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Loki still in business?


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Hi, I ordered a partol rifle on 08-09-2012 the cost was $2204.00. Erik said it would be twelve weeks, I wasn't particulaly happy with that time frame he said "if you don't get it in eight weeks call." I'm a police officer and I ordered the rifle "turn key" with optic so I could just break it in and hit the road with it. As I explained to Erik I had an incident in June that illustrated the need to have the "proper tool" for the job in any given situation. I also explained to Erik the money was a huge sacrifice for me and my family. The money was out of an insurance settlement from a awful car wreck that happened on Christmas Day last year. I called LOKI and left a message about two months ago. I told them "someone needs to call me and let me know you didn't take off with my money." Erik called me the next day and said "yeah I took it to bingo." We had a good laugh and I changed my forearm and asked him to put rails all the way around the forearm. I recieved a reciept via email the next day. As of today I have left many voicemails, I have sent two emails to J E Davis with no reply. I have contacted the City Manager of Atoka OK, he assures me he will get with the Financial Planner of Atoka and contact me "either way." In case someone from LOKI is monitoring this quarum, my order alone places this well in to felony range. I am very disheartened, the weekend most of us lost contact with LOKI the ran a special aimed at veterans, it's sickening. At this point they can keep the rifle. I need my money I told them they had until tomorrow 12-07-2012 to get it back to me. Any ideas?

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Well I might as well share my nightmare. I emailed them to see if the part was in stock before placing an order for a 18 stainless fluted rifle length barrel. Erik answered my email stating that it was IN STOCK and would ship when payment was recieved. Well I immediately placed my order via the website. This was a Friday in September. After one week of not getting a shipping notice I tried calling. After two days of multiple calls I finally emailed them back and got a response from Erik. I was told that the sales crew was out of the office and that the barrel would ship when they got back. Another week goes by and still nothing. I email again and Erik tells me that they don't have a stainless barrel in stock. He offers to send me a melonited 18 inch barrel. I email him back to see how much extra that would be. No response

I then threaten to dispute the charge through my credit card because by this time I am feed up and tired of their $h!t. I immediately get an email asking why they should have to pay the processing fees when the barrel is in stock and they were getting ready to ship it.

I say fine "SHIP IT" I was pissed off beyond belief at this point.

Well 5 days later a package shows up from them via UPS. I open the box and the barrel inside is a 14 inch stainless with carbine length gas system. WTF!!

I ordered an 18 inch Rifle length barrel and the reciept SHOWS that on it.

I go through the hassle of shipping the barrel back and finally two weeks later the correct barrel shows up at my home.

The worst part about it was that I did not need the barrel at that point. In those two months I had bought a Colt CRP Pro 18 (which I love).

So I feel sorry for anyone that has given money to Loki.

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OK here's an update for all the guys dealing with LOKI. I conferred with a friend. This friend is a contractor and deals with issues like this on occasion. Here are his instructions: 1. Get a record of payment. 2. Make a statement of "non-delivery." 3. Have it notarized. 4. Be sure and include a copy of any correspondence between you and LOKI. 5. Send a copy of this packet to your Bank / Credit Card Company, Attorney General, and the Oklahoma Attorney General Consumer Fraud Department. Ask that department for a review. 6. Be sure and send a copy to LOKI and keep a copy for yourself. I am going to add a letter with this packet to ATF. My wife actually found a case in the Oklahoma Court Site stating LOKI lost their FFL for a period of time. Being a Police Officer I also will add my order alone ($2204,00) places this situation well in felony range. Lets be sure and keep in touch.

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Thanks for the updates Hughsd422.

I will be doing exactly that early next week, as i am away in business.

Please keep us all updated on anything else you find out. I talked to my bank, and I think the payment can be recovered, but I'm VERY upset over my compensator.

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I would also contact the local police department. While a lot of this is civil. If they don't return your property that is theft.


Local to me? Or local to them?

I would imagine local to them in Oklahoma. At least that is the start. Local LEOs would need to go onsite to investigate.

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I have never done business with LOKI but after what I'm seeing here makes me embarrassed that anyone from OK would pull this crap.

How the hell does a company that has a line of customers go belly up? Sounds like someone should have taken a business class.

I hope you folks get it made right.

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I would also contact the local police department. While a lot of this is civil. If they don't return your property that is theft.


Local to me? Or local to them?

Local to them. If that does not work then contact your local police and they can contact the police there. Sometimes departments are less than excited to work something like this that is entangled with with civil issues but I have done it in the past. Its a mess however.


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Regardless of outcome its things like this that make me damn glad to only buy from know companies instead of the latest and greatest unobtainim gottahaveit companies. JP rifles seem to be blase' somewhat due to all of the new comers. Not to say there are not good ones. BUT as always a rifle made by known mfgs even the big guys like Colt deliver the goods. I have extended myself just to buy JP rifles knowing I will get what is a first rate firearm. Hope anyone left hanging gets money back. A pox on any person who takes money for a firearm and doesnt deliver.

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Here is my LOKI story:

I ordered a 18" stainless fluted barrel in March. I was told it would be 6 weeks until it ships. I call in May and he said it was ready to ship, but the gas port was too small and needed to be drilled again. He told me then it would ship in a week. I called back a week later and he said it would ship the next day. I called a week later and he said the gas port was too small and needed to be drilled again! I didn't call him on his obvious lie and the fact he had been lieing to me the whole time, but I hung up and started collecting all my "evidence" to confront him the next time I called. When I got home that day, the barrel was sitting on my doorstep! Lucky to have got anything at all I guess.

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If you want to purchase a firearm you will be safer buying from someone on Enos than some of these manufactureres. Thank goodness there are still some honorable people left. Right now the majority are the people here on the Enos Forums.

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Update on my situation:

Erik did contact me today through a text. I'm not going to post the entirety of it here, but to paraphrase... He feels bad about the way his business ended, but problems with the ATF, his business partner, and his suppliers caused the situation we are all in now.

Seeing how they have been conducting business for the last several months, I can't see him feeling too bad. Just sayin

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Update on my situation:

Erik did contact me today through a text. I'm not going to post the entirety of it here, but to paraphrase... He feels bad about the way his business ended, but problems with the ATF, his business partner, and his suppliers caused the situation we are all in now.

Seeing how they have been conducting business for the last several months, I can't see him feeling too bad. Just sayin

Well, I paraphrased... And that's not exactly what he said.

But yea, I know what you mean, and I expressed the same sentiment in my response.

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There's been some good exchange of ideas here about how to deal with the OP's situation, but all the soap-boxing has to stop now.

No more, "Here's my LOKI horror story" or similar stuff. Take those to LOKI. They don't belong here.

Any more posts in that vein will be deleted without notice and may incur penalties for deliberately violating BE Forum guidelines.

Thanks in advance for your restraint. I know it ain't easy...

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There's been some good exchange of ideas here about how to deal with the OP's situation, but all the soap-boxing has to stop now.

No more, "Here's my LOKI horror story" or similar stuff. Take those to LOKI. They don't belong here.

Any more posts in that vein will be deleted without notice and may incur penalties for deliberately violating BE Forum guidelines.

Thanks in advance for your restraint. I know it ain't easy...

I agree.

And if there was still a Loki to take these complaints to I think everyone here would. However, opted than the response I got today, our complaints to the company have fallen on deaf ears.

This forum is the only avenue we have had to contact each other and gain any knowledge on what others are experiencing, or the status of the company.

Again, I agree that we should restrain ourselves, and try to only post valuable information.

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Here are some legal definitions to consider.

CRIMINAL INTENT The intent to commit a crime: malice, as evidenced by a criminal act; an intent to deprive or defraud the true owner of his property. People v. Moore. 3 N. Y. Cr. R. 458. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary) Criminal intent is a necessary component of a “conventional” crime and involves a conscious decision on the part of one party to injure or deprive another.

Theft n. the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use.

Businesses fail every day, and lots of people loose lots of money in those instances. I'd think the difficult part of a trying to move to a criminal case in the event of a business failure, is to show any intent to commit a crime. I don't believe poor business practices become a criminal case very easily.

I would think in the case of a business failure, an in-person chat would be of great value if internet and phone contact is not possible. Make arrangements for restitution and retrieve any personal property in the business owners possession.


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There's been some good exchange of ideas here about how to deal with the OP's situation, but all the soap-boxing has to stop now.

No more, "Here's my LOKI horror story" or similar stuff. Take those to LOKI. They don't belong here.

Any more posts in that vein will be deleted without notice and may incur penalties for deliberately violating BE Forum guidelines.

Thanks in advance for your restraint. I know it ain't easy...

I agree.

And if there was still a Loki to take these complaints to I think everyone here would. However, opted than the response I got today, our complaints to the company have fallen on deaf ears.

This forum is the only avenue we have had to contact each other and gain any knowledge on what others are experiencing, or the status of the company.

Again, I agree that we should restrain ourselves, and try to only post valuable information.

People posting on this forum alerted me that I needed to take action to save and/or attempt to save myself $866.30. Had everyone followed the posted guideline to the letter, I would have wound up losing any recourse by running past the window to dispute the charge on my credit card and some of the hundreds of others who have read this thread could have unfortunately found themselves wishing for their long gone money back had they not been alerted here.

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It would be a criminal case if you can prove they continued to take orders with no intent to deliver the merchandise. Or in the case of a complete firearm or lower if they took the order and did not have a current valid FFL to manufactuer the gun or sell the lower.

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This forum is the only avenue we have had to contact each other and gain any knowledge on what others are experiencing, or the status of the company.

Let's tread very carefully. I don't intend to parse words with anyone over whether this is a defacto default location because there is no where else suitable to air dirty laundry.

We don't do customer service issues here. That's a long standing tenet of this forum.

Again, I agree that we should restrain ourselves, and try to only post valuable information.

Thank you.

And again, I know this isn't easy. We do genuinely appreciate the effort it takes to stay within the lines of this site.

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It would be a criminal case if you can prove they continued to take orders with no intent to deliver the merchandise. Or in the case of a complete firearm or lower if they took the order and did not have a current valid FFL to manufactuer the gun or sell the lower.

Wouldn't it be easy for a business owner to simply say, "I had every intention to fulfill those orders, but do to circumstances beyond my control it was not possible." "I had intended to use another FFL holder as my agent, but those arrangements fell through. I will attempt to make whole those that had loss." ??

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