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FTDR for unsportsmanlike conduct


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Just talked to the MD.

Now for the rest of the story....

Shooter did have a profanity ridden acute fit, iincluding the throwing of magazines and what not, both with the SO and MD. From the witnesses i talked to it was eather epic in scope This is NOT the reason for the penalty.

Shooter shot the AM session. After the shooter left, it was discovered when the shooter signed his score sheet, the shooter had attempted to scribble over his Procedural on that stage. The stats person caught this and questioned the SO about it, who confirmed that none if the range staff had rescinded the procedural.

After due consideration, the MD issued an unsportsmanlike conduct FTDR for altering the scoresheet. The shooter had already left the range, so they did not contact him. I suspect the severity of his outburst tempered their enthusiasm to call him directly.

That's F'd up.

We had a heart doctor that would blow up and yell at folks and behave very unsportsmanly. After a few matches he was permanently uninvited via certified letter.


Edited by Steve Koski
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I would never give a F'ing FTDR for cussing.


F'd up? I few posts ago you said you would never give a FTDR for cussing. As seen in the picture, it sure doesn't look like I was altering my scoresheet. And, I didn't "blow up" on anyone. I was mad, but I was only mad at myself. I was irritated at the SO from the previous stage. But in no way did I blow up on him.

Hopefully I will get a phonecall or email back from the match director. Unfortunately the score is now the score. But I have a feeling this issue will get forwarded to IDPA for review. Personally, I would not want to shoot with anyone who alters a scoresheet. That is flat out cheating. I may be a dick. But in no way am I a cheater

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Mr. Knotts,

Steve Thomas here (Sanner’s Lake IDPA shooter at times)…I’ve been reading all off this and have mixed emotions for you. As divorce lawyers say…”there is his side, her side and the truth.”

I shot this match too, and was very surprised to read your post as I did not hear a single word of this event. (Unfortunately, as you know, bad news seems to spread fast) :surprise:

What I would like to strongly suggest to you is that you contact the MD directly. I have dealt with him on a few occasions and he is a very reasonable and fair man. If you need his email address please contact me.

Perhaps this is a case of misunderstanding or lack of communication…I don’t know. But I do know that airing your “dirty laundry” on forums never leads to favorable results. It won’t get your FTDR back, it won’t win you a stage. But it WILL tend to get out of hand.

Hang in there…you are doing well! See you on the range! :cheers:



I always shoot with my wife and son...lets keep the swearing to a minimum! :roflol:

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Thanks steve. I will continue to shoot and do need to work on my language. No contest there. I guess I was quick to voice my frustration without thinking that this is a small community.

I don't mind being called a lot of things. Being called a cheater I can not deal with without protest.

I have sent him multiple emails with no response. hopefully he gets back to me. If not, oh well. I will continue on.

I see'll you at the lake

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Just talked to the MD.

Now for the rest of the story....

Shooter did have a profanity ridden acute fit, iincluding the throwing of magazines and what not, both with the SO and MD. From the witnesses i talked to it was eather epic in scope This is NOT the reason for the penalty.

Shooter shot the AM session. After the shooter left, it was discovered when the shooter signed his score sheet, the shooter had attempted to scribble over his Procedural on that stage. The stats person caught this and questioned the SO about it, who confirmed that none if the range staff had rescinded the procedural.

After due consideration, the MD issued an unsportsmanlike conduct FTDR for altering the scoresheet. The shooter had already left the range, so they did not contact him. I suspect the severity of his outburst tempered their enthusiasm to call him directly.


The stage in question is stage two. I have 20/20 vision and cant see that I scribbled my procedural out. You guys make the call.

Second, bad magazine.... Damn right I got that thing away from me as quick as possible. Bad day, bad way. I was a dick but I dont think I deserved a FTDR.

I am in no way accusing you of altering your score sheet. Repeat, I am in no way accusing you of altering your score sheet!!

Is that the sheet that went in to scorekeeper or a carbon copy that was given to you?

A scribble mark could be made on the original after the sheets have been separated and such a mark would not show on a carbon copy. Such a mark could be intentional, or it could be completely accidental.

Again, I am in no way accusing you of altering your score sheet.

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I am going to suggest another way to think about the situation. Obviously your behavior was a concern to some of the individuals on the match staff. I would either accept the fact that I needed to behave in a different way or if I felt strongly I was right I would look for another place to shoot.

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Also, by looking at your avatar your either a Marine or former Marine. You should keep in mind that you represent or represented our country's military. People may expect more from you and/or hold you to a higher standard.

Sorry man. But that has absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. The Army taught me to cuss! sight.gif

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Also, by looking at your avatar your either a Marine or former Marine. You should keep in mind that you represent or represented our country's military. People may expect more from you and/or hold you to a higher standard.

Sorry man. But that has absolutely NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. The Army taught me to cuss! sight.gif

They may have taught you to cuss, but after a rotation thru a VA I found most of you SOBs to be the politest people I've ever met. I've never been Sir'd or Thank you'd so many times in my life.

Wow. Talk about a thread change. We now return you to our regularly scheduled argument already in progress. :cheers:

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1. I am not going to comment on the FTDR because I was not there, except to say that I have not previously heard of anybody being penalized for language. I was shooting today with a Lady and a Junior and the guys were not real careful about their opinions of a foulup in spite of the audience.

2. By the OP's account, the SO was flat wrong. You are required REQUIRED to get to a 10+1 state to start most stages. I disagree with the Sac Law Man System. A Barney mag gets you loaded with fewer motions.

3. The SO says "Are you ready?" If you are not, say "NOT READY!" Do not get agitated and foul up. Do not keep a known defective magazine on your person. Say "NOT READY" and GET ready.

4. I don't want to see your pictures. The call is made at the stage, kind of like a baseball Umpire.

But then I don't work matches of any stature because of stuff like this. I have been cheated, cursed, and lied to and about, and I am through with it.

Edited by Jim Watson
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I have just had to go through this thread and delete multiple posts containing things like referring to the SO's call as "BS", negative comments on the OP's personality, telling him to "man up", etc. Obviously this topic is exceeding the ability of some people to maintain the level of civility required on this board.


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To add a bit to this...

When we talk about rules here on the Brian Enos forum, we try to keep the conversation as generic as possible. We want to discuss the rule, not a specific event or occurrence.

We have seen that, when we get into a specific occurrence, the discussion gets emotional and people take up sides.

So, in the future, please keep the discussions focused on the rules, and not the occurrence.


Kyle Farris

Forum Administrator

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