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Should I ask for the RO discount?


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In my section RO,s, regardless if they work or not get a discount just being there. I have many times been pressed into doing RO duty when no one steps up. The RO that get the discount just want to shoot with their buddies which i understand. I have done it the last 4-5 matches and I feel it affects my game.

I am not RO certified, but as I always end up doing it so would it be out of place to ask for one? I know I should get certified, but the last one conflicted with my schedule.

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Ask for the discount and if they say no, stop ROing. If the ROs that are there and getting the discount are slacking then call them on it. All you're doing now is enabling their slacking.

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I would stop the RO'ing. Go through the training. If they do not then, just stop. Remember this is a volunteer sport so everyone needs to chip in and help. As a match director, I am always, always looking for RO's. Also RO'ing half the squad and then shooting can become a chore. I am sure others will tell you that they were the only RO on the squad and worked the complete match. At a level 1 3 stage match yes, but longer matches no.

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I would stop the RO'ing. Go through the training. If they do not then, just stop. Remember this is a volunteer sport so everyone needs to chip in and help. As a match director, I am always, always looking for RO's. Also RO'ing half the squad and then shooting can become a chore. I am sure others will tell you that they were the only RO on the squad and worked the complete match. At a level 1 3 stage match yes, but longer matches no.

Absolutely correct! Especially if you're not a certified RO.

I get this a lot in some places where I shoot. Sometimes, you have 4-5 RO's on one squad, because the all are buddies and want to shoot together, then I get left with a group of newbies as the only RO. Does is piss me off? Sure, but I'm doing the RO job because I want to be a good ambassador for the sport, not to get a discount at local matches, (although shooting level 2-3 matches for free is a definite bonus.) This IS a volunteer sport, and since I usually don't have time to help setup or tear down a match, this is what I do. I've taken the time and expense out of my own pocket to get certified, as my way of giving back to the sport. However, even if I wasn't certified, if I were doing the same job, I expect to get the same treatment and benefits, or I'm not going to volunteer any longer.

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If we're talking local matches, I would speak to the host club and advise them of what's happening. Suggest they either try to distribute their RO-certified members among the squads (this is what we do), or try to move RO shooters around to make sure there are at least two RO's on every squad. MOST shooters don't mind switching to help run the squads if they took the time to get certified in the first place.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got certified for pretty much the same reasons as Parallax. I also ran into the same situation of being the one RO with a bunch of unknowns and newbies while several ROs shot together. Credit my match director at that club, who recognized it before I said anything and made sure to spread the work around. Still, sometimes you just have to be assertive and speak up - assertive doesn't mean being confrontational, just bringing it up without being apologetic or accusatory. We usually have people picking up their share of the work and everybody wanting everybody to have a decent experience, but if you have people not appreciating your efforts then back off.

Edited by cody6477
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