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Jim Norman

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SNOW, If you could keep it on the ski slopes, it wouldn't be bad, but over a foot with drifts I don't even slightly like. It costs a fortune. 2/3 of my scheduled work will not get done today and tomorrow will be a disaster as well. Snow just sucks.

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SNOW, If you could keep it on the ski slopes, it wouldn't be bad, but over a foot with drifts I don't even slightly like. It costs a fortune. 2/3 of my scheduled work will not get done today and tomorrow will be a disaster as well. Snow just sucks.

My wife keeps saying she wants more snow and I keep saying "you don't have to shovel or drive in it"! If we could get it to fall around roads, driveways, and sidewalks....

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I wonder how many hundreds of people are stuck in airports waiting for this morning to try and fly home after the last two days of cancellations and frustrations?

Luckily, I was not flying from Charlotte, NC to Newark, NJ today as I normally do on Monday mornings or it would have been another day of frustration in the ariport followed by the decision to work remotely this week.

We drove from Charleston, SC home to Charlotte, NC on Sunday afternoon. Amazingly, the roads were clear and dry all the way.

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We are over 40 inches so far for December here in Rochester, MN, and colder than normal too. That just makes it that much worse! :surprise::angry:

Quityerbellyachin and get a snowmobile, We finally have a good winter!!!I am lovin it.

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I hear that Matt, but I have crews that can't get anywhere near all the places they are supposed to go.

There is a humorous bit to this though. People call up for service, "I can't get out to go to work, the roads are too bad to travel, Can you come out today to fix my door?" Seriously! We just shake our heads.

Yeah this ties into how I hate snow because so many people just don't get it. Milk, Eggs, Bread and water anyone? How about a snow shovel??

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I live in Rio Grande Valley TX now and I used to live in Staten Island, NY. Cold weather and snow was few of the reasons we moved here because here in the valley.

Well, my wife and I thought we should visit the family over the holidays which we did. Left on Dec 18 and return flight on Dec 26. Well our flight was the first flight cancelled on that day. Didn't get another flight till Wednesday the 29th.

I really hated it because I had to shovel the damn snow on my vacation time. Hated it even more when I had to pick up my mom from Brooklyn to Staten Island (which normaly takes 15mins) which took me close to 2 hours because of the darn traffic that the darn snow created. Hated it.. Hated it.. Hated it..

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We're only going to get a foot or so here, but it is blowing and the high tomorrow will be a ZERO. :angry:

Ok - you're in just about the coldest place in the lower 48 - lol we often laugh when you're forecasts are showing.

(Not rebutting - I like the snow, I don't like when it thaws and then freezes again, I'd rather it just stay coild and clear)

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Yep, hating it right now. Tomorrow, no work again. I can drive in it but there is no way I going out in it with the way it is. I'm to worried about the locals hitting me. I had a guy 10-15 feet off my bumper this morning. Seriously, there is 3.5 inches of snow on the street, I think SC has 10 plows in the whole state, get the f*** off my ass.

Edited by WDB
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