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2004 USPSA Pistol Nationals

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I knew you know better, but not everyone else might...

It just seems to be the 1st day of shooting is posted, and not even then all stages.

Bit of a pity, for such an event. There should be a web cam on every stage, and results should be posted every h or so.... :wub:

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Yeah, I don't know what the deal with not posting the scores is. I know the stats crew has tons to do, but with today's technology, I'm not sure why the scores aren't more current.

Oh well, maybe it's best I don't know. Just keep shootin'

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LIVE UPDATE FROM BARRY, As of last stage on Wed, Eric G Leading, Max -21, Chris 50 behind Max, JJ 11 behind Chris.

Lots of points left to shoot. Mostly field courses and the standards. Ssquad will shoot 4 stages thursday morning and finish up with the biggest points day on Fri afternoon. Should be interesting couple of days.

Stay Tuned!



Shoot strong hand in the Dark House. Many have dropped a mag or two while shooting with light and gun together.

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A lot of us were talking today, a starlite cam should be set up in the dark house so those of us standing outside could watch buds on a screen :ph34r: ! Erik - Bear 1142, almost centered a wall while moving thru the second door in the house - something about his light going on the blink....those of us standing outside heard a thud and saw the house move a couple of inches on the foundation... :lol: There may be Houston Lumber logo tat'd on his chest....I didn't want to ask :huh: !

Webcams, coupled with a schedule, staged throughout the match would be a great idea.

Results....right now everything is being posted as combined per stage. The volume being displayed made my head hurt the first day so I decided to take a pass on trying to figure anything out until the last day. Figured it would be better to pace myself with a couple of guys on the squad and let the chips fall.

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Of course... we have a great squad.

Erik has had some impressive runs. And he does hit some great splits.

We saw SingleStack...break a Wilson rear sight.

Bear went Minor, but seems to be dealing with it well enough.

Jake has had gun trouble.

Ong had to park his big stick...now that his gun is running, he is shooting well.

Shred has been shooting more and more solid. Very nice.

Nik lreally likes to get those Alphas.

Steve is shooting pretty well.

Max told us that Eric is up 40 points as of end of business today (thursday).

Nobody knows who is winning in Limited, but Phil said it was likely tight between TGO and Mike V.

TGO bombed the Dark House when (I hear) he had the flash light hitting his mag button...dropping mags out right and left. I think that cost him 40+ points.

Blake lost his gun on a chair start today. :(

Mink says he has had troubles. He figures that Production is going Dave, then Pete M.

That is what pops to mind. More later.

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With one day left, it looks like this in our squad:


Manny (14pts back)



Mike V



Big Fat Loser


Rob is really putting on a clinic. Manny started to fade a bit, but he's still in it. Todd has made a great comeback, too. Taran had some gun trouble on a big stage, but he's still in it, as well. If Rob keeps his pace up, no one will catch him.

If I could manage to double the size of the steel, then I would be doing a LOT better. :angry: Oh well, somedays you got it, and some you don't. I'm just waiting for one good day this week!

So much for this year. Practice may be in order for next year.


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For the readers wondering....."manny" = Emanuel Bragg.

Thanks for the update Phil. You've had a lot going on this year though right? (baby) :)

"..Blake lost his gun on a chair start today..."


Does this means Blake's out?

That freak'n sucks! I was thinking he would be the upset victor.

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For what it's worth, and for anyone who can't access the USPSA website, I calculated the match points through the end of day 1 for the men's super squads in Limited, Open, and Production. I apologize to anyone I left out (and to the ladies)...

Limited (5 stage results in)

Manny 385.40

TGO 384.80, 1 stage win

Voight 377.13, 1 stage win

Butler 372.33, 1 stage win

Travis 370.71

Phil 369.07

Todd 360.22

Blake 351.48

Seeklander 340.54

Estuardo Gomez was shooting real well too...

Open (5 stage results in)

JJ 399.05, 4 stage wins :lol:

Max 389.32, 1 stage win

Eric 379.28

Popplewell 364.88

Chris 353.58

Production (4 stage results in)

Dave 346.64, 2 stage wins

Angus 335.60, 2 stage wins

Milionis 312.66

Olhasso 298.81

Minks 298.44

Sindelar 290.11

I hope the last two days some up soon! Wish I was there this year <_<

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Running commentary from the Nationals!!! Too cool. Thanks guys for posting the information. It is great for those of us that couldn't be there.

Looks like Squad 19 is REVOLVER HEAVEN - a real dogfight. Hope to make it in the next couple of years.

Good luck Flex and SA!

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Webcams, coupled with a schedule, staged throughout the match would be a great idea.

Hmmm. You must have a spy in Ecuador ;)

This is slightly off-topic, and I can't make any promises right now, but I can tell you that the organisers of World Shoot XIV next year are already investigating the possibility of having a "live webcam" on at least one stage (hopefully more), and there would be a published schedule so that those who cannot personally attend the match can log-on at the designated time and watch their favourite squad(s) shoot the selected stages(s). The "live webcam" would probably also be used for the Shoot Offs.

More news to follow early in 2005.

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[.......investigating the possibility of having a "live webcam" on at least one stage (hopefully more), .........

Please let this be so and please let the bandwidth provided be sufficient for the many who are not there to watch. ;)

And if I should be there (wishful thinking) may all PC's crash when the RO tells me to LAMR..... :P

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Big Fat Loser


hope you're not referring to yourself... :(

I prefer to think of you as the targets BFG (Big Fragging Guy) of IPSC shooting. ;)

BTW, how come my teammate Fabrizio Pesce sports your WSXIII shirt?

Did Irene trick you with her green eyes? :D

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