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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Chuck Bradley


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Monday morning I ordered a CR Speed belt from Chuck.

Monday afternoon Chuck calls to verify my address. He had two on file for me.

Tuesday the belt is in my hands.

It just doesn't get any better until they get that transporter beam working!

Thanks Chuck!


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Ditto on Akidales comments.

I started this game this year and Chuck was recommended as a supplier. Having never attended a match, I called Chuck and asked what equipment I needed. He patiently talked me through things and sold me only what I needed to get started.

Great guy and great service.


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Chuck is nothing more than a pain in the ass. Order after order he screws up and then comes up with some lame excuse, like my dog at your order. He's cocky and has no sense of humor what-so-ever! He never answers the phone nor does he return phone calls.

Before I get moderated I want to say that I am only kidding! I have been dealing with Chuck for years and ordering from him is a breeze and always right. Plus he only carries products that he believes in. He's a straight shooter, both business wise and on the range. I don't know what I would do without Shooters Connection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I broke the slide lock on my Para. Called all over the country. Everyone was closed for the day. Chuck was still in the office. Had a new one 2 days later. I also need to add that I'm a new shooter. Chuck gave great advise on my original setup

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  • 2 months later...

Wow! I had no idea. Its great to be appreciated. This is more than a business to me, its a way of life. I love the sport and the people in it. All I can say is thanks.

Guess I will frequent the forums more often now.

PaulW, what a pain. When i see your name on my caller ID I cringe at what you are going to throw at me next. But I still reluctantly pick up the phone.

hey paul, just kidding. Took me a while but we won you over to a Bedell custom didnt we? And you love it!

Michael Bane, I always new you had those kind of feelings for me. You havent called in so long, I am hurt! I hope the rest of you know I am really kidding!

Great new TV show, I watch it whenever I can.

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chuck is killing me, if he doesn't stop sending me all these new gun orders i won't see daylight for months. you know you're too busy when you haven't shot your own gun since the NYS eastern lakes sectional back on june 25th. if chuck is such a nice guy he should come up here and take my wife out to dinner for me since i hardly have time to do that. actually i'm not sure she would go with him.

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i didn't see you post anything about chuck's service. if you don't put something up here, i think his feelings may be hurt.

oh, you want a single stack too. let me know all the particulars and we'll get some #'s together for you.

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I was going to leave that alone for it is a dangerous road to travel but if you want me to come up and take your wife out for dinner I may do that. AS long as when we are late coming home you dont get worried and keep building guns. :P

Kevin doesnt want to say anything bad. See he tells me at a match to send him somethng then I forget, most the time he pays for it up front.

What do you want a single stack for? I have been thinking about an STI carry gun with full grip but no magwell. The biggest hold back is I want the shortest slide barrel I can get on one and I havent had time to see whats available. Any ideas? Not even sure what caliber but I am thinking about 40. I already load 40 and know my 40's for competition are 100%. I think I can load up pretty hot also when loaded out long. Maybe 10mm would be a better choice for a carry gun. See why I havent done it yet. I do know I want a heavy mag catch spring with no button. I would probalby carry it on an empty chamber like I do my glock now. If i was going to carry it hot then I would have my safeties done so they always come up if your thumb isnt on them. Gary Stevens did a gun this way which is a neat idea but it was a nuisance at times so he changed them back.

A crisp 3 lb trigger and fixed night sites would do it. Next thing would to find a holster for an STI. Any suggestions?

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Chuck ... .45ACP. Biga** heavy bullets make big holes!

I think an STI with a commander length slide in .45ACP would make a very spiffy carry gun.

Carry guns should be carried with a round in the chamber, though ... I know you're fast, but you'd be faster still without having to rack the slide. If you're concerned about the safety getting pushed down accidentally, just have it tuned so that it requires a deliberate press to deactivate and use a holster with a bodyshield that protects it. And skip the ambi ... the outboard lever is what might cause the problems.

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Ed, I would but i want a high cap and the grip on an STI is not that much bigger than a 1911 with std grip. The STI high cap was not really designed for the 45 but the 38 super. 38 super comp is an option also, or 9x23. I use a glock 26 now with the grip entender on a 19 mag. Gives me 15 rounds in small pkg.

Rhino, I for the sake of safety I would rather give up the extra time if any. Racking the slide as you come up will not take much more time. I actually did it once in real life witha guy coming at me saying he ahd a knife and reaching for it. Got the gun out, althoug i had my hand on it to start with, Racked the slide then caught him with my lefthand in the throat stopping him. Good thing he never got the knife out or he wouldnt have got to spend 6 months in jail. Yep they dropped the charges to shoplifting and misdemaeanor terroristic threatening from armed robbery. The Grand Jury almost got me for wanton endangerment for shooting his tires out. The Sheriif stood by me so I didnt get indicted. Dont you remeber that story fromt he IPSC list? So much for those that say you cant stop an assailant with a knife within 7 yards. He was more like 3 yards but he didnt have the knife out either althoug he did have it when arrested.

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Dan, I think you are right if I dont say something nice about Chuck he may :lol: cry!!!!!!! :lol: But really I had a good steak dinner on my mind ;) .

Now for the smoke, really Chuck does a great service very fast too.

If I need it I have it the next day, Nobody can fill 100% of someones needs in a

sport but he is in the top 95%

Hey also today we sighted & chronoed Mikes new open blaster, got him about were he needs to be and running like a champ. Another great job Dan

Chuck, about that money up front thing? You know I trust you, plus I know were you live :lol::lol:


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Rhino, I for the sake of safety I would rather give up the extra time if any. Racking the slide as you come up will not take much more time. I actually did it once in real life witha guy coming at me saying he ahd a knife and reaching for it. Got the gun out, althoug i had my hand on it to start with, Racked the slide then caught him with my lefthand in the throat stopping him. Good thing he never got the knife out or he wouldnt have got to spend 6 months in jail. Yep they dropped the charges to shoplifting and misdemaeanor terroristic threatening from armed robbery. The Grand Jury almost got me for wanton endangerment for shooting his tires out. The Sheriif stood by me so I didnt get indicted. Dont you remeber that story fromt he IPSC list? So much for those that say you cant stop an assailant with a knife within 7 yards. He was more like 3 yards but he didnt have the knife out either althoug he did have it when arrested.

Yeah, I remember that story! I was crushed for quite a while after I learned my hero didn't carry a 1911 .45 all the time! :lol:

I just don't think a chambered round is any compromise to safety. I've got my brain, my finger is trained to stay away until it's needed, I have a good holster, I have a thumb safety, and I have a grip safety. They all have to "fail" at the same time to cause a problem with a chambered round, which I think is ... unlikely.

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What do you want a single stack for? I have been thinking about an STI carry gun with full grip but no magwell.

A crisp 3 lb trigger and fixed night sites would do it. Next thing would to find a holster for an STI. Any suggestions?

I was thinking along the same lines Chuck just after I asked you about the Trojan, I decided I want an Eagle in 38 super comp, fixed rear sight and a crisp 3# trigger.

I bet you know where I can get one?

As far as the holster goes, if you want leather there is a fellow in S. Indiana who does fantastic custom leather work. Little Feather Leather is the name of the business. I have a nice one he did for me for a Kimber Polymer Gold Cup .45 you may want to have a look at.

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blue edge- kevin

you think chuck has good service. i pulled off a miracle to get mike that pistol so his wife could give it to him for christmas. tell mike that i told everybody that is still waiting for their guns that it is all his fault that i'm behind because i had to make his christmas dreams come true. i know what mike does for a living so you might tell him that if i keep working at this pace, i just might need his services. i am going to try to come down to kentucky this year to shoot a match,and maybe i'll bring my wife with me to teach you guys a thing or two.

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