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Jessie Harrison-Duff

a matt

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I read on the shooting wire this am that Jesse Harrison-Duff is team captain from Taurus. Makes me wonder what Taurus model she will compete in USPSA with? :surprise:

Edited by a matt
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Maybe it will be like the Open Sig, but this one will be stamped Taurus. Could be a Judge or a 24/7 in production. I'm excited :goof:

Or the FN 2011 :lol: :


I have gone to a match and shot a PT1911 in Single Stack for shiggles. It can be done well.

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I have been wondering when someone was going to get hooked up with Taurus. I bet they paid her nicely. I was most suprised to see that se has already remarried. I guess some people learn the hard way.

She married her co-worker from Friends of NRA TV.

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I didn't even get the chance to put the moves on her yet and she is already remarried????

If I had known that was what she was looking for I would have thrown my razor away and quit getting my hair cut a long time ago.

Yeah, Single Stack would be my guess.

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I'm hoping this means Taurus is going to raise their QC standards and not that Jesse lowered hers.

Don't count on it. they have a product that works for them , why change it.

I bet a case of beer she gets an STI frame stamped with the Taurus Logo.

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In all fairness Taurus has a new President/CEO. It is possible that the company is moving in a different direction and has better things to come. I think I'm going to buy a pimped out gold or chrome Taurus to shoot IDPA and the Single Stack Nationals with. I am jumping on this movement like a hippie sits on wallstreet.

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In all fairness Taurus has a new President/CEO. It is possible that the company is moving in a different direction and has better things to come. I think I'm going to buy a pimped out gold or chrome Taurus to shoot IDPA and the Single Stack Nationals with. I am jumping on this movement like a hippie sits on wallstreet.


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The odds of Taurus jumping into competition went from 'long shot' to 'better than 50/50' when the company announced back in July that Mark Kresser was taking over as President and CEO on September 1st.

Kresser is a good friend of mine and we talked some last July about his plans for Taurus. And back then he was already looking for areas, like competition, where Taurus hadn't played.

The odds of Jessie's joining Taurus got a whole lot better than 50/50 a couple months later when Kresser took over the C-suite and was approached by Jessie about sponsorship opportunities at Taurus.

I find it very interesting that she approached them, I would have really thought that the companies would have been tripping over themselves to sign her up, and what ever happened to the S&W deal, it was announced like 2 years ago and then nothing.

If I had been betting I would have said Springfield Armory would have been the one, but to bring in a someone like Jessie would seem a no brainer.

I for one think the whole rollmarked slide for a sponsored shooter is silly.

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I for one think the whole rollmarked slide for a sponsored shooter is silly.

Yeah but building an open gun on a Taurus frame would be even more silly. I agree it's a bit silly, like buying a Lamborghini and put a Kia badge on it. Then again I've seen people go crazy over the Magic Jack and Beenie Babies so WTF do I know about business.

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She is obviously the most marketable shooter in the sport, and I'm hopeful her contract pays her more than the gun manufacturer contracts I've seen for sponsored shooters.

I'm also hopeful that the new management at Taurus is committed to improving their product line.

In reality, I think we'll see a lot of promotional materials featuring Ms. Harrison-Duff, and we'll see her shooting something in matches that doesn't quite resemble what can be found in the Taurus product line.

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Because I really don't care.


As quick as you responded it's safe to assume you are watching this topic, which means you really do care :ph34r: It's ok, we all know she's hot and you like your Taurus guns. We undersand and still like you as a person. With all do respect



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She is obviously the most marketable shooter in the sport, and I'm hopeful her contract pays her more than the gun manufacturer contracts I've seen for sponsored shooters.

I'm also hopeful that the new management at Taurus is committed to improving their product line.

In reality, I think we'll see a lot of promotional materials featuring Ms. Harrison-Duff, and we'll see her shooting something in matches that doesn't quite resemble what can be found in the Taurus product line.

My thoughts exactly.

I understand what's in it for Jessie... I'm just not sure her association with Taurus will sell them a bunch more guns.

This may help them sell a few more guns to the mass market but I see no change in the competition marketplace.

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