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This has to be some kind of mistake. Are they sure they didn't mean to post it as

Limited 10, Production and Revolver and then Limited and Open. It definetely makes a lot more sense that way.

C'mon. Surely there's a conspiracy theory in here.. as in "What divisions would X, Y or Z want to shoot?", where X, Y and Z can be any combination of the MD, USPSA BOD, Big Media, sponsors, or whatever)

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I think that it's set up that way so that the numbers of shooters are relatively even at each match. Open'll have the most with Limited a little bit back, Revolver the least, L10 next to last, and Production'll be right in the middle... at least judging by past matches.

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How about the chance that the big guns will want to shoot Open and Limited? or maybe Open and Production?

Personaly I liked the format this year. 5 half days of shooting. A little more money, but also the chance to relax a bit and to watch others shoot as well as do a bit of exploring in the local area.

This way, I leave home on Friday to get to Barry Saturday, Shoot Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, do the prize table/awards Wednesday morning and start driving, probably arriving home some time on Thursday, that leaves me one day to work before the weekend and a local match. I still lose a whole week of work, but I cram my shooting into half the time and get none of the rest.

This is mostly about the shooting, but it is also about vacation time. I do like a bit of rest.

Jim Norman

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I like the 3 day shooting schedule. The only problem I have is my wife shoots Limited and I shoot Open. That means I would spend 3 days with nothing to do but watch others shoot and then she would have to spend 3 days with nothing to do but watch others shoot. Standing around for 3 days watching others shoot is not my idea of a good time. It just seems that every year I plan to go to the Nationals I end up not being able to go.

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JR: If you are a certified RO then get on the RO squad for the opposite match. Same for your wife. If you aren't certified then find a Level 1 course near you (or get your local club(s) to sponsor one). End of boredom.

USPSA has, in the past, made some considerations for those that work a match. Like work one half of the back-to-back and get to shoot the other one for free.

Just a thought.

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So they won't be switching guns. Seems I remember a Nationals a few years back where an Iron Sighted Pistol was the winning Gun.

Maybe they'll just shoot twice with what ever gun they are planning on takein to the WS. So what if they aren't exactly competitive, they are still being pushed in match conditions.

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I shot my first USPSA match at the Area 4 sectional last weekend. I am planning to shoot the 12-12-04 match at the double tap ranch in north Texas. The match is going to have 4 classifier stages so I can get my classification in one match.

My question is:

Once I have my classification, am I eligible to shoot in the Nationals next year. I am also planning to shoot the Space city shoot in April.

I want to get more active in the sport and do some more traveling to big matches.


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  • 2 weeks later...
From The Members page,

2005 Handgun Nationals Schedule

Limited, Production, Revolver Divisions

Sun 7/24 9-Noon Registration at PASA

Sun 7/24 Noon Shooter’s meeting at PASA

Sun 7/24 1:00 – 5:00 Competition

Mon 7/25 All day Competition

Tue 7/26 All day Competition

Wed 7/27 Morning Awards, prize distribution in Quincy

Open, Limited 10 Divisions

Sun 7/27 2:00-5:00pm Registration at PASA

Wed 7/27 Evening Shooter’s meeting

Thu 7/28 All day Competition

Fri 7/29 All day Competition

Sat 7/30 Morning Competition

Sat 7/30 Evening Awards, prize distribution in Quincy

Wow. I've been away far too long..... :(

If I want to shoot the Canadian Nationals I'm going to have to leave right after shooting on Tuesday, Drive 9 hours back home then fly out to the east coast for Wednesday night  This will be interesting, I should just move to the States. I hear there are alot of people trying to move up to Canada now, I wonder if the immagration officials are interested in a trade 

Mike, not sure if it will break any kind of trade embargo or anything, but we could trade me working the Canadian Nats for you shooting the US Nats?? Would that work??? Probably not a fair trade, so we would have to get the GOVT involved, but thought I would offer..... ;)

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As a first time experience, I wouldn't mind at all sitting around watching others flinging lead. Maybe visit a vendor area or two...talk smack with the best of the best. Pick up some tips perhaps. That would be interesting....Hopefully I'll get a chance at a slot at this years nationals.

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So if this two seperate matches we're talking somewhere in the range of $500.00 if you shoot both matches? OUCH!!!!! If you're lucky enough to get 2 slots how about a break on entry fees?


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  • 5 weeks later...

This from the USPSA webpage:

2005 Handgun Nationals Schedule

NOTE DATE CHANGES - USPSA has been forced to move the Handgun Nationals from the week of July 24th to the week of July 17th because of other events in host city Quincy, Illinois. Our members, staff, and sponsors would have been unable to locate hotel accommodations on the original dates. USPSA regrets any inconvenience created by this unavoidable change


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Call the DA up and tell him you are away. If they can't change the schedule around with this much notice they must be really FUBAR. Hell I haven't even arrested the clowns yet that will be going to trial in July. Next month maybe, we usually have them to trial within 4-5 months.

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