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Hi guys,

For all of you, ...... this is an exclusive,

In my Shooting Club, one my friend last year made this ....... for his Benelli M1, to compete in Open Division (ESC 2003), ... without be worried about ... reloads :lol:

...... all the Competitors was watching at him like an Alien ..... but (without any practice in IPSC Shooting ... !!!) at the end of the match he was 2nd Senior ...

It works !!!! .............. look at this:


I don't know if Kurt Miller remember ...... maybe yes. :rolleyes:

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For : Double down

The litle lever it is a little trick, .... to release the latch when you want to load the shotgun in an IPSC stage where you have to start in condition 3 (magazine empty, bolt open),

For : Oddjob

- I don't know the price, ... i can ask to my friend, (now it is avallable ONLY for Benelli M1)

- At the European IPSC Championships (Terni 2003), was legal (in Open Division ONLY, .... of course ... :P )

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I had a close look at the gun in Italy. It is superbly engineered.

If I recall correctly it held 28 (or perhaps 27) rounds.

Strictly Open Division only for IPSC. I strongly suspect it will be outlawed in the US Divisional rules, even for Open.

It does not fall foul of any other rules.

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Oddjob, the site isn't available in English, only Italian and American! :)

I keep clicking the American flag and getting Itallian - which doesn't offend me - it's just that I don't speak Itallian.


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Man, if it works well and is rugged, it would make an excellent Zombie Zapper! The only weakness of a 12 gauge for zombie dispatching duties is capacity and reloading time. If you could have that many rounds on tap, you could really go to town on those flesh-eating undead bastiches.

I suspect it might be illegal to make or import in the USA right now too... until after September (keep your fingers crossed and keep writing those letters to your congress critters!).

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I don't see why this would violate either legal or competitive magazine restrictions. Lets say with the device full the shotgun has 27 rounds in tubes.... thats 3 in the original tube + 6 in each of 4 rotary tubes*. Since only 1 tube is inline with the magazine, magazine capacity is only 3 + 6 = 9. Thats within both legal and competitive restrictions. The other 3 tubes are a speed loading device, which is legal under OPEN rules.

See, its all a matter of perspective and presentation!

* Since I have never seen the device and I don't read Italian, some assumptions have been made about the configuration of the device. Reality may be different from my assumptions!

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