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Need Source on MGM Switchview Throw Lever for VX6 Multigun

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he Leupold VX6 1-6 Multigun scope takes a specific throw lever:


Apparently MGM is the only company that makes a throw lever for this scope. Anyone have a source to buy one of these OTHER than directly from MGM? They seem to be discounted quite a bit from many sources (like Amazon) but no one but MGM themselves seems to carry this specific model. Any help?


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Shipping will likely eat up that small difference.

What about one of the plastic "universal fit" options? They would be far less expensive.

I've cringed both times I bought direct from MGM, but they are sponsors of our sport, all around good people and its top quality stuff so I just gritted my teeth and hit buy.

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Unfortunately that's not the right one I've tried ordering that one twice on Amazon and they don't work - note there's a number difference in the model number on the link I provided.

Sent from my iPad Pro using Tapatalk

Edited by RolexJohn
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For the price $59 is a good deal for the amount of work to make the levers, also MGM has the best selection of levers. Before the Razor II came out I had a oddball 1-6 scope, a quick call to MGM was able to tell me what lever fit the scope. Can't beat good service and a quality product.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you haven't found something yet, this is something to watch. They are out of stock today. Even though I have a couple of expendable dollars to spend, I definitely understand trying to save a dollar here and save a dollar there on the exact same product. I call that smart shopping.


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If you haven't found something yet, this is something to watch. They are out of stock today. Even though I have a couple of expendable dollars to spend, I definitely understand trying to save a dollar here and save a dollar there on the exact same product. I call that smart shopping.


Thanks. Glad there are some nice, helpful posters here to offset the ones that aren't.

I did end up buying directly from MGM and saved a couple of bucks due to being an NRA Instructor. The model you linked to is actually the wrong model - I ordered it and returned the wrong model TWICE from Amazon. It's an easy mistake to make.

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Kurt, I am pretty sure the OP did not find your sarcastic but quite appropriate comments to be helpful. In his defense he did not pitch a total hissy fit like many have in the past. Perhaps he If he where to meet Travis and Mike, or young Wyatt, or if he knew that Travis and Wyatt drag steel all over the country so that ungrateful schleps had steel to shoot at he would feel better about paying a reasonable price for that specialized part that MGM most likely will never recoupe their expenses on making for his unpopular scope. For future reference, if someone wants a switchview lever and does not want to pay for it there is a super easy way to get one. Travis gives out a free one to the people who work the Ironman. OK that's not exactly free, but at least it does not cost money. I think I am going to order a couple switch view levers just to support the people who support our sport. Thanks Travis!

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A bunch of years ago I ordered a lever from some other outfit only to find that it didn't fit the scope that it was advertised to fit (but it did fit an other one). The MGM lever did fit.

Mike and Travis are good people and are easy to work with. They even hauled a bunch of steel that I bought to a match and saved me the shipping costs.

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just saw this thread and it's cracking me up. First of all, thanks for all the kind words and for recognizing MGM supports the sports and choosing to make purchases with us because of that.

Second thing... RolexJohn...you HAVE to see the humor in a guy with a screen name of ROLEXJOHN asking for a discount on a $60 part HAHAHA!! Come on bro....laugh with me...that was funny!!

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  • 1 month later...

Got mine from Midway USA

Do you have a link for Midway with a

1613-1655SV - Switchview™?

I can't find one on Midway or Brownells and Switchview is currently out of stock until the middle of June. Would love a link anywhere that has one in stock. Would prefer a PM on this for now. I can find the 1655 but not the one on the Switchview site that says that it fits the Leupold VX-6 which is the 1613-1655SV. Thanks for the help and the push in the right direction in advance.

Edited by Clay1
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I own a couple of MGM SV they make a great product. I recently picked up a couple of 3D printed ones from these guys and they also fit and work well and are very affordable. https://mkmachining.com/index.php/product/index/1/1

I ordered one of the SwitchViews from MGM: 1613-1655. The link that you offered is an interesting one, but they don't have a lever for a Leupold VX-6, 1-6. Thanks for sharing.

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