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2005 Area 8 - Another Poll

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I like to use them ocasionally. Maybe have two or so stages with them, but don't do the whole match with them. Some people absolulty hate them, done give them a reason not to shoot the match. At last years Golden Bullet there were a few stages with classic targets. Reviews were mixed but I allways feel that it adds to the shooting challenge. 

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i think 3 or 4 stages with "classic" (i despise new targets being called classic) targets would be a great warm up for the world shoot, but don't think a lot of people will be making that journey.. ( I won't) and would love to have a great warmup for nationals..

for those who don't shoot there let it be known that E. Huntingdon is known for having area quality matches every month!!! with great stages. this match will be awesome.. maybe better than nationals.

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I'd like a mix of classic and metric targets.

Here in Italy we shoot exclusively classic targets, and I am putting up a local match for saturday with a mix of stages with classic targets and stage with metric ones.

We have the opportunity of different targets, why stick with only one type?

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Classic's on every stage!!! I personally like the target itself more, as its more of a challenge to shoot for me. And with the upcoming World Shoot, I'm sure those that are going will appreciate any chance that they can get to shoot these targets in a major match.

(Wishing they would use Classics at the Nationals <_<<_< )

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I'm fond of "Classic" targets (and I assume they are called this since they more resemble classic bullseye targets?) since I think they force one to pay more carefull attention to one's shooting. Those people who shoot well don't notice a difference; those who spray miss more.

I think that's a good thing ;)

I'd use Classics all the time if it were up to me.


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Here's a positive about the "classic". The shape is very neutral and therefore less likely to be criticized as a humanoid!....just a thought when it comes to promotion and air time with other viewing audiences. Could have some benefits for those who are marketting for the world shoot.

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Ron, since there seems to be a bit of pucker factor associated with these targets, that should give you the impetus to use them. Talk about a match that folks will be thinking about....

I remember several matches at EH and Clairton and some others where the classic targets were used on some stages. Talk about moaning from the shooters....

I like them, use them. Why not give us a full match taste of what the non-USPSA matches look like.

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gmw2b.... i hate to sound rude here, and i would like to see our sport prosper and become as huge as golf but if we use the reason that "the tv pepople will like it" we would not even be using hand guns.

i think they are a good idea on stages. but a whole match of them if i wanted to be in europe i'd move there :)

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Your absolutely correct & preaching the the choir brother. I thru that comment out as a possitive notation on the Classic target itself. The comment however was not meant to be a starting point for a debate because that has occurred in several other threads on this forum.

Myself, I train with the classic target just for those few times that they have been encountered, ie., Puerto Rico, Florida, A3...and club matches. Being able to shoot on demand is a learned behavior gained thru many experiences. The classic is another opportunity to do this!

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The goal here wasn't to start a debate on the relative merits of classic vs. metric targets. Its just that there are very few major matches out there using them and I wanted to see if there was interest in trying something different.

Believe me, I'm about as far from politically correct as someone can be, so that isn't why we're considering classic targets.

Of course, they are a little smaller - and I used to be a bullseye shooter ..... ;)

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The "Classic" Target is not classic. It is an abomination to call it such. It is a new PC target that has eliminated a considerable number of shooting options, has caused a rule to be foisted upon those of us fortunate enough to live where we can still shoot at the true classic target, ie., the USPSA target, (AKA Metric) (Metric, another pet peeve). We had the ability to present many more shooting challenges with the USPSA target than with the "Turtle", Thanks to some in IPSC we have lost that option, now we are facing a group that wants to push us to use the Turtle becuase it is "Challenging" So are tombstones and IDPA target, as well as Q's and plain old Bullseye targets, none of which have any place in USPSA Competition. You want to shoot the Turtle, go to the WS. Here in the US, leave the Good Ol' USPSA target as the target!

Keep USPSA pure, leave the so-called classic for the rest of the world.

Jim Norman

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