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Martha Stewart


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And where do you think the $41,000 she "saved" herself came from? Thin air or the anonymous pockets of the people she stole it from?

Her own pockets are where that money came from. Her profits come from folks that freely and without undue coercion buy the products and services she offers to the public.

I was referring to the loss she saved herself from on the stock by selling her shares to people who did not have the same inside information about the upcoming devaluation that she posessed. It's sort of like used gun you know has a cracked slide or shot out bore to a customer who does not have that information, except that the later is simply unethical and not illegal.

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So did OJ also have friends in the government? What about the thugs that attached the truck driver in the LA riots with a brick - did they have powerful friends in the government?

Apples to Oranges. It's not violent crimes we are discussing here. Those are entirely different social issues and are not applicable to this discussion. The issue under the scope here is financial skullduggery and the select punishment of a few scapegoats in a manner inconsistent with the actual crimes committed.

Our justice system does a pretty darned good job with violent crime presecution even if the system is taxed to the limits and beyond and ocassionally does get bought off by the rich and guilty. I am firmly behind law and order, I just can't abide misuse of the public trust by corrupt government insiders and their corporate financial bedfellows. It is our future being squandered whenever we bail out a government sponsored savings and loan boondoggle, or allow a rogue energy trading concern to manipulate a vital utility service in a criminal manner for the profit of a few.

IMHO, Martha's prosecution is just a vehicle to take our minds off the unpunished who really deserve a big time spanking.



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Well George

If you feel that strongly, send her some $$ for he defense fund, she probably needs it as she is only worth slightly over 400 Million. Call it what you want to, selective prosecution, whatever, I call it justice when anyone who breaks the law, gets locked up and goes to trial. They can try it in front of a panel of their peers, if acquitted, great. Then you can thumb your nose at the Justice system and those in society who condemed you. However if you get convicted, get used to the orange jump suits and calling your roomie, Mr. Bubba or Madame Bubbette.

When they think they are above the law, it just tickles me that they get dragged down a peg or two...

You are welcome to think what you want to, it is the US for goodness sake, but political affiliations aside, if anyone thinks she is innocent, they better take a chance on a tractor, so they can pull their head out of their a.., I mean orifice.

I wouldn't bet $$ on her doing time, but I bet she doesn't try to obtain insider info again...

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Most recent AP story says she might just get ONE YEAR, possibly at a half way house or even under house arrest. Her total take on the deal was about $51k.

You are not understanding what she was convicted of: she was NOT convicted for insider trading (ie, dumping stock to save money based on inside information.)

Martha was convicted of lying to federal investigators and obstructing justice. In other words, she is going to do time for what she did AFTER the insider trading she pulled off to save $50k. And the feds really don't like being lied to, especially in this corporate climate where all the big shots have committed white collar crimes and then covered them up.

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So did OJ also have friends in the government? What about the thugs that attached the truck driver in the LA riots with a brick - did they have powerful friends in the government?

Apples to Oranges. It's not violent crimes we are discussing here. Those are entirely different social issues and are not applicable to this discussion. The issue under the scope here is financial skullduggery and the select punishment of a few scapegoats in a manner inconsistent with the actual crimes committed.

No, actually, she will be sentenced under the federal guidelines of mandatory sentencing instituted under Reagan and his buddies who wanted to get "tough on crime". That's the point: it is a conviction in federal court for violation a specific statute. period. They didn't realize they would need an asterisk exception for "rich people who gave lot's of money to elect republicans" when they set up the manadtory sentencing. They were aiming at drug dealers and organized crime... which sort of applies to martha, when you think about it.

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you propbably believe Kobe was lured into having sex with that gal, too

I believe nothing of the sort <_<

There are two types of folks in this world, those with really good friends in really high places, and the rest of us (like Martha) :(



You're kidding, right? The stream of celebrities showing up at her trial for support read like the who's who of the most powerful people on earth: Bill Cosby, Rosi O Donut, and you think martha is not connected hard cable into the people with influence in the government?

Martha got convicted because she broke the law. period. And don't forget, she used to be a stock broker so she knew EXACTLY what she was doing when she broke it and she knew exactly what federal statutes she was breaking when she covered it up. Pure arrogance and now we are supposed to feel sorry for her? Give me a break.

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Is it possible that Martha got pilloried because she is high profile enough to generate good publicity for the feds, and that she is without any embarassing insider ties to our government?

She got "pilloried" because she was questioned on at least three separate occasions by federal agents and she lied every time. They DO NOT like that. If she had fessed up at the start, it would have been a dinky little fine, no charges ever filed, case closed. Bottom line is that they were not going to cut slack to somebody who used to make a living as a stock broker and knew the law frontwards and backwards who was going to try to bluff her way through a federal investigation spewing lies by the pile. I don't blame them. As for the sentence, it will be on the low side of the mandatory guidelines for sure. She will probably do ten months or so.

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Deserving of having her life ruined and her business devalued (think about the loss to her stockholders) because she acted in a way any of us might have if the siituation were presented the same, hardly!

With all due respects, I doubt very much most people are going to repeatedly lie to federal investigators which is what she was charged with. If you do, you can have a suite at club fed as well.

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Last thing I need to say here.

I never said Martha is innocent, in fact I believe that she is guilty of exactly what she was convicted of. I just said she is getting punished as much, or maybe more than other corporate criminals who have done way more damage to a real number of people instead of to a point of principle. There is a difference.

Again, IMHO Martha Is Guilty,

Again, IMHO she is being made an example of to make us actually think the feds are really hard on this type of criminal doing :lol:

Why, because IMHO Martha is an easy to handle hot potato.

And entertainment clout is not the same clout that is keeping Mr. Lay on the streets. IMHO, he is an actual example of a truly cold hearted criminal.



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Martha would possibly be free if she had refused to speak with her inquisitors.

She was convicted of lying to federal authorities for saying she did not do that of which she was accused but not convicted. I find that terrorizingly familiar. We fought a war to get away from that kind of 'justice.'

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who's who of the most powerful people on earth: Bill Cosby, Rosi O Donut

I'm sorry, but I cannot just let this one ride, it's just too good to be true!

You've got to be kidding bountyhunter, Cosby, O'Donnell powerful, influential? :P:D:lol: Now I understand the train of logic that rolled into the station B)

But seriously, because I am just pokin' some fun now, If Martha had choked on a Creme' Broulee' there would be a little sympathy, but because she choked on her own words, we get a chance to throw tomatoes at the big shot in the stocks. Great fun!

Cosby, O'Donnell? Too funny! :rolleyes:



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Makes me hungry, but I just got finished eating artichokes stuffed with crabmeat for the appetizer, Toronadoes of beef, oven toasted wedges of new potato and a garden salad with blue cheeze vinegarette, poached peaches with ice cream for dessert.

I had company...

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Makes me hungry, but I just got finished eating artichokes stuffed with crabmeat for the appetizer, Toronadoes of beef, oven toasted wedges of new potato and a garden salad with blue cheeze vinegarette, poached peaches with ice cream for dessert.

I had company...

The Iron Chef?

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Makes me hungry, but I just got finished eating artichokes stuffed with crabmeat for the appetizer, Toronadoes of beef, oven toasted wedges of new potato and a garden salad with blue cheeze vinegarette, poached peaches with ice cream for dessert.

I had company...


I hate to say it, but I think we need a recipe section. It does tie in, I've seen how shooters eat after a match. Especially when I order the biggest thing on the menu. :o


You're making my mouth water even though I just got done eating about 2 hours ago and am still stuffed. :(


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