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Odd problem with a barrel


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I have an 2011 style gun in 40s&w with a rather special barrel problem, I think.

It has about 10-15.000 round thru it maximum.

Half of the barrel is out of lands, completely polished like a mirror finish.

It´s along the right side of the barrel, not across in the start that you normally see in a worn barrel.

For me, and the one I´ve talked to, it does not make any sense.

Anyone heard of or experienced something familiar problem?



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90% off ammo thru it is Berry´s 180gr copper plated bullets. They actually group just a fraction worse than the Hornady HAP/XTP.

Berry´s and HAP still do good groups. But Frontier is crap.

I went to buy some Frontier Match bullets (since we are out of Berry´s and I have to find a substitute) and said I hope these are better.

The guy at the store asked me about the barrel diameter. So I checked... Thats when I found out.

So I´m not sure if its been there from the gun was new or not.

The store I bought it in claims that I have had to do some internal polish to it.

But a barrel that usually takes 100k+ rounds, how is it possible for me to even polish all the lands on just half the side of the barrel? And what tool would be possible to do that without making marks elsewhere on the barrel... I don´t understand.

Marked is the side of the barrel thats the problem.

You also see here that there is no lands on that side.


Here you see marked where the last lands is... then pollished.



I also pulled thru HAP bullet... Where you see marks from the lands on just one side of the bullet.



Any ideas to what could make this problem?

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It is very possible to shoot out a barrel in a short order. A lot depends on the type of powder used. I remember back in the old days, I used what I recall as HS-6 in a 38 super. the barrel was a Clark. Nothing was wrong with the barrel, the powder was very abrasive and it eat the lands at the top of the chamber forward. The barrel still shot OK accuracy wise, but the lands at the top were gone and it looked like I had shot sand for powder.

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Dont have better pictures now. And not so easy to take pictures of it.

I know a shoot out barrel is, but the ist not on one side of the barrel...

Tis barrel is mirror polished on the right hand side from the chamber and all the way thru the barrel...

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Agree Steve... Problem is.

It shoots good with Berrys. Wich I used almost since day one when I tested different ammo.

In Norway there is no more Berrys to get. So Im out looking for other bullets... Everything shoots like crap except Hornady HAP.

And over here HAP is 2-3 times more expensive... And shooting practical, thats a big ammo increase in expenses.

Gunsmith is butting in a new barrel now. The thing is, would it come from production. As a warranty issue.

But there is really no answer. No one seen something like it.

And Im kind of blamed for polishing my barrel... I dont even know how it would be possible for me to do that without leaving marks of abuse.

But... thats how it is some times :D

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Notta. Zilch. Nothing. I've never seen a reason to in a pistol. The dirtiest bullet I ever shoot is a moly coated BBI, never any straight lead. And with this regimen (or lack thereof) I've twice now won accuracy challenges in classes I've taken. I just don't see it mattering with a handgun.

Rifles are a different story. I have two long range precision rifles and their bores get the vest TLC I know how to give them. Though even their bores only get cleaned every few hundred rounds.

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That almost had to be made that way from the beginning. There is no way to prove it now though. The best you can do is replace it and check the replacement before you fire it.

Agree. I won a new handgun once that had the same problem, when I got it home I could hardly believe what I was seeing, it never was fired.

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That almost had to be made that way from the beginning. There is no way to prove it now though. The best you can do is replace it and check the replacement before you fire it.

Agree. I won a new handgun once that had the same problem, when I got it home I could hardly believe what I was seeing, it never was fired.

Interesting.. Sent you a PM. Hope you have the time to look at it.

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