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jake on Stage 10...cool. I counted about 18 seconds on the woods run. (must have been a bear to reset that stage). Looked neat. Jake, I liked the "fall-out" at the end for the last target. :)

Was that red platform the activator for the mover?

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Another great Tn.Sectional match. Thanks to Lance and all the crew for a superb match and a fun time.

Hopalong put a whoopin' on me, as usual. He allowed me a few stage wins on small stages and then spanked me on the big ones-he's a wily creature! He did it with a 625 that used to be mine. I believe I got all the mikes out of it before Sam got it.

Mrs. Airedale shot her first major match and had great fun. She shot a slow, smooth and safe match with a bunch of Alphas. She is a happy camper. She had a great oh sh*t on the speed shoot (#2). It was three banks of three targets. She drew and hosed the first three targets, moved to the next bank and brought the sights on target before she realized she hadn't reloaded.

We visited with old friends and made some new ones. All in all a great weekend.


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Don't anyone feel sorry for Airedale !!!!!

That sorry rascal left 4 misses and 2 noshoots in that gun !!!!! ;):blink::wacko:

Even though this match is my section, it has to be one of the best, if not the best section matches around.

I finally got to meet Sumatone Banang, from Chattanooga TN he is a real gentelman.

To all the BE.comers I met and remet (to many to list) It was good seeing you, and looking forward to the next time.

Us Range officers and Staff sacrificed ourselves to the Rain on Friday so the rest of the folks did not have to......."you are welcome" ;)

Stages were great fun, shooting skills of all sort were tested, along with other skills.

NEED I say anything about the PRIZE TABLE


Barry Caddell just keeps on making that thing grow and grow.

Looking forward to next year.

Think of those in the path of Katrina or whatever that B**ch of a storms name is...


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To Lance, Berry, all the Ro's and Staff,

A very big Thanks and Well Done for you efforts.

The Tennessee Sectional Match was again one of the best matches to shoot!

I had a great time on squad # 3. Got to meet and shoot with a good bunch of guys from Memphis.

Very thankfull that the rain held off for Saturday & Sunday (Thanks Sam :lol: ).

See you guys next year!

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I heard from a friend of a friend two years ago about how great this match was. So we decided to check it out last year and return this year. I can't say enough about this match, the stages are great, RO's are great, range, MD(s), prize table, all great. Last year the weather was less than desireable and I had a word with Sam about it. Glad he corrected it this year. The weather was almost perfect, just enough cloud cover to keep the temp down and only a little bit of rain.

Congrats to all the winners, got to hang out and talk to Jake and Matt both division winners and of course Sam, wheelgun master. Always the gentleman and nice enough to have a birthday again so we coud get free cake. Met and talked with too many folks to list.

Also congrats to Bryant Chaffin. I was able to nudge out a win, but he was right on my butt. I stupidly looked at the scores Sunday morning and saw my too slight for comfort lead which really put the pressure on for the remaining stages. Bryant is a super nice guy and hell of a shooter.

And a HUGE thank you to Andrew Auerbach and Tom Coffey (I think I got Tom's last name right, if not, someone correct me). I got tagged in the leg pretty good by some shrapnel while waiting for a stage. These two guys were there before I knew what happened and spent probably 20 minutes getting the bleeding stopped. Someone broke out a med kit and supplied them with what they needed to get me patched up enough to finish the match. You gotta love shooters, I can't thank these guys enough, they saved me an out of state trip to the ER.

Also met Gary Stevens, 1911 promoter and Area Director. Another great guy, and escorted my limping butt up the hill to the next stage. It was nice to put a face to his name.

I don't get to other parts of the country to shoot matches like I'd like to. I'm sure there are other great matches around the country, but this one would have to rank near the top. It's definitely one of the best ones I shoot. I'll be back whenever I can.

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This was a great match!

I was a bit skeptical about it during the 600 mile (<_<) drive down, but I can now say with certaintly this is one of the best matches I've shot. I've never shot stages before with so much running!

A HUGE thank you goes out to Sam who saved me and my bud from sleeping in the car each night.

Had a great time talking with everyone and met a lot of new people.

I will definetly be making the drive again next year.

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Thanks to all the BE forum guys I got to meet in person. I was the CRO on stage 1&2. The match had the BEST group of shooters that I have had the pleasure of running. So thankful for the Better weather for you guys on Saturday and Sunday.

Now, us R O s have a good excuse for shooting poorly. Except for Sam, and we all know he's not a man but a WHEEL GUN SHOOTING MACHINE :wacko:

It was an R O's treat to be behind the timer and Jake on the trigger. A great shooter and even a greater guy!! Hope to see you at Area 5 in Sept.

Thanks again for all the great people I got to meet this weekend. You are the guys that make if worth coming out and busting your **s for three days. ;)


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First I want to say thank you to everyone that worked really hard to put together this great match. What a great experience I had, the stages were AWSOME, long shots, lots of running, good mix of short ones too. I had a blast!!!

I also met most of the guys for the first time, and with no exceptions everybody was really nice. I look forward to seeing you guys again.

I will definitely try to be back again next year!


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Thanks to all the BE forum guys I got to meet in person. I was the CRO on stage 1&2. The match had the BEST group of shooters that I have had the pleasure of running. So thankful for the Better weather for you guys on Saturday and Sunday.

Now, us R O s have a good excuse for shooting poorly. Except for Sam, and we all know he's not a man but a WHEEL GUN SHOOTING MACHINE :wacko:

It was an R O's treat to be behind the timer and Jake on the trigger. A great shooter and even a greater guy!! Hope to see you at Area 5 in Sept.

Thanks again for all the great people I got to meet this weekend. You are the guys that make if worth coming out and busting your **s for three days. ;)


Hey Glock 24 Man, did you get your bonus?? Kidding aside great match. I helped out at stage 4 ( NTPS racing). Thanks to all the shooters that showed up and shot the match, See ya guys at area 5.

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I have to call out Shannon's "limping butt" statement. After he caught that bleeder, it was quite obvious he was going to need a stitch or two to properly seal him up. Now up to that point, I thought he was having a pretty good match. So I was beginning to feel bad for him as we didn't think he would be able to continue to move like he had been (and he had been shooting some good times).

But when the buzzer went on he next stage (Stage 8 with like a 20 yard long run in it), he ran a sub-20 second stage. And at that point, most of the pity from the squad ended. :)

So while he may have limped IN BETWEEN stages, he definitely didn't limp during them. He was definitely impressive to watch. So again, don't believe that limping butt stuff.

Enjoyed shooting with you Shannon......

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:) hey Airedale, who did you get to do your shirt and hat with your icon? it looks really neat!!!! :rolleyes:

That is my old Airedale, Duke (passed on at 16 yrs old), with a pheasant on retrieve.

I took a picture to a local place. They turned it into an embroidery thing and we put in shirts and hats.

I think of him whenever I see it (tear in eye).


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:P think I may try doing that, most of us with children who have grown and moved on years ago, feel about the same about our dogs, I've got a 10 yrs.old rot, who's moving kinda slow now., thanks for info
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I would like to add one more thing.....

I got to shoot and chat with Gary Stevens, the Area - 5 Coordinator.

Area - 5 has got one good guy. Really pasionate about the sport and really dedicated.

I am glad to have had the pleasure.

Plus, while shooting in the rain on Friday I never heard one complaint from any of the guys shooting about the rain or anything else.

Except Jim Shannahan, his daughter Kaylee dumped his range bag off the golf cart, he said. "Man there are 3 or 4 bags on that thing and she would dump mine" or something like that.

See ya'll next year......See some of ya'll next week at the MS 3-gun match.(still room)


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