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Coach's 2012 Shooting Log


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Bill and I did just over 200 rounds of live fire practice tonight. It went really well in a couple of areas and was not stellar in some others. Draws, and Bill drills were the high light. I had some personal bests in both of those areas. We do much of the same routine each time out, and we record the results so as to chart progress or the lack of it. My four draws at three yards were .95,.86, .90, .82. The last one is my best draw ever.12 yards My worst draw was 1.15 and the best was .96.

I did the following Bill Drills on class targets 2.01 with 30 pts, 1.98 with 29 pts, 2.01 with 29 pts and the fourth was 2.24 with a mike and nearly dropped the gun. Bottom line grip matters and mine sucked on this rep. Some of the best bill drills I have ever done. The charlies were just barely charlies and with the smaller A zone i was happy. Calling this a good night and progress at the same time.

Three out of four SHO and WHO runs were great.

No mikes or no shoots on the near to far drill. The small field course was fast but with a few mikes sprinkled in that usually do not happen. I was pushing it a bit there.

Over all very happy. It was a good session.

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Drill 2: Draws 6 reps

Went really well. Feeling like progress is being made. I need some progress.

Drill 15: 2R2 9 reps

This went really well tonight. It was a new time, and I made all the times except the under baseline.

Drill 11: 6RSHO 3 reps

Made the time easily and was seeing the sights very well. I moved the par down on tenth.

Drill 12: 6RWHO 3 reps

This was ok but not great. I did a good job of just putting the mid point of the nail on the trigger. The transfer between hands went very well. I think this time is going to be move down soon.

Bill Drills: 6 reps

This is going well and I feel I am about to make some noticeable improvement with this skill. Classifier was decent last Sunday, good bill drills in live fire yesterday and confidence is high.

I also pulled the trigger puller all the way to school this morning. Not a bad day for my first day being 42 years old.

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Warsaw from May 13, 2012

Won Limited in a field of 16, by a good margin. Shot well for the most part but not perfect.

Warsaw May 13, 2012

Stage 1:

-Slow draw and the reaction to the buzzer could have been better.

+ backed out of the first position pretty well.

-Could be more aggressive on the trigger in the first array. (trust the sight picture)

+Good entrance into the second position.

-Reload is slow and low. These things are probably related.

+There were several good options on how to shoot this stage, but I think this plan was the best option.

Stage 3:

+ I was looking forward to this classifier because it would be a great test to some of the fundamentals I have been working on, and I was relishing the idea of performing on demand.

+ My accuracy was perfect. All A’s.

+ The reloads were just fine.

+ The draws were pretty good. Not what I want them to be but getting closer. First one was 1.02 and the second one was 0.98. I need .8’s or lower at this distance.

-The shooting looks faster on video that it felt to me. I am encouraged that I can get the splits down to the place where they should be.

- The extra shot killed the chances of a great run, but most of the things I was looking to do got done.

Stage 4:

+ A good run. Good control and focus.

+ Good calling of shots.

-Alpha, delta on both targets. Need better points. Drop turners demand good points to make them worthwhile.

-Slow to get the gun out of the holster.

Stage 5:

-This was a great stage but a tough one. My time was fine and it looks fairly smooth but it was lacking on accuracy. (2 mikes, one was called but could not be fixed)

-Shooting on the move into the first position did not go well had a mike and I did not know it.

-It was tough to get into position and shoot the distant target.

-Dip in the gun on the way to the distant target.

-Had a mike on the distant target but had already moved as I was realizing it.

-Did not have the gun up sooner enough coming into the middle port.

-A little dip in the gun after the reload.

+Good entrance into the last position.

+Good hits on activating targets.

-Extra shot on steel. Looked at the target falling on the last popper.

-Did a poor job calling the shots on the last target very well. All three hits were grouped together and I had called the second shot a miss and the last one a hit. Obviously not able to call shots well at that distance.

Stage 6:

-This was the toughest stage of the day. It was choppy and hard to get a flow going. The distant steel was tough, and then shooting on the move with several large transitions made this a real challenge. The illegal round count did nothing to make it appealing.

-Two extra shots on steel.

-Make up shot on the paper was needed, but I needed an extra transition to get back to it.

-Did not shoot smoothly on the move.

- Reload was slow and low with a pause in the middle of it.

+Entered the last position well.

-Needed to be more aggressive on the trigger on the open targets.

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The illegal round count did nothing to make it appealing.

-Two extra shots on steel.

Speaking of stage 6,

I knew it was a Blackwell stage because of the round count. The purist in me skipped two steel on the right side, I swear it was on purpose and done in protest!!

Edited by Chris iliff
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The illegal round count did nothing to make it appealing.

-Two extra shots on steel.

Speaking of stage 6,

I knew it was a Blackwell stage because of the round count. The purist in me skipped two steel on the right side, I swear it was on purpose and done in protest!!

I like options. Left or right first is not an option for me. I prefer stages that flow and could care less about symetry. Stage 6 was everything I hate and not much I like. I am a firm believer in 32 rounds and nothing more. I am a firm believer in a well placed protest.

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Share on other sites “Long Courses” in Level III or higher matches must not require

more than 32 rounds to complete. Course design and construction

must not require more than 8 scoring hits from any single

location or view, nor allow a competitor to shoot all targets in

the course of fire from any single location or view.

What's illegal about it!!!


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Share on other sites “Long Courses” in Level III or higher matches must not require

more than 32 rounds to complete. Course design and construction

must not require more than 8 scoring hits from any single

location or view, nor allow a competitor to shoot all targets in

the course of fire from any single location or view.

What's illegal about it!!!


I was thinking round count applied everywhere. The irony of being bitch slapped with the rulebook is thick here. I retract the illegal comment. Now that is ia loop hole it is more appealing.

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Now that is ia loop hole it is more appealing.

Remember that Sunday !!!! We love 40 round stages!!! :surprise:

After putting up two illegal stages on Sunday that I like illegal stages and have gone over to the dark side. Forty rounds is fine in Open but not most other places.

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Won Limited at my own match against a field of 21. Beat a Master class shooter to do it. Shot a real solid 3 stages out of six. It was a tough match and everyone had too many mikes. I was 94% of Indiana's only Grand Master who shot open and another open shooter slipped past me as well. I think the dot made a difference on the distance. I am going to start some 35-50 yard drills.

I got in 45 minutes of dry fire tonight and it all went well. I am continuing to work on the draw, reload and SHO and WHO only shooting there. I got 400 rounds loaded and some mowing done as well.

Here is the match video. I hope to break it down later tonight or in the morning.

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Crappy day at school, followed by some real crappy news at the end of school. Came home and got an hour of dryfire completed and it went really well. I also loaded a 100 rounds of ammo. I am off to Alyssa's 6th grade graduation in a few minutes. I cannot believe she is 12 nearly 13. Straight A's throughout grade school. Her mother gets plenty of credit for that. I cannot help with math at all.

Drill 2: Draws 6 reps

Drill 15: 2R2 9 reps

Drill 13: Front Sight Forward 5 reps

Drill 11: 6RSHO 3 reps

Drill 12: 6RWHO 3 reps

Table top Bill Drills: 6 reps

Plate transitions: 6 reps

It all went well and some of it was very good.

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5/23 Live fire practice

Bill and I were joined by Craig in the practice session this week due to Ohio coming up this weekend.

Draws and reload drills were pretty good

SHO and WHO runs were a little shakey. I had good times but had a couple of mikes in there.

The near to far array were good times but with a couple of mikes in the batch. Finished strong on the last run. The short field course times were the best they have been and the hits remained solid. Two out of the three bill drills were really good. We added a new drill that Bill liked quite a bit. We shot it at 7 12 and 15 yards and we are going to contiue using it for the next three to four weeks. It is fun and works on short transitions at speed and has some really tight shots due to no shoots. If you screw up it is a major screw up. Shot a 130 rounds of .22 following the 300 rounds of practice.

Overall I feel like my skills are improving. Right elbow is starting to hurt longer after a session. I have been wearing my arm band during the day to try and relieve some of the pain and it is helping.

We always shoot post it notes at the end to work on accuracy. I shot 21 rounds from a distance of 12 yards and had 20 hits. A good ending to the session.

Edited by Coach
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Won Limited at my own match against a field of 21. Beat a Master class shooter to do it. Shot a real solid 3 stages out of six. It was a tough match and everyone had too many mikes. I was 94% of Indiana's only Grand Master who shot open and another open shooter slipped past me as well. I think the dot made a difference on the distance. I am going to start some 35-50 yard drills.

I got in 45 minutes of dry fire tonight and it all went well. I am continuing to work on the draw, reload and SHO and WHO only shooting there. I got 400 rounds loaded and some mowing done as well.

Here is the match video. I hope to break it down later tonight or in the morning.


+ backed out of the first position pretty well.

+ got into the second position well. Many people missed this spot and had to shift their feet.

- Had on mike on the open target to the right of the no shoot. Shot it on the move but not well in this case. I can make that shot. It is like me to make that shot.

- Little slow to fire the first shot after the reload.

+ overall a good stage performance that could have been great by shooting it clean.

Sudden Impact

- First six shots were at 35 yards. 2 mikes on the last two shots and I had called them as charlies on the right side of the target. Obviously my marksmanship must improve and shot calling needs practice as well. When school ends both of these things will get attention.

- Could have moved a little faster, and shooting on the move could have gone a little faster.

- Reload was a little bit low.

- I question the plan to shoot five targets from the start position rather than four. Four would have caused another stop or perhaps another transition though.

- Pulled off on one target through the port. I saw the sights on each shot but did not pause the gun enough. I am furious about that mike more than anything else with the whole match. None of these mikes had to happen but this one is the most egregious.

- Finished 5th because of the mikes.

WVPPS Standards

- Left hand is slow to start moving on the draw.

- Draw can be faster. Too long of a pause when the gun is up and out. (have started focusing on doing better with this already)

+ Hard cover and no shoot targets got the respect they required without being overly cautious.

- Looked the reload into the gun!

- Dropped too many points on this stage. At the pace I was shooting I should have had 3-5 more alphas. Too many deltas.

+ SHO went well.

+ I liked the changing of speeds depending on the target. The overall pace could have been faster.

+ Won the stage with the fastest time and the highest points.

Golden Arches

- 1st target was not engaged fast enough or smooth enough.

- Moved like an old woman out of the first position and into the second position. Mostly because I did not want to break the 180. I try not to do that.

+ Second array went really smooth.

- I would like the reload to be higher.

+ Hit the last position well and did not have to shift my feet. Most people did not get that done.

+ Won the stage with the fastest time and the most points. Just like it should be.

Arches of Steel

- Too many extra shots on steel (at least 3)

- To slow with the feet everywhere on this stage.

- Needed to rack the slide on the reload. I got lucky because I had lost count of shoots and just knew I was close and the gun was very light. Should not have needed to do this at all. It did not cost me much time. But I was off balance mentally and the shooting was not flowing from the subconscious at all and this is the biggest reason that I was slow on this stage.

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Busy night of power washing the house and garage, spraying weeds, working in the sweet corn patch, picking up brass, dealing with a son who was trying to be a big baby, mowing grass. I had help from the girls at least.

Got in a short but good dry fire session. Last one before Ohio.

Draws, 6 relaod 6, Bill Drills, 2 Reload 2. It all went well.

I have to get 200 rounds of ammo loaded tonight and get gear ready to go for the Ohio Section. Looking forward to this match. Going to be really hot this weekend and the talent is very deep in Limited. I have three goals for the match:

1) Get off to a good start and get better as the day wears on. Just be smooth.

2) Trust the sights and don't be too cautious.

3) Shoot an A class percentage of Bob Vogel.

If I concentrate on the first two I have a real shot at the third. If that happens I think the trip will be a huge success.

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The Ohio Section was a nice match but my experience sucked. According the the ER doctor when I got home I had rupture my plantaris muscle in back of my right calf. I need to stay off of it and in a week or so I should be much better. I was really pumped to shoot stage 1,2,3 as they were right in my wheel house, but by then I was on one leg.

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You soldiered on and that's what counts. Really great shooting with you. I felt bad about your injury as you were rocking those stages!! Do what the DOC says. Take care, see you at Warsaw for your league shoot.

PS. After seeing you hobble and almost match my Open time on stage 1, I need your stage breakdown help!!! Get better.

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Thanks guys. Just did what I could to finish the game and not have it be a complete washout. Much better today. The pain medicine script is unfilled and I refused the boot. But I am following his other advice. A week or so and I should be ok. If the doc is right. I think he is. I should be able to rest this week at school.

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A true warrior & super guy - thanks to you & all of the Indiana buddies for letting an old guy tag along & have a great time again.

You can be on my squad anytime.

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