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Moving down in classification...

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Without going into detail, it looks like I am going to more or less be on the injured list for a while (maybe a long while). Between my medical malady and the drugs used to treat the problem, it's going to be pretty tough to compete in Master class. Actually, (and this isn't negative thinking) there's no way in hell I will be able to even begin to run with an M class shooter on any type of course involving movement.

So here's the question, at what point would you consider asking USPSA to make adjustments to your classification? Part of me just wants to leave well enough alone and if I come in with the B class shooters, who cares? Let folks speculate. OTOH, the classification system exists to group shooters of like ability and there is a mechanism in place to make adjustments. Move down? Stay put?

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Ron, First of all sorry to hear of your troubles. I shot the SC Sectional last year with a guy that was classed as a Master in open. His appearance was one of a frail elderly gentleman. I was helping him carry some gear up a hill when he was telling me of a illness he had. He was not worried that he was going to be competing for a position in his class. He was there to have fun shooting and being around other shooters. I will ask you one question would you feel good about beating a D or C class shooter on a speed shoot knowing that you can really perform as a Master?

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I would only be asked to moved down if I still cared about winning prizes, but since I could care less about that anymore I wouldn't ask to be moved. Then again shooting for me isn't about where I finish, it is about testing my skills and seeing what what I need to improve. I guess it all depends on what is important to you.

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I plan on shooting two major matches this year for the experience only. Jon hit the problem on the head. I can compete from "Box A" (no movement) as a high A or low M class shooter, but when the movement starts, I suck.

It's a tough decision, knowing I have a huge handicap, but not wanting to admit defeat by moving down. I suppose I'll stay put.

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I'll throw something else in --- if you can't run, get really good at shooting while moving as fast and well as you can move. It won't help you on the stages where you have to run from port to port, but it will help you on those stages that can be shot on the move. The one major match last year that I shot really well was the Summer Blast. Planiing my approach to stages around my strengths and being able to shoot while moving, helped tremendously there...

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I get the distinct impression you are more interested in personal development than prize table acquisition. If that is the case, then I would suggest you look at the master certification as a 'trophy' and not petition for a lower class, you earned it, no one can take it away, no matter how humble you want to be. Now cowboy up and get better soonest!


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Jon hit the problem on the head. I can compete from "Box A" (no movement) as a high A or low M class shooter, but when the movement starts, I suck.

It won't do you any good to get bumped down. Since most classifiers that get set up are of the "stand and shoot" variety, you're gonna end up right back at the top.

Enjoy where you're at & shoot the best you can. Like Nik said, shoot as much stuff on the move as possible. That will make up for time lost while moving.

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I know how you feel.

I worked my tail off trying to get to High Master in NRA AP.

I shot many matches and training camps whilst having a broken ankle to get me to the 2003 Bianchi Cup.

Now the buggers change the prone rule and my knees are getting shot and I don't shoot well when standing, particulalry with plates, so my score have gone down, badly. I am now eligable to be downgraded to Master and I was going to take it.

But a couple of guys talked me out of it, they were a great help when I struggled with my ankle and they kept me on the straight and narrow.

I suggest you do whatever you have to (I sure am) to get back up to speed, keep the high grading. I suspect that once you go down it will be a lot harder to get the mental effort back to what it was before the illness. The physical side is only a small part or the whole effort.

Many athletes get to the top, then fall away, and they never come back. The spark can be lost. So don't give in just yet.

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It is unfortunate for you that you have a problem, but the guys at your local club are jumping up and down. Stay where you are and when the problems are over the sad look on their faces will say it all...

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  • 3 months later...

This morning I spent an hour and a half writing a letter to Dave Thomas. After reviewing this old thread, I threw the letter in the trash can. I am so damned depressed about my inability to perform. Some days I can't even dry fire because it hurts so much. This simply sucks.

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Sorry to read of your trouble. May I suggest an alternative?

You obviously paid may dues to earn Master ratings, why not channel that spirit and knowledge into a local up and coming shooter? My bet is that you will find a tremendous amout of pleasure in coaching the next "who's who in USPSA". There must be someone that would take great pride in having a master class shooter for a coach! Sharing your knowledge and skills, and watching the progress of the new shooter might somehow relieve the void you now (hopefully temperary) have with shooting.

Hope it helps.

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Very sorry to hear about your pain. Your health must come first and the shooting second. Try to keep your spirits up.

To you and all the others who have made Master, it is an accomplishment that you can always take pride in, no matter what your capabilities at present or what it says on paper.

I think Cameron is a genius! Get yourself a "grasshopper!" Pass on the wisdom and take fullfilment in teaching and watching him or her rise thru the ranks.

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I think Cameron is a genius! Get yourself a "grasshopper!" Pass on the wisdom and take fullfilment in teaching and watching him or her rise thru the ranks.


First (and as others have said) 'sorry to hear you are not 100% and I wish you a speedy recovery'.

Second, I SECOND the vote that Cameron is a genius!! Most excellant idea, and I know that I often enjoy it just as much when I coach someone to do something, as when I do it myself. ;)

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BTDT it sucks not being able to shoot. I'm just now finally getting back to where I was before the injury. Don't give up hope. I had 3 out of 4 Doctor's tell me I was screwed for life. The other guy was actually right. I'm back to work and I can run in a match again. I learned that there are still ways to shoot and even managed a couple wins last year. Not sure what the injury is but I just kept plodding along as soon as the Doc gave the ok. I used it as an ecxuse to get back into the LR stuff. The shooting was as much therapy as was PT. It kept me sane. Might just be me but I'll be 70 and getting my ass kicked by some snot nosed kid but he'll know that at one time I was good. Just a pride thing. :P

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Aren't you forgetting that just last week you placed second in a big state level steel match and took home a sack of money? The guy who came in first is a shoe-in for becoming the next GM in our area. And you shot what? About 95% of the winning score. Didn't you just have your best finish ever at a match you have been shooting for the last five years? Hell, it looks to me like you are getting better!

Yes, you've had a ton of gun troubles lately. And I know you have some major pain to live with. None of this changes the fact that you are worthy of every "M" rating you have ever earned. Of course, you know that being a Master doesn't mean that you always win. There are other Masters and every dog has his day. (and his day off ;) ) What I know, is that your skills and your determination are what make you a top contender. Nobody puts it all together on every stage in every match. Everybody hits the wall now and then.

Why waste all this time? As soon as these troubles pass, you will spend every waking moment trying to get that "M rating back.

Besides, the "A shooters will vote you off the island. :P

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I am not forgetting about 2 weeks ago Sam. I am talking about now. The freaking neuropathy crap is back with an unrivaled passion. Seven misses on a stand and shoot stage Saturday in Casper followed by a big time crash on the classifier when I couldn't even hold my arms up without pissing my pants. I gathered up my stuff and headed for home while bitching about non-standard range commands and other such nonsense to mask the problem. I made a total ass out of myself and alienated the entire squad. My behavior was shocking even to myself and I was scared. Spence stopped me at my truck and I stayed to finish the match. As it turned out, the RO just happened to be a medical doctor and we had an interesting discussion. He was very understanding. I started feeling better during the drive home.

The next day, (Sunday) I went to Dubois and came in second over all and even won two stages with my single stack. I felt pretty good. Then Monday I couldn't even dry fire without crying like a little baby. This is the most complicated and frustrating medical ailment I have ever had to deal with. Normal for days or weeks at a time, then almost incapable of leading a normal life the next minute. I suppose the truth is I am just selfish. I am angry that life isn't accomodating what I want to do and I am personally embarrassed when I suck. Maybe I just need to quit whining and grow up.

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Aren't you one of the only guys to get an M card in all divisions (w/o getting the M cards from making GM)?

That's huge man! Leave your accomplishment intact and good luck with your health issues.

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