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So trivia hunters wouldn't have to wade through 17 posts to even see what was going on, I just deleted the thread so we can start over...

I like (as did others) Skywalkers idea to have this month's trivia winner be the "contributor of the month." (July) So how should it be decided? How about if, towards the end of the month, anyone interested posts their suggestion. (Not just mods... it's quite possible we may become "hardened" by daily life on the forum.) I'm thinking fresher members would have a better feeling of who the helpful ones are. And I guess we have to rule out admin/mods, because we wouldn't have a contest because Flex would be the winner.


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I safely made it through the first four comments with each one making it more difficult to avoid making the trip across town to the one Sonic that has awesome tots and incredible lime slushes. After the fifth post with both magic phrases "Tater Tots" and "Sonic" in it...:wub: :wub: :wub: here I sit gorged with tots and an absolutely perfect lime slush... :wub:


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They're like hash browns, but formed into nuggets. Kinda like croquettes, I guess, but only made out of potatoes, no meat, other vegetables, etc. They aren't coated in bread, either, but do tend to be fried.

HTH. :)

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Back to the Tater Tots thing - Laura Dern was in the movie. (She didn't say it though.)


So I looked through Laura Derns' filmography and I think I've seen like 3 of them and I do not remember Tater Tots in any of them so I'm out....

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Nice one Shepard! I really like that movie. I loved the way he was always imparting a sense choice and responsibility to the boy.

Being a Tater Tot fan - Clint's "I do love Tater Tots" just cracks me up.


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