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XDM 525 range report


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I think that it is relevant to this post to start out by sharing a little background info. I have a few STI's and a CZ SP-01 Shadow from the custom shop. I also have a few Smith and Wesson revolvers. ALL of these guns are either full customs or have had extensive work performed by some of the best - Carmony for the revos, Benny Hill and Gary Natale on the limited guns, And very soon a Dan Bedell Costom open gun will be on it's way from NY. All that to say that I am a bit of a gun snob. I have a glock with a glockworks trigger and all the upgrades I could find for it as well. I never touched the glock after I bought my first all steel gun. I just hated the DA trigger after growing accustomed to the fine SA triggers on the other guns.

I began reading the reviews and articles on the XDM with quite a bit of bias against them. I have always thought that they were very good guns, very reliable guns, but that they just weren't built for the type of shooting that I do. (competition). I drank the high bore axis kool-aid. As more and more reports came out, I began looking at the platform in a bit of a new light. It seems that a lot of the emphasis in the reviews from Hickock45, TGO, and Springer Precision was on accuracy. They were all blown away, it seemed, by the accuracy of the gun.

Fast forward a week or so, and I began checking my distributors and found three in stock. I thought about it and went back to the page to order one about thirty minutes later and only one was left. I snagged it. My plan was to get it in, handle it, fondle it, finger it a few times and sell it. I wanted to take advantage of the hype that you "Fan Boys" were starting. When it hit the door, I played with it a bit and instantly started talking myself into trying a few shots out of it before I sold it. I did, and then I began talking myself into ordering another one to sell because I ain't letting go of this one. I fired three mags out of it the first day at steel only. The steel rang, but I had no idea of actual accuracy.

We had a match a months ago where our USPSA club shot against the LEO groups of the area. The match was 1/2 run and gun and 1/2 stand and shoot. I had done plenty of the stand and shoot accuracy practice on a B-27 target and had a really good idea of what I was capable of with my CZ. The procedure was six, reload, six from 7, 15, and 25 yards under a 30, 40, and 45 second time limit. My best run in practice was five shots outside of the 10 ring.

With that recent benchmark with my CZ, I proceeded to do the same drill with my new, box stock XDM 5.25. In my first run, I changed the round count up a bit to concentrate on the longer shots. I fired 10 rounds from 7 yards, 10 shots from 15 yards, and 17 shots from 25. Upon inspection of the target, I found only three hits outside of the 10 ring. The next round, I fired 12 from 7 yards, 12 from 15 yards and 12 from 25 yards and only had five outside the ten ring. All of the hits outside the 10 ring were in the 9. I was truly amazed at the results.



I backed up to 50 yards and fired a few rounds at a 12" steel plate to see where I was hitting. Once I found it, I moved over to the paper and placed a full mag (19) rounds inside the 8 ring with most of them in the x, 10, and 9 rings. (three in the 8).

I have to admit, that I really didn't want this to be such a hard decision. I wanted my $1200 CZ custom to show this gun up. It should, right? 90% of the shots with the CZ are single action with a silky smooth, and very light trigger. All of them were DA and factory DA at that with the XDM. I plan to send the gun to Springer Precision for their trigger job and to swap the guide rod and springs for something a little more tailored to my light loads (129 PF) and then we will re do this test to see where it gets me.

For those of you who are on the fence with this gun, go ahead and get it. You won't be disappointed.

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[quote name='latech15' t gets me.

Saw one today at my local gun show and was impressed. Loved the balance and the texture of the grip. Couldn't work the action, though, so I don't know about that.

I found the fiber optic a little large and would prefer a little more light around the front sight. I would also prefer a little more frame around the top of the fiber optic for focusing on precision shots.

Nit picks. If the guy wasn't trying to get $850 for it, I probably would have bit. This will probably be the way I go in Production when the dust settles a little. :cheers:

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I had a chance to fondle one at our show today too. Loved it, but would rework the grip, trigger and front sight. Other than that I really like the feel of it. Trigger wasn't half bad for OOB.


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All of them were DA and factory DA at that with the XDM. I plan to send the gun to Springer Precision for their trigger job and to swap the guide rod and springs for something a little more tailored to my light loads (129 PF) and then we will re do this test to see where it gets me.

Technically, XDs are SA..... that kinda mimic a DA striker gun. Difference being the striker is pre-cocked after the slide is cycled. A Glock (at least somewhat) cocks the striker with the trigger take up.

And if you go too light on the Recoil spring, it will affect function (I use a 12 pound in my STI, and a 13 pound in Glocks I've owned... but use a 16 pound in my XD. The recoil spring helps "cock" the striker, and if to light sometimes the slide does not go fully into battery? YRMV.

Have to agree, though awesome gun. Shot it a little bit as is stock, very accurate, but so-so trigger. Just installed Springer's kit, MUCH better feel now. Headed to the range as time permits to wring it out.

Edited by sfinney
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Just got my shipment notification from springer. Trigger kit, guide rod, sprigs, mag release, and thinner front sight are all on their way. I'll update this thread with my thoughts once I get all the upgrades done.

Question,: will the front sight require fitting or will it drift right in?

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Just got my shipment notification from springer. Trigger kit, guide rod, sprigs, mag release, and thinner front sight are all on their way. I'll update this thread with my thoughts once I get all the upgrades done.

Question,: will the front sight require fitting or will it drift right in?

They might require minor fitting, but not much.

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I picked up my new 5.25 a few hours ago. Shot it in the back yard and then the pasture (longer targets).

I am very pleased with the accuracy and function. I believe the 5.25 is better balanced than the 4.5. I'm pleased with the purchase.

I called both the West Coast aftermarket guys to get some trigger upgrades. No answer at either place-I'll shoot it stock the remainder of the weekend-may not need new parts.

BTW-the FO front sight is huge. It seems to nearly overflow the rear.

Happy with the new pistol.


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I've been shooting my 5.25 all weekend with Zero 124 FMJ and 125 JHP both over 4.6 grs of Universal Clays.

I haven't benched anything but shooting freestyle. The 2"/3" spinner is pretty easy at 25 yds. The big steel plate is boring at 65 yds.

I was skeptical about the difference between my 4.5" XDM and this one, but the 5.25 seems to handle much better. I have a trigger kit ordered. I'll be interested to see how much improvement there is.


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I have found Montana gold 147's to shoot very well. I use them for USPSA Production class. There are good and bad shooting bullets out there, they are not all created equal! At just under 900 FPS I have had 4-5 inch groups at fifty through an unmodified 5.25. If I can hit all rounds in the A box in the head of a USPSA target at 25 I'm done with accuracy testing for practical shooting.


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Had a chance to shoot one yesterday that was a fellow competitors, and I really liked the way if felt and shot.

I was able to put 10 rounds into the head of an IPSC target at 20 yards no problem.

I have tried a tuned up CZ 75 SP01 for production, just couldn't get used to the trigger, I have a tendancy to slap the trigger and unless I would ride it, it would go all the way back out the the double action position, and then have no resistance on the take up as you pressed back.

Don't care for the grip angle on a Glock and the M&P pro was close, but just didn't cut it.

Shooting the XDM 5.25 yesterday it felt really good, it had the small insert in it, definitely need the skinner front sight, and to me the trigger was "mushy" but I know that can be cleaned up alot.

I think Springfield has a real winner here and I am planning on picking one up to shoot production with

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I broke down and bought me a 5.25 last week, I normally shoot a Shadow from the custom shop. I used to have and XD tactical from Canyon Creek that was awesome, but switched to the M&P pro and regretted that move. I shoot the CZ best out of all my production guns but haven't had a chance to test the XDM 5.25 yet. I had knee surgery last friday and finally got to the range yesterday and basically just sighted in the XDM and( CZ with newly installed adjustable sights). Didn't like the wide front sight on the XDM and unless I concentrated on the trigger I pulled shots to the left. When I got home, I ordered a trigger kit, .100 front sight, and extra mag from Springer. I forgot to order the guide rod and springs though. Once I put the trigger kit in and new front sight, I'll see how it shoots before I order a guide rod. It shot my 135 Pf MG 124 jhp loads fine, and also shot my 107 pf 125 gr Bayou Bullet load very accurately. Cycled fine with no issues with either PF loads. I need to order an insert for my Ransom rest and really see what the gun is capable of with factory and reloads of different weights. I wanted to do some bench testing at 25 yds but had trouble seeing my aiming spot (2" square) at that distance and had to move to 15 yds to sight in. Must have been the meds I was on causing blurred vision because normally I sight in with a 1" square at 25 yds. Plan to test with Bayou bullets in 125,135, and 147 gr wts along with MG 124 JHP's will load to an OAL .010 below where the ogive touches the rifling. I need to see what weight bullet the gun prefers. Plan on taking it with me as a backup to my CZ at the nationals next month. (Unless Springfield and TGO offers me a deal to shoot the XDM instead, hint hint). Anyway I love the gun so far, a little more flip than the CZ, but I can handle that with now problem. Jeff, I should have figured you'd get one when they came out, let me know how its working out for you, and if you have some pointer on the trigger kit let me know. Scott the video's seemed easy, this is my 4th XD but you did the triggers on two of them for me. I'll do this one myself as I'm impatient to ship it off and wait for it to come back.

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Yeah, I found one from one of my distributors very early. I'm with you on the patience thing. I did mine myself. That was the first time I had actually ever been inside a XD. I got it done and the trigger is way better than the stock one.

I had a few questions on it when watching the video. It seemed like the video was made for people who really know their way around a XD. Me not knowing it at all...I had some fun finding the right places to file and fit.

I got it all done and set up now. I haven't shot a match with it yet though. My open gun that I have been waiting for for months came in today so this poor XD might rust before I shoot with it again.

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I just bought mine, I pick it up on Tuesday. I don't plan to do ANY mods until after a match or two. I expect it to shoot near perfect base don my experience with the xdm4.5.

Someone said they were quoted $860?! I didn't pay anywhere near $800 for mine and have seen them go for $650 on gunbroker.

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Had the opportunity to shoot one today, the bi-tone model, and I want to throw a couple things out there.

Upon being handed the pistol, I was immediately taken by its overall look and feel. I liked the size quite a bit. Sort of barrel finally matching the size of the grip which I never thought was quite in proportion. Balance felt good in hand. The new front sight looked pretty good / practical compared to their normal stock sights. I tried to do a few dry fires and was taken aback by the incredibly average trigger present. The initial take-up was quite long, the reset long, and the overall weight of the trigger heavy. Mind you, this is just my opinion. I am curious as to whether Rob Leatham actually got everything that he was asking for in a 'competition ready' pistol as I hear this billed. Maybe he just likes that type of trigger. Compared it to the trigger of my XD and it really was not much different. So besides the longer sight radius, sights, what else makes this more worthy for USPSA, etc.?

I'll probably still wind up getting one and have someone do work on it after they've been out a little longer and more available. I did enjoy shooting it but find an out of the box Glock 34 and M&P 9 Pro/L better.

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Compared it to the trigger of my XD and it really was not much different. So besides the longer sight radius, sights, what else makes this more worthy for USPSA, etc.?

The trigger on the XDM 5.25 is exactly the same as the stock trigger in a XDM 3.8 or 4.5. I'd plan on a trigger job being done if you find you like shooting the pistol and want to run it in USPSA, of course it's not necessary but I believe I shoot more accurately with a lighter trigger.

The rear sight install and the lightened slide are the biggest features for me. The rear sights are the nicest sight install done on any setup (1911/2011, CZ, Glock, you name it) I've seen. The lighter slide means faster cycling speeds and less recoil.

If you like the Glock and M&P better, I'd shoot one of them instead of the XDM. I shot Glock for a long while and never loved the lack of a beavertail on them. The XDM and the M&P are both big improvements over the Glock in that area. I have an XDM 5.25 now and that's what I plan to shoot for the next few years, at least.

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Had the opportunity to shoot one today, the bi-tone model, and I want to throw a couple things out there.

Upon being handed the pistol, I was immediately taken by its overall look and feel. I liked the size quite a bit. Sort of barrel finally matching the size of the grip which I never thought was quite in proportion. Balance felt good in hand. The new front sight looked pretty good / practical compared to their normal stock sights. I tried to do a few dry fires and was taken aback by the incredibly average trigger present. The initial take-up was quite long, the reset long, and the overall weight of the trigger heavy. Mind you, this is just my opinion. I am curious as to whether Rob Leatham actually got everything that he was asking for in a 'competition ready' pistol as I hear this billed. Maybe he just likes that type of trigger. Compared it to the trigger of my XD and it really was not much different. So besides the longer sight radius, sights, what else makes this more worthy for USPSA, etc.?

I'll probably still wind up getting one and have someone do work on it after they've been out a little longer and more available. I did enjoy shooting it but find an out of the box Glock 34 and M&P 9 Pro/L better.

You'll find a few threads on this forum where Rob is talking about his trigger mods. I too think the trigger could be a little bit better, but I don't plan to change anything until after I get some serious range time and a match or two with the new pistol.

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Just got a call from my FFL. The bi-tone model I ordered thru Gun Genie came in today. I will be picking it up tomorrow. Will probably be sending it to Springer Precision for a trigger job after taking it to the range and shooting it in an IDPA match 1st week in August.

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