dark lie. (Kinda like the however-many-virgins waiting for the suicide bombers, etc.)

I'm a month away from a three-year stint here at BE.com and, yes, I've seen some changes. But this is a new technology and some of what we do--and have recently done--here online is experimental. Forums are still works-in-progress by their very nature sometimes. That being said, we were bound to encounter the spectre of 'repetitious information' sooner or later, but consider what teachers go thru every year: New students (shooters) have to ask SOMEONE about their concerns, so they go to teachers, experts and professionals to whom they have access. I guess it's somewhat up to us to sedulously deal with repetitive inquiries and make our answers--and our interest in the subject--sound fresh... if we can.

Yes, I miss the 'party' that seemed to be happening here for a while, but now I ask myself, "Am I doing something (or not doing something) that could contribute more to this 'party' that seems to have ended...? Well, the jury is still out on that, but a virtual party is whatever we make of it, and maybe we just need to sweep up the old beercans (and bottles, for those that prefer glass), open the doors and windows, vacuum the carpets and schedule a new party... then send out invites. ;)

We also might re-examine exactly why the 'party' ended and see if it could be avoided in the future. :ph34r:

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Never trust the Darkside completely. They may have nice guns but I think the 'cookies' line was a deep, dark lie.

Very good! I just miss Vince, he was truely hysterical. I should spend more time looking forward instead of back.

Siggy-Everything you said is right on the money. All of the new guys deserve the same good time and endless wealth of information that everyone else got before them. I miss a lot of the guys who are gone and I never even knew them in the real world. It's time to move forward and get some of the good stuff going agian!!!!

Nicely done!

Edited by .40AET
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Who am I to contribute, my English is not good enough to comprehend all that's been posted. All I can do is read and try to...

But don't ask me to add ZEST because I can't...but what I feel is that your question fits here!


....the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English within reach :o

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I miss Rhino most of all, his writing always made me laugh. Few posters will ever achieve his level of wit and unique insight.

Do you think that the problem might not be the board? The world is very tense right now. Members are being called to active duty, terrorism on the rise, the dollar is down, having to wonder if the shuttle can make it home without fixing a flat in space, financial times are hard for many. The butt cheeks of the world are clenched. There's not a whole lot to laugh about right now.

I am not an advanced shooter so I have no technical knoledge to add to the board. I just try to add some comentary/comic relief when I can.

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