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Being Lied To


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Only because you get more practice. Oh, Crap! There's that word again.


I agree with you. The military optometrist told me the other day that I was not a candidate for Lasik because of a couple of factors and that I would never be glasses free. When I told her that a well-respected opthamologist downtown thought he could get me glasses free, she told me that the AF wants a better product than that offered downtown. I wondered how that happened because they are so far behind with technology. :wacko:

Keep your chin up.


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It's OK- I think that kinda thing's going around. Some AF instructor-"pistol guru"- high-huskerdoo at Dover convinced a buddy of mine up there that he's carrying the most accurate, reliable, sturdy, low-maintenance and absolute best service pistol coming and going in the 92F. So sturdy that the only thing thay ever have to do to them is, and I quote, "just change the springs every 100,000 rounds or so." I am not kidding- that's exactly what he said. The 92F, or M9, or whatever you want to call it is a much better pistol, in fact, than those dangerous Glocks, over-complicated Sigs, or that ancient, unreliable, hard-kicking 1911. The worst part is that he's starting to believe it. Go fig.


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The 92F, or M9, or whatever you want to call it is a much better pistol, in fact, than those dangerous Glocks, over-complicated Sigs, or that ancient, unreliable, hard-kicking 1911.  The worst part is that he's starting to believe it.  Go fig.

Sounds a lot like an Army reservist I know who was trying to convince me that the .45 ACP cartridge was designed for WW-I to knock people back *up* *OUT* of the trenches..... and wouldn't listen to reason, or to factual physics (I started to write out equations... he didn't want to see them...) He's an otherwise smart guy...

I've done my fair share of lying in my lifetime. I've learned that I feel like crap when I do it, and I don't do it anymore, and correct myself quickly if I find myself doing it. Getting lied to sucks - and getting lied to by someone you trust just really sucks :(

From my brother's family's experience, the military docs can be slightly more hit or miss than my experience w/ civvie docs - to put it politely, anyhow. :(

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Liars are strange animals:

Liars are usually good wordsmiths.

They lie for their advantage.

They rationalize their actions.

When caught, their lie is never their fault.

Remember who has lied to you, they will do it again.



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