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I can NOT wait to see this movie. I wish that I could go to one of the "sneak peaks" on May 5, but they are all about a days drive from my place. :-( oh well. After watching the trailer a couple of times, I sat down and watched several of the Firefly DVDs the other night.

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I'm hoping it does well. Supposedly Joss Whedon has a contract for a total of 3 Serenity movies, presuming the first makes money.

For those who missed the TV series Firefly, it's worth tracking down someone with the DVD set -- or buying it. One of those gems that was overlooked by many. I tend to think it was a couple of years ahead of its time. If it were to air now, I think it would have a decent chance of sticking around.

Oddly enough, one of the things that originally attracted me to the series was the fact that all scenes in space were without sound (it's a vacuum, remember?). No engine sounds, no crunch of metal when ships collide... just silence. It really added to the "uniqueness" of the show. That and some of the best lines written for TV:

"Do you know what the 'chain of command' is? It's a chain I go get and beat you with until you realize I'm in command!"

MAL: "Mercy is the mark of a great man." (pokes Atherton with the sword) "Guess I'm just a good man." (pokes him again) "Well, I'm all right."

"You're like a trained ape. Without the training."

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After seeing the trailer for Serenity, and finding out that it was based on an old TV series Firefly that I'd never seen but that was highly regarded, I've started renting the DVDs. I'm about halfway through the 15+/- episodes. It has a very different feel to it, but it is very well written, and quite funny. It has even snagged my wife, who just tonight was saying that she hopes the movie version doesn't suck since she likes the series so much. Recommended, but watch them in order.

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A hard-core Firefly appreciator, I bought the DVD Set a day or two ago. The seller said he just began watching the series when his supply of DVDs arrived and said, "BTW, I just started watching the series for the first time last night; the 2-hour pilot and the train heist episode. I’m already hooked. By the time I get to the end, I have a feeling I’m going to be royally ticked at fox for canceling the show." Right on, Brother Appreciator--right on. B)

I actually missed a couple of the early episodes (and maybe one in the middle somewhere), so I'm REALLY looking forward to reviewing the whole thing. :wub:

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I watched all the episodes of Firely. Very good, with many flashes of brilliance. Wow, somebody gets the freedom thing. Joss Whedon is certainly a "Greedo didn't shoot first" kinda guy.

Spoliers! ...

Brilliant action: shooting the horse, shooting the hostage-taking fed.

Brilliant writing: Mal killing Jayne for his treachery, but letting him off after Jayne pleads to not to let the others know what he did.

Brilliant acting and writing: bounty hunter Early. I want to see more of him. Hell, give him his own show.

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Just the (already) existing episodes ;)

Very entertaining show. Great dialogue, and a cast that seems like they are having fun together. I borrowed the DVD set a few weeks ago, and liked it enough to buy my own set :D


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Yes, there are trailers for the re-running of the series (swell, now that I just bought the DVDs...!) Starts next Friday. I'll watch it nonetheless. (How could I NOT watch it??!!) :wub:

Battlestar Galactica resumed itself (new season) last night, too. The sorting-out of the Cylons continues...! :ph34r:

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Be sure to listen to the commentary on the DVDs. Funny and educational.

I wish Gina Torres (Zoe) would take some shooting lessons. Zoe is supposed to be the B.A.M.F. high-body-count soldier of the group, but she looks like a gun-shy actress unfamiliar with the gun she's shooting.

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(Firefly on The High Road, con't.) They just started another Firefly thread over there, now that the series is about to RE-run itself. Everybody seems to be in a "can hardly wait" mode. Hurry up, Friday!!! :rolleyes::wub:

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Oh swell... neither the DVDs nor the trailer will work with the DVD player I have. :o God, it's always something!!! :angry:

(I happen to know the DVD player is functional because I tested a DVD in it long before this set arrived.) *Sigh*

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"Never Mind." I had a feeling what the problem was so drummed up the updated software and have managed to already consume about five episodes of Firefly by now. Ahh... Firefly... somewhat like dark chocolate...... :wub:

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The first disc was great - I'm hooked. Now the big problem is jockeying my Netflix que around all the mini series. Dead Like Me (2nd season), Six Feet Under (mid-third season), Firefly, The Shield, and Kung Fu. Well, the good thing is that at least I'm not trying to do all that at a video store!


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(prepare to hate me)

I saw the "sneek peek" unfinished version of Serenity.


(hate me)

Did I mention that cast & crew were at (many of) the shows? Nathan Fillion is a pretty cool guy.

(done hating yet? good :)

The movie rocks, and does a good enough job that you don't HAVE to see the series to enjoy the movie. You will appreciate it more if you do. The show rocks, too, especially on DVD where you can watch them in order.

The movie rocks. While the music was "borrowed" and the color-timing wasn't done and one or two minor changes have to be made, it is a masterpiece. Bravo to all involved, go see the darned thing on:

September 30.

Did I mention that it rocks? :) Oh, and I guess on-topic, there are lots of guns, shooting, the occasional stabbing.... not a Disney movie. A few scenes that surprised a jaded action fan (hint hint).

If'n y'all'd like, I can post on this thread if another pre-screening comes up in August (it's uncertain)... the July one was cancelled.

I hope Joss's intro makes it onto the DVD.

"If I'm not back in an hour, you take the ship, and everyone on it... and you come rescue me, ok?" - Malcolm Reynolds

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I just finished the DVD set tonight... There are three un-aired episodes on DVD that are quite good. I saw the last one tonight (after a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE night at the range...) and it was frankly sorta sad--but I knew it was gonna be and I knew my mood would see it that way and I just knew it was coming. I need to get drunk.

This incredible series of stories is by no means resolved or finished. This current compilation of episodes all but demands a sequel series. Long live Firefly... and its haunting theme music. B)

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