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Disrespectful thread replies


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Yea right! From your past history of vicious attacks on those who oppose your views to your well known lack of humor. Simply viewing your avatar turns men's knees to water and strikes fear into those who view your posts! Don't do it Rhino!

I have a keyboard and I'm not afraid to use it!


I mean it!

Don't make me do it ... you won't like it if I <DIAL TONE>

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chp5, Im not quite sure I follow you here. I've been a member here for a few years now and it has always been this confrontational and sometimes disrespectful. Have you followed the rules forum for a while?

I quit reading the USPSA/IPSC Rules forum a year or so ago, simply because I got tired of all the contentious vibes. What I believe people are commenting on is the recent spread of that vibe to some other forums. And that's new. Though thankfully we seem to be coming out of it.

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Yea right!  From your past history of vicious attacks on those who oppose your views to your well known lack of humor.  Simply viewing your avatar turns men's knees to water and strikes fear  into those who view your posts!  Don't do it Rhino!

I have a keyboard and I'm not afraid to use it!


I mean it!

Don't make me do it ... you won't like it if I <DIAL TONE>

We all remember what you did to that ground hog, and I for one am scared, especially if your keyboard is as lethal as your rifle.

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As a reasonably new moderator, I will say moderating is an art not a science. And if you don't like the art you're seeing the best way to get it changed is to mention it to somebody that can do something about it...

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Oh, but half the fun is SEEING them! (The other half of the fun is chasing has a** around the forum, giving him a bad time about 'em.) :lol:

Oh, heck... this is a thread drift, isn't it?... OK, we can go back to talking up the 'disrespectful' things now. :rolleyes:

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I havent been a posting member long but I like the politeness of the BE forum most. The thing that i hate the most and what i saw as the start of the down hill slide was when arguments started over equiptment and guns in a certain sport, Being a revolver shooter i was dissapointed that such a small group of shooters cound not find enough common ground to be civil. Yes i include myself in this last statement :rolleyes:

SO i rehibilated and went and shot a major match :P no dont ask how i did....I had fun again :) and for people that have had one my match was like a train wreck :huh:

Frederick Haring

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If I thought you had the brains to understand it, I'd viciously insult you...and about your mama!!!!!!

This forum consistantly cheers me up. Sometimes we drift into an area of hostility, but the people on the list are good enough to pull it out before it crashes and burns. Except, of course, for Rhino, who is a persistant thorn in the side of civility!

Michael B

PS: Hey Rhino...I found a mystery novel in the airport that KNOCKED OFF my characters! Pretty weird...

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Takeing into account the plight of the black and white rinos the stress level of a purple one must be high indeed and allowances must be made. But a Rino with demands, much less a whole list of demands cannot be tolerated. Moderators do your job and chastize the young nunance before he gets out of hand. A Rino loose on a forum has got to be at least as bad as a bull in a china shop and must be stopped early and at any cost.-----Larry

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I had commented on this to some of the mods, got some good answers back.

I now avoid topics started by some folks, and back away from threads that, while interesting, have a tone that - to me - is prickly. If a member cannot voice an opinion without getting a smart a#$ remark, then we have lost something.

I've seen this on a number of boards, all due to a growing population that was not there in the "formative years" and has grown up with the contentious talk shows and other areas where it seems you "win" an argument or a point of view by how loud and mean spirited you can be, and by driving readers away.

This is where the moderators have a difficult choice. Allow it to go too long and the board loses. Stop it to quickly and you suppress dissent, and the board loses.

The tone rests with each of us as members, not with the mods to police it. If we are defensive of a point of view (closed-minded), or we post to brag, then we may expect a remark that is negative.

Kind of like the criminals thing. Criminals could care less about laws and rules; that's why they are criminals. Likewise on this board, list rules and etiquette, but if the poster does not care for them, then the rules are irrelevant and meaningless.

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I had commented on this to some of the mods, got some good answers back.

I now avoid topics started by some folks, and back away from threads that, while interesting, have a tone that - to me - is prickly. If a member cannot voice an opinion without getting a smart a#$ remark, then we have lost something.

I've seen this on a number of boards, all due to a growing population that was not there in the "formative years" and has grown up with the contentious talk shows and other areas where it seems you "win" an argument or a point of view by how loud and mean spirited you can be, and by driving readers away.

This is where the moderators have a difficult choice. Allow it to go too long and the board loses. Stop it to quickly and you suppress dissent, and the board loses.

The tone rests with each of us as members, not with the mods to police it. If we are defensive of a point of view (closed-minded), or we post to brag, then we may expect a remark that is negative.

Kind of like the criminals thing. Criminals could care less about laws and rules; that's why they are criminals. Likewise on this board, list rules and etiquette, but if the poster does not care for them, then the rules are irrelevant and meaningless.

Well thought and well stated.

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A line I copied from the old days when the Internet was a BBS:

Crab #6: Don't be a cyber-coward

If you've got something to say to me that is:

Highly personal







Any combination of the above

...please do it in person. (Actually, I prefer you don't do it all.) Sentient beings are filled with emotions (and NOT emoticons). E-mail programs aren't the best translators of this.


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On the other hand, it takes deft nuances and precision to communicate effectively in online text... subtle use of emoticons (or combinations of same) ;)B) are actually useful, correct and effective grammar/punctuation is a must sometimes :rolleyes: , and just plain clever and thought-out use of the English language. I actually do see a lot of that HERE. :D (with some occasional exception...) :angry:

We may be often misunderstood because insufficient thought to consequences of words and phrases has occurred before that final mouse-click. :unsure: (Thank god for the ability to edit, at least!)


Good word, "...prickly..." ;)

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