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Shoot both Nationals?


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Do you think it is detrimental to your shooting performance at the second match, if you shoot back-to-back Nationals? I am kicking around the idea of shooting both this year, but I'm not sure. A few years ago I shot back-to-back Nats when they were in Tulsa, and I felt that by the second match, I was kinda ready to be home, and I think my game suffered a little bit. Maybe 9 days at a hotel / eating out etc. is too much for me. What do you all think? Shooting the match a second time (with some modifications) an advantage, or you think you'll be so sick of eating out that by the second match pulling the trigger won't be as much fun?

Edited by RAZZ
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On the contrary, I think it's a BIG advantage. Last year I shot back-to-back, shooting both matches with my LTD gun, and I felt that it gave me a nice warm up. I really felt like I was in the groove, cause I had already shot each stage, and you know they didnt really change the stages very much.

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I think it's an individual thing and varies from shooter to shooter. You'll have to make a call as to the transition from one division to another and your own ability to maintain a competitive focus over that extended a period of time.

That said, you'll get a chance to put a LOT of rounds down range!

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I shot Open and Production last year and just Production the year before. I felt it was a big help being able to shoot the stages twice. It was also nice being able to a have a second crack at a few stages that I screwed up the first time. I'm planning on shooting both again this year.

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I shot the limited nationals a couple of years ago, and after 4 days in Vegas I was ready to be home. I can see how being there for both matches would be too much, despite all of the rounds you get to put downrange. I know it's never going to happen, but I would like to see a squadding option that allows you to shoot the match in 1 1/2 days. If there are enough shooters comfortable shooting the match in three straight segments, why shouldn't they be given that option? (Maybe there aren't that many shooters who would make that choice.)

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It has a bit to do with venue. Vegas is not a place to relax after a day of shooting. Sure you can go to your room but no one wants to do that after they have seen all the promotions thrown at you all day. If you shot Tulsa in the mud, anyone would have been ready to come home. Can not say I did not like Tulsa but there was not a heck of a lot to like about it either and note I am talking about the city rather than the range.

PASA or Bend or Bozeman on the other hand were as good or better places to shoot and good places to relax.

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I didnt find nationals grueling at all, shooting 16 over 3 days was fun , get up shoot go do other things, clean gear, I wish more matches were run this way, 9 stage Area and section matches in 90 degree heat suck so bad I will never do another like that. Its supposed to be fun if it isnt fun for me why do it. The 9 days in hotel eating out part is kinda dependent on your personality, after 22 years of being gone all the time sleeping on a boat or on the hood of a Humvee hotels are fun for me. Plus I am single and no kids so only have a horse,cat goat and chickens waiting on me, Having either a nagging wife, or a wife you actually like could put a damper on things.

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I think it depends on the shooter and the divisions. If you were shooting L10 and then Limited with the same gun then I think it would be a huge advantage. But if your fitness level is not good and you don't stay hydrated then being on the range for that amount of time could be detrimental. I shot the first match this year then stayed for the next match to do photo/video. It is tiring and at the end of each day I just wanted to shower, eat and crash out in front of some mind-numbing tv.

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Hello: I shot both this year and only Production last year. I think it does help your shooting quite a bit. I shot open with a 2011 and Production with a Glock. It was not bad but it would be better to shoot the same plateform for both I think. The day before the Production nationals I threw my back out and had to sleep on the floor so that match did not go as well. It is a bit long when you shoot both but if you can have dinner with some friends and just relax it is not bad. I am not a big gambler so Vegas is just another place to go. I also drove to Vegas so having a car to drive around helps to see the sights. I think for next year I will only shoot one match again or maybe both :cheers: Thanks, Eric

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I am over 50, I have shot back to back Nationals a number of times.

Last year I found Vegas to be very tiring. Granted I was not shooting with my friends that year which makes all the difference in the world. If you are they with people you can hang with during the down time then great. Otherwise, there is a lot of down time and since I do not gamble, it was boring. I did feel like I was draging at the end of the second match, I actually left right after my last stage. I felt pretty wasted by then.

This year I just did Limited. It was much better than doing the back to back.

As to the advantage disadvantage, I did not really notice any difference. I still shot about as expected.

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I worked the first match and shot the second one. That's a little harder, because you're at the range all day every day, but I enjoyed it - i sucked shooting limited but that was going to happen regardless - no practice and getting over an injury.

I would think that having 1/2 day squading would be good for doing 2 nats - AS LONG as you can stand the travel stuff itself, being away from home, in a hotel or condo, and being around Vegas for that long. If you find that stressful, it's bad juju and your experience will be undermined.

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Shooting back to back with only limited changes in the stages does present an advantage,, from a fairness issue I really dont think it should be allowed. Maybe an exception if the shooter wins slots at both. I dunno though. Shooters doing both get a rehersal for the second match they also use a slot that another shooter could use. So somebody on the standby list cant shoot but someone else gets to shoot twice.

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I've shot the last three Nats all back to back.

Being close to qualifying as a Senior, I try to pace myself. Being there with friends and spouse, and not getting into the late night scene helps a lot. And of course, it's not like I'm gunning for a title, I'm there for the challenge and the fun.

I could say I was tired during the second go rounds and made dumb*ss mistakes, but, actually, I made the same dum*ass mistakes the first time around too... :roflol::cheers:

Edited by kevin c
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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the idea of back to back as it lets me shoot both divisions that I shoot (open and limited) but I also see how it is not fair for people on the 2nd go around if they didn't shoot the first match and the stages are almost the same.

I might prefer the idea of just 1 Nationals but have 24-30 stages shot over 5 days. Then have the vendor demos, shootoffs, and awards dinners (ceremonies) like they use to have. It is the Nationals after all. It should be the 2nd biggest match next to the World Shoot and the biggest match the other 2 years.

IMO Vegas is great and it is not. I think there are too many distrations for me there which could interfere, but if I was having a bad match there is plenty else to do to take my mind off of the match.


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I might prefer the idea of just 1 Nationals but have 24-30 stages shot over 5 days. Then have the vendor demos, shootoffs, and awards dinners (ceremonies) like they use to have. It is the Nationals after all. It should be the 2nd biggest match next to the World Shoot and the biggest match the other 2 years.

Actually, what you are describing is a Level IV IPSC match such as the Pan American, Europeans, Latin American, etc. That is pretty much exactly what they do ...

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