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Southern Revolver Championship


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OK, since it seems we have a good bit of interest, I know not everyone will be pleased with a date no matter when we do it but the biggest consensus would be the way to go on it.

I was thinking about maybe just before USPSA Nationals BUT have changed my mind and am now thinking about early fall after nationals and before deer season and all the shooting winding down.

The reason for after nationals is: Those who are shooting other than Revolver that would shoot a revolver at a revolver only match would not do it right before Nationals of any type.

So with the shooting season winding down and no really "super major matches" to worry about this would be the best time I think (there we go again)

How many stages would be enough? don't worry about them being challenging I have some very GOOD stage designers around that will test you out but not kill you (YOU WILL HAVE FUN)


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If it's going to be "Southern", make it some time of the year (February? November?) when it's not either 102 degrees with 95% humidity or 40 and raining.

The Florida Open and Area 2 have it right-- maybe the weather won't be great, but it'll still kick butt over anywhere else in the country.

I never understood why Area 4 is always in midsummer.

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Depending on the weather in your area I would like to see it in April or early May if that is good. In June is when ICORE has it's big match in California. The last mention of a site put it about a 8 hour drive for me, I think. But whatever the is date I'll do my best to attend. Thanx rdd.

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I think you are 'right on the money' with the date and the amount of bottom feeders that will convert after nationals. Keep us posted, let us know what we can do to help promote this. I would like to see you post the name of the nearest city to the range so that those who do not know ole' Miss. like the back of their hand can be mapquesting their way to early travel plans.

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October would be good, but that may be too close to the MS Classic.

November would be good, but that would be too close to Area 2.

December sucks (Can you believe it's 28 out there right now - brrrr!), January is worse than December and February is brutal.

How about March or April?

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GP, Southern, NOT SouthWest :lol: Yes Texas was in the Confederacy....(Barely)

I have access to several ranges with differing numbers of bays/shooting areas

so biggest thing would be number of stages and how much Coorporate Cooperation I could muster....

Generally MEMPHIS, NASHVILLE would be the two closest MAJOR cities with BIG airports ect.

S.G. The MS Classic would not be a scheduleing conflict for sure, I would do it with plenty of time before for you and RB to get used to the Flatsides again for it. ;)

AND Can you not remember the 3 inches of SNOW we had back last APRIL (REMEMBER you were out of POWER) :angry:

I saw that LYNN <_<

AND If anyone has a stage IDEA let me know....


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S.G. The MS Classic would not be a scheduleing conflict for sure, I would do it with plenty of time before for you and RB to get used to the Flatsides again for it.  ;)

AND Can you not remember the 3 inches of SNOW we had back last APRIL (REMEMBER you were out of POWER)  :angry:

AND If anyone has a stage IDEA let me know....  


I'm not shooting your match Sam-I-am, but I'm definitely working it, and I'll even design a stage or 2 for ya (BWAHAHAHAHA)!!!!

And everyone here promised me definitively that snow in April is just not the thing around here and that it won't happen again for another 15 to 20 YEARS! So we're safe.

Of course, we're having Severe T-Storm Warnings with possible Tornado watches in December - so I'm just about convinced y'all don't really *KNOW* what normal weather is for any time of the year!

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Shooter Grrl,

There IS no normal weather in the South, it seems to have a mind of it's own :D


Springtime would be a great time. We usually have pretty good weather around the Alabama sectional. (which it just so happens that I will shoot revolver in again this year :D:D:D )


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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting little more organized as we go, here are the basics

3 day match, pick your day or shoot both guns one each day.(ROs and staff to shoot on Friday ect)

open gun shooters will not be classified so they will be going for High to low

Std revolver shooters will be classified.

It will be USPSA recognized therefore flatsides will be able to shoot but the match emphasis will be on wheel guns. AND you must be a USPSA member to shoot.

(OPEN division Revolvers excluded since there is no such thing in USPSA)

It looks most likely Memphis TN as the match site but have to talk to Nashville, both these clubs have excellent ranges and have room for about 12 stages (maybe more?)

Thank you to Slowsure he got in touch with his club In Manchester TN where I have shot, NICE NEW range but not quite big enough for what I'm trying to do.(i hope)

Need some help working up Corporate support, any suggestions/volunteers.

Match Date will be 99% sure sometime in the Fall of 2005

All Suggestions, comments, HELP greatly appreciated.


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It will be USPSA recognized therefore flatsides will be able to shoot but the match emphasis will be on wheel guns. AND you must be a USPSA member to shoot.

(OPEN division Revolvers excluded since there is no such thing in USPSA)

Can't you no-score the flatsiders? Don't they do something similar for the Limited-only matches?

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Most likely will have the flatsiders in an "also ran catagory" and maybe give them a trophy with a big revolver on it. :lol:

To be a Recognized match it must be open to all divisions (according to USPSA) but it is the Match Directors authority to emphasize one or more Divisions ect.


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I talked to Jerry Miculek about his schedule, he said he really did not know what he could do until S&W gave him their schedule, so as for now we will stay with "sometime in the fall" and after the SHOT Show where he will get his schedule, I will get with him to make sure he will be able to make the match too.

Rudy Waldinger said "IF any way possible I will be there" so you folks who like some competition, HERE YOU GO :wub: (sorry I could not put his Austrian accent in there) <_<

Cliff Walsh, the Florida Flame :lol: has said he would do everything possible to make the match (3rd at 2004 USPSA Nationals) as did SmittyFL (A flatsided shooter who Cliff says can shoot the wheelgun)

Have had several others say they would do all possible to make it.....

I guess I have my work cut out for me and need to get at it !!!!

Sam / HOP

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If you will have me I will be there with bells on. 6th last year, 8th this year at nats. Do I understand this correctly. Shoot open one day standard the next? or vice versa. Doesn't that give you an unfair advantage on the second run through, seeing how you have already shot the stage once?

Tom Mainus

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you tell me when/where/how much $. i,ll have my plane ticket that day.

im going to shoot as many majors as i can next year starting with the florida open.

hope to see and meet some of you (ALL OF YOU, lol) in '05.

dan carden

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All wheel gun shooters welcome :D , and maybe some flatsides too <_<

Most likely if shooting both guns the std gun will be first. then with OPEN revolver(most will be 8 shots ) things will change with the extra rounds. So some or most stages will not nessicarily(sp) be shot the same way as with the std vs. open gun. :unsure:

Just because it will be more revolver friendly doesn't mean 6 or less shots per array ;)

and 6th and 8th means to me just more good shooting going on :)

Already looking forward to it myself B)


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Sam, keep us posted on this. I know at least one junior revo. shooter (and his dad) that would really like to shoot this match. The earlier we know the dates, though, the better the chances--scheduling can be real difficult around this house.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Have a favor to ask of someone.....

I have in the past tried to organize an entire match, prize table included and was not working at the time and just barely had enough time in the day to get it done.

I am asking for a prize table/sponsor organizer for the "Southern Nationals" as I will not have the time to do that and work and get every thing else lined up.

It is either that or No prize table and or Sponsor $$$$ to help payback as there will be payback for sure.

Have been debating with myself about trying to make this match a level III match and award Nationals slots to any division that has 20 or more (Sorry No Open Revolvers at USPSA Nationals) Need feedback on this!

If willing to help with the before mentioned problem please PM me, I usually work out of town Monday-Thursday if not Friday too.

Thanks and thanks for the interest and input.


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