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Shooting steel today

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Today had some short time free. Loaded up the gear into the truck and off to the range for a practice session.

Its been a REALLY long time since I've shot last and I was definitely feeling the "itch" to get out there and shoot.

I was shooting the steel plate rack drawing and firing from the "surrender position" with my CED timer on my belt and noticed I was stuck at what (if I was in good shooting shape) I would consider slow.

I posted a 5.21 and thought "Ok...not my best but you've been away for a while so give it a few more." Next thing I know I'm missing shots and taking longer. "WTF?"

So I bear down and then things really got interesting. Some real crappy times started coming out. Then I relaxed and got another 5.21. Decided to call it a day...but still couldn't put my finger on what I was doing wrong.

It wasn't until later on when I got home I realized that when I wanted to get better times while shooting I started to watch the plate I had already fired on while trying to acquire the next plate to shoot. Not a good idea.

It was funny that I couldn't think of what I had done wrong until I was home in the A.C. starting to relax from the session....then it just came to me like someone threw it on a flash card right in front of me.

I resolved to practice more dry firing as well as range sessions and do it in a more relaxed state not being so concerned with improvement right now!


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I started to watch the plate I already fired on while trying to acquire the next plate to shoot.

It's normal reaction - want to see if you hit the plate.

Like in golf - lifting your head to see where the ball goes.

Have to really concentrate to just shoot the plates instead

of watching them - I've had the same problem. :cheers:

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Part of the problem is that it's instinctive to look at something that moves. Whether you're predator or prey, it's important to know what that movement was.

Shooting plates, you know what it was, so learn to ignore it and move on.

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I started to watch the plate I already fired on while trying to acquire the next plate to shoot.

It's normal reaction - want to see if you hit the plate.

Like in golf - lifting your head to see where the ball goes.

Have to really concentrate to just shoot the plates instead

of watching them - I've had the same problem. :cheers:

I've played a lot of golf and you're right....... the old saying golf is "if you look up to watch your shot, what you're going to see is a bad shot!" Find that to be true in shooting sports as well.

I've been working on "calling the shot" a bunch. What I have been doing (incorrectly) is looking for sight varification AFTER the shot which was pointed out me is not callinig the shot. Even though I was getting good his on the target, I'm wasting a lot of time admiring my good shot.

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The interesting part (for me anyway) was that for some weird reason I didn't pick up on what I was doing until AFTER I had left the range and come back home.

Usually I have no problem picking up on what I'm doing wrong but for some reason this session I had a kind of mental block and couldn't figure out what I was messing up.

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  • 2 months later...

I shoot a weekly steel match and see people not used to shooting plates racks watch them fall. Just as often, they prairie dog and pop their head up while pulling the trigger and they hit low below the plate.

I do this, too... Especially when Im trying to finish off a good run damit! Did this yesterday and tanked the stage.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Shoot one plate and forget about it. Move on to the center of the next plate and on and on. Go for the center and don't rush the shot. Figure you are hitting where you want. Take your time in the beginning and your speed will come.

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  • 1 month later...

I was blessed to be at a private range with my friend and his godfather for my first time shooting. Only us three at the whole range, normal outdoors range had a skeet area,long range rifle area,and a pistol area. it was over 10 years ago but all i remember was shooting a thick steel cylinder on a swing. Now I am a welder and everytime I see something cool that I could make like a dueling tree, I search pictures and make my own blueprints. I just need to move somewhere with enough land near by to make my own range.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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