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My leg hurts

B.J. Norris

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A souvenir from Camp Shootout. Got a little bit too close to the plate racks by the berm while running stage drills on paper targets. While in the middle of the stage I felt a burning pain across my thigh, after unloading a holstering I found I had about a 1" long gash where a bounce back (bullet jacket? entire bullet?) had sliced my skin open...... Add to the insult, while loading my mags that afternoon after shooting the Texas Star, I "discovered" I had a peice of copper jacket sticking out of my arm from the guy on the line shooting the Star. :angry::angry::angry:

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That sucks.

I was working with a guy once doing training with his .38 special. I was not paying attention to the ammo he was using. All the sudden he was shooting the plates and he starts to fall backwards. A full bullet had bounced back and struck him right smack in the forehead. Kinda funny now, but boy was it serious then. We was using those silly bullets that had the hard plastic coating on them that were for home defense. After walking around the range I found alot more bullets laying behind us.

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Yeah, that definitely blows. I feel your pain. I got hit HARD in the belly by a piece of shrapnel off a 20 yard gong a couple weeks ago. [Caused by a very stupid move on my part - I knew I should have been shooting at it - as it had been cratered badly from rifle fire.] I was very lucky I didn't need to go on the organ donor list. A little more mass coming back and I would have had serious problems.

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Even with conscientious popper maintenance at my club, I've been tagged by spatter more times than I can remember. I consider myself lucky, though, not to have been hit to the point of drawing blood, though I have seen it more than once. I am especially grateful that my shooting glasses have saved my eyes a couple of times already.

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BJ, wow. Sorry to hear that. One thing for sure is that there isn't nearly as much of YOU available to absorb this stuff, as there is of ME! :lol::lol: :lol: Of course, the flip side of that statement seems to mean that I should get hit far more often than you, or most other people. <_<

I think it is pretty tough to shoot this sport much and not be a victim of splatter. Of course, I would rather avoid it, but it seems like a necessary evil, and moving steel up to 7 yards is probably only going to make it worse. :blink: Fortunately, most are just minor cuts, but I have spoken with some people that had to have surgery to have the fragment removed.

Couple of things to consider.... as ErikW already mentioned, be very careful with cratered steel, as it does bad things to bullets hitting it. Also, a friend of mine started wearing his shop safety glasses (the kind that have impact resistant lenses, but also have the side shield) after he got hit from the side. Probably another quarter inch forward would have meant him getting hit in the actual eye itself, even though he had shooting glasses on at the time.... :(

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If you are not wearing some type of full eye coverage, i.e. glasses that extend around and to the sides of your eyes, Please get some. Especially if you shoot indoors. Not a night goes by at our weekly shoot at our local indoor range that someone doesn't get tagged by splatter. I seem to be a magnet for it. But I wear my prescription safety glasses from work complete with side shields and feel relativley safe for my eyes.

I drifted a bit. IPSC G34. I always seem to get tagged. I always try to wear a hat so that the hits to the head are minimized. Got tagged with a near full diameter bounceback shooting plates one night. Kinda rocked my head back. I hated that!!!!

Feeling your pain, (literally and figuratively) :D


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Note that if you ever go in for an MRI, you need to tell them to check for metal fragments (they usually ask about metalworking and such)

TJ has a story where they ran a metal detector over his face and said "Were you in an explosion?"-- tiny particles of lead, copper and brass embed in skin pretty well.

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Hope you feel better.

A friend of mine standing at least 50 yards away from a popper and got hit by shrapnel hard enought to cause a nice gash on her arm. She went to the hospital, but it didn't need stiches. And people wonder why it is important to wear eye protection around firearms. :huh:

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While RO'ing I got struck by a piece of copper/lead combo that penetrated my shirt and left me bleeding centre chest just below the neck line. Did some quick repairs to myself. Got the next shooter going - he shot another popper and I got struck by copper/lead combo on the nose....lots of blood. <_<

Steel was 12m and 15m away respectivly.....

We had many RO's, shooters and spectators hit by flying metal - there is a very good reson why you should wear eye prot and some kind of better clothing.

my 0.02

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While RO'ing I got struck by a piece of copper/lead combo that penetrated my shirt and left me bleeding centre chest just below the neck line. Did some quick repairs to myself. Got the next shooter going - he shot another popper and I got struck by copper/lead combo on the nose....lots of blood. <_<

Steel was 12m and 15m away respectivly.....

We had many RO's, shooters and spectators hit by flying metal - there is a very good reson why you should wear eye prot and some kind of better clothing.

my 0.02

Sounds like time to replace the cratered/deformed steel of the range... <_<

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Bad news, BJ.

I once had to take a competitor to hospital for a "splatter gash" on the side of his belly which required more than a kiss, a hug and a bandaid, and I was terrified the attending physician would classify it as "gunshot wound" and we'd all be carted away wearing Government jewellery.

An absolute angel walks in, takes a look at the wound, and says "So, you guys been at the range?". When we reply in the affirmative, she says "Damn splatter" !!!!

No, she refused to marry me ............

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An absolute angel walks in, takes a look at the wound, and says "So, you guys been at the range?". When we reply in the affirmative, she says "Damn splatter" !!!!

No, she refused to marry me ............

Good one :lol::lol::lol:

BJ, you just have to run those stages a little faster... I mean a little faster than the splatter flies, you're almost there anyway :)

Hope you feel better soon enough for the Area 8.

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Steel was 12m and 15m away respectivly.....

The good news is if we move steel to 7 yards.... maybe it will somehow fly over our heads.... <_<

Sorry guys, cheap shot, my bad.... and I will shut up now... :unsure:

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