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Martha Stewart


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Rats! Yet another of my cultural icon's goes down in flames. :wub:

Yeah, I do feel badly for those unfortuates who lost money. But what about the real victims? Personally, this couldn't have come at a more inconvienient time for me. I was trying to decide which new tile to use in the bathroom.

......wait....there is inspiration in my suffering......perhaps... something... white.....with a certain... Spartan appeal......

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Hey, wait a minute. You gotta see the opportunity here, folks.

I agree with Rhino, "M"'s HOT! :wub:

Marketwise, there is a certain raw sex appeal she could play into, now that she's a felon. If she spends her time wisely, by working out, cultivates an "edgy" image, and starts dressing a little more "vampy" this gig could really take off. She's definately got an "Angie Dickenson thang" going on.

I might buy some out-of-the-money calls on MS for the month after around her release date.

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You're all assuming she's really guilty!

She's innocent, I tell you! Martha has been railroaded by The Man!

There's something wrong with a country that can't convict OJ for what he did, but can convict St. Martha on phony, trumped-up charges.



for the first time ever, I agree with you B)

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I am old! OK, I'm sick too! :lol:

But then, I'm not a member of American Pop Culture. Nobody in APC ever gets old. (In 1975 Angie was a babe!)

Although he's as ancient as I am, Micheal Jackson is allowed to be 12 forever. Mick Jagger is perenially 32. Cher, 29. And Dick Clark... Whoa!

If this was the "real world" (apologies to the tactibillies) Martha would indeed be a haggard and worn 62. She would also be lookin' at 10 to 20 in the slammer. Micheal Jackson would be locked up forever and so would OJ.

But, Martha, OJ, Slick Willy, and all the others live in a surreal place somewhere between Neverland and Wonderland where the rules we live by don't apply to them for now. We can't punish them for what they really are without distroying the fantasy world most Americans live in.

In 1982, if somebody would have told me that Arnold would be the Governator of Kalifornia, Micheal Jackson would be an accused pedophile, and people of the same sex would be getting married by 2004 there is no way I would have believed it.

Here's to "The Brave New World". I'm gonna live on a hill top in Wyoming, watch it all via satellite, shoot my guns, and laugh my butt off about it. :lol::lol:

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Hot...really ?

She's 62 years OLD. :lol:

And of course, any time a guys says something negative about a woman, you always have to mentally append, ". . . but don't get me wrong; I'd still do 'er."


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ROTFLAMO!!! :lol:

Come on Rhino old buddy, you know I can't leave you behind. But, this one's getting way outta hand. Let's slap a $100 on the bar and fight our way to the door. I got your back, now run for it! I hear sirens coming.

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I have met Martha, not socially, but in a work related situation. She appeared at an event my company was providing video services for a few years ago. I brought my wife to the event so she could get a book she had by Martha signed in person. Martha graciously signed the book and chatted with my wife in the backstage green room for a few moments. After my wife finished talking to Martha, her personal assistant took her aside to tell her something and Martha flew into a rage and began berating her assistant in a thoroughly unpleasant manner. It was demeaning and embarassing to watch as she ran that poor person through a gamut of ridicule and job threats while about a dozen bystanders watched and cringed.

Nice person, hardly! Deserving of having her life ruined and her business devalued (think about the loss to her stockholders) because she acted in a way any of us might have if the siituation were presented the same, hardly! I resent the fact that our government chooses to prosecute someone like this, but Kenneth Lay is still a free and wealthy man (his wealth is our money, and it was stolen right out of our pockets).

And what about Charles Keating whose financial antics lost the life savings of many. He did less than four years and is still a wealthy man from it all and to this day is totally unrepentant about the lives he ruined.

Our government (and the Bush family) was intimately involved with both of these crooks (and their crooked schemes) and nobody seems to care. But little old Martha gets the entire wrath of the justice system brought down on her for a $41,000 indiscretion that didn't cost a single taxpayer a single dime. Justice? I think not!

I may not be taking a popular stance here, but I think it is a real shame that our government spent so much time and money on the prosecution of Martha while there are so many real deserving candidates out there. Is it possible that Martha got pilloried because she is high profile enough to generate good publicity for the feds, and that she is without any embarassing insider ties to our government? I think I know the answer here, and it has a lot to do with fighting the battles that are safe to fight!



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You are correct in your statements that there are many people who deserve to incur the wrath of the Justice System, perhaps more than Martha Stewart. However, wrong is wrong, and we need to get past feeling that the little guy, comparatively, perhaps doesn't need to feel the full weight like the others do. I repeat, WRONG is WRONG. Like Beretta used to say, "...if you can't do the time, don't do the crime."

I personally don't care if they stole an ice cream cone or billions of bucks, if you get caught, you suffer the consequences...

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Like Baretta used to say, "...if you can't do the time, don't do the crime."

I personally don't care if they stole an ice cream cone or billions of bucks, if you get caught, you suffer the consequences...

Funny how "Baretta" is still on trial....

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Yes, When someone is convicted , whether of high or low station, in government or out, I hope they get a sentence worthy of their crime.

That way they can enjoy the fine clothing provided by the government and their new bunkmate

...excuse me cellmate ( :D ), Bubba...or Bubbette, what ever the case may be. :o


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But little old Martha gets the entire wrath of the justice system brought down on her for a $41,000 indiscretion that didn't cost a single taxpayer a single dime.

And where do you think the $41,000 she "saved" herself came from? Thin air or the anonymous pockets of the people she stole it from?

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She did something that 90+% of people would do if they had the information.....

Maybe it's just because gunowners have "don't talk without an attorney" drilled into them at every shooting course, but I doubt 90% of the people on this list would A. talk to the feds without a lawyer when interviewed in an accusatory manner about a criminal allegation against them and B. lie about it to the feds.

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ROTFLAMO!!! :lol:

Come on Rhino old buddy, you know I can't leave you behind. But, this one's getting way outta hand. Let's slap a $100 on the bar and fight our way to the door. I got your back, now run for it! I hear sirens coming.

All right, Sam! I'll hold the door shut from the outside! You HAUL A** for the truck!!!

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And where do you think the $41,000 she "saved" herself came from? Thin air or the anonymous pockets of the people she stole it from?

Her own pockets are where that money came from. Her profits come from folks that freely and without undue coercion buy the products and services she offers to the public.

Yes, she cut a legal corner in her quest for a little less loss on an investment, but it was her own money she played fast and loose with, not like Keatings wheelings and dealings with others life savings and Mr. Lay's outright criminal manipulation of a basic resource to the detriment of millions of us :(

Now it is others money being effected by the devaluation of her publicly traded stock. If they had just made her pay a 100:1 or 200:1 fine and slapped her wrist publicly right up front, it would have been a far worse punishment per offense level than Mr. Charles K. received for his culpability in a huge bailout debacle that we will all be paying off for the rest of our lives.



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IF she had confessed she had insider knowledge UP FRONT, a fine would have been fine with me. After she lied to everyone, tough beans then baby, jail time will reinforce the message to tell the truth when asked...

You propbably believe Kobe was lured into having sex with that gal, too...


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you propbably believe Kobe was lured into having sex with that gal, too

I believe nothing of the sort <_<

But I do believe that our federal justice system doesn't dispense punishment with a firm hand unless you aren't involved with the government itself in perpetrating your crimes. I have no problem with punishment, as long as it is meted out evenly across the entire gamut of offenses and offendee's.

Martha was a battle the feds could garner good press over without uncovering inconvenient ties to any high ranking public servants. I am not a conspiracy theory nut, but please don't tell me that our government isn't just as corrupt as the criminals it does, or doesn't prosecute fully.

I am hoping that someday, we will all finally wake up, stop believing the spin and say "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore" (Yeah, Right, like the sheep are ever gonna look up)

There are two types of folks in this world, those with really good friends in really high places, and the rest of us (like Martha) :(



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Martha was a battle the feds could garner good press over without uncovering inconvenient ties to any high ranking public servants. I am not a conspiracy theory nut, but please don't tell me that our government isn't just as corrupt as the criminals it does, or doesn't prosecute fully.

There are two types of folks in this world, those with really good friends in really high places, and the rest of us (like Martha) :(

So did OJ also have friends in the government? What about the thugs that attached the truck driver in the LA riots with a brick - did they have powerful friends in the government?

Our justice system is the worst - except for all the other sytems out there.

You say you're not a conspriracy theorist, but it sure sounds like it to me.

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